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# TCAXLE's Dotfiles #
The following suite of programs is used in combination with the `dracula` colorscheme plugins:
- `i3-radius` (a fork of `i3-gaps` (a fork of `i3wm`) with rounded border corners)
- `Konsole` (KDE's Terminal Emulator - easy to configure and very reliable)
- `Firefox` (Browser - used for obvious reasons)
- `Thunderbird` (Email client)
- `SDDM` (Desktop manager)
- `tmux` (Terminal multiplexer)
- `tilish` (`i3`-like bindings for tmux sessions. Uses the `Alt` key instead of `Win`)
- `tpm` (Plugin manager)
- `ZSH` (Advanced shell)
- `powerlevel10k` (`ZSH` theme)
- `NetworkManager` (For network management)
- `nm-applet` (tray icon)
- `nm-connection-editor` (for editing connections with a GUI)
- `PulseAudio` (Audio management)
- `pasystray` (tray icon)
- `blueman` (Bluetooth manager)
- `arandr` (Screen layout management)
- `feh` (Wallpaper management)
- `libreoffice` (Office suite)
- `rofi` (Application menu)
- `i3lock` (Screen locker)
- `vim` (text editor)
- `VimPlug` (Plugin manager)
The fonts used are the `Fira` suit of fonts, patched with symbols by `Nerd Fonts`.
- `Fira Code` for monospaced. Has lovely ligatures and is readable at many scales.
- `Fira Sans` for non-monospaced.