YAK: Yet Another Kanban

Yet another extensible Kanban project, written in Python with Django.

The aims of this project are to make a multi-user kanban web-app, using only HTML and CSS for the front-end.

Node JS.

No BS.


  • Lightweight
    • Minimal CSS
    • Modular HTML
  • Extensible
    • Easily define custom fields for cards
  • Customisable
    • Minimal CSS
    • Open Source - don't like something? Fork it.


  • Users and groups
    • Permissions management
  • Customisable statuses/workflows
  • Multiple projects/boards
  • Heirarchical cards


Why no JS?

When all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail; I believe quite strongly that javascript is overused ad-nauseam in modern web-design.

It is slow to load, lags on older and simpler machines, and is unnecessary.

See: https://motherfuckingwebsite.com/

There is only one situation in which it is at all necessary to use JS on a web-page: for dynamic content.

There are only two situations when content needs to be dynamic on a web-page:

  1. When data that is presented by the page is being updated by some other process.
  2. When data that is presented by the page is being updated by the user.

And most of the time for item 2, you will be just fine using an HTML form and reloading the page. So there's really only one.

Don't we already have Jira?

Apart from the JS issue, Jira is a hulking mess.

In their mission to make it as customisable as possible, Atlassian have warped a perfectly good M-C-V system into a monstrosity. Jira is not just an M-C-V within an M-C-V, it's a Klein Bottle that effects a self-defining definition system.

It's too god-damned complicated.

This project opts for simplicity.

If you want to ammend models or the views, you are invited to do so directly: sub-class to your heart's content; overwrite until you feel dizzy; extend like you've never extended before.

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Readme 36 KiB
Python 99.8%
HTML 0.2%