<p>A <b><fontstyle="color:red">very strong suggestion</font></b> for expoers is that everyone gets insurance in case of a rescue; this can be ruinously expensive
(running to millions of euros for multi-day rescues!) and so you <b><fontstyle="color:red">almost certainly need to get cover</font></b> for this.
<p>If you are a member of the local cave club then some of your rescue expenses would be covered by that club. <b>However</b> this may be a long-term committment for membership fee payment by CUCC Expo, it is not just a matter of individual choice.
<p>Once you have agreement to do this from the expo organisers, here is the form to fill in for VfHÖ membership:
but generally Robert turns up at the dinner and cash is handed over. But do not let this informality mislead you: a renewal fee may be due every year thereafter and the expo may be responsible. This is why you need to understand the implications of using this mechanism to get insurance and get agreement from the expedition.
<li>Accident costs: 40.000 € (exkl. private hospitals and physicians)
<li>Search- and rescue costs: 40.000 €
The insurance is valid for all leisure time accidents, except accidents in residental areas and households. The insurance is valid world wide. The insurance sum is subsidiary with other insurances.
Exclusion of liability: Reasons for exclusion of liability are influences from alcohol or drugs, using aircrafts, air- and motorsports, explosives, war, diving (pressure chambers are not covered), expeditions in glaciated areas outside of Europe and participation at competitions.
<p>Please write the contact details of your next of kin above your name (you have your own page for "Money owed to...") in <ahref="bierbook.html">the Bier Book</a>
<p>This is in addition to listing your next of kin in your medical record which you will have submitted in advance of expo.
This duplication is for safety and in case your <em>contactable</em> next of kin has changed address or phone number between you submitting your medical form and you arriving at expo.
<h2id="pn">Your mobile phone number and email</h2>
<p>You will include your mobile phone number and email address in your medical record, and you will also write them into your page of the Bier Book on arrival at expo.