<li>Manually edit these HTML pages as lots of other pages link to them and they are not troggle pages. Longer job, replace each of these hard-coded HTML pages with a troggle page.
<li>Edit <ahref="/infodx.htm">expoweb/infodx.htm</a> with the new year number (top and bottom). - 130 pages link to this...
<li>Edit <ahref="/pubs.htm">expoweb/pubs.htm</a> with the new year number. - 165 pages link to this...
<li>Edit <ahref="/index.htm">expoweb/index.htm</a> - edit the title and make it link to e.g. <var>expoweb/years/2025/</var> - 1,212 pages link to this...
<li><strike>edit <var>troggle/templates/base.html</var> - change the title and add a link to this year's expo. </strike> Now automatic, after 31st Dec.
<li>copy the contents of the previous year's <var>expoweb/years/</var> folder, e.g. /2016/ to /2017/ and edit all the files therein. You should start with at least an index.html and a mission.html
<li>edit <var>expoweb/folk/folk.csv</var> - see below - just to add a column for the coming year. Until that year column exists, the online system will be unaware that there is an expedition that year.
<li>Test that the bierbook and seshbook LaTeX scripts <ahref="/documents/bierbook"><var>expoweb/documents/bierbook</var></a> work on your machine. Or use an online LaTeX system to generate them, e.g. <ahref="https://www.overleaf.com/user/subscription/plans">Overleaf.com</a> (free plan, for the moment)</li>
<li>update the gear tape colours for the expected expoers in <ahref="../geartape.html"><var>/expoweb/handbook/geartape.html</var></a></li>
<li>edit <var>expoweb/folk/folk.csv</var> - see below - to add people. Until a name is recorded in the Folk file that person will not be recognised within the online system as a cave surveyor or logbook entry writer.</li>