2023-04-04 21:32:06 +01:00

7.9 KiB

1NumberGradeAreaDescriptionPage referenceNearest survey stationCompletion descriptionComment
2C2002-234-01CEntSmall crawl to the left in entrance passageupperlevel.htmlflatulence.57
5C2002-234-04CLHContinuing crawl beyond squeeze after hole in floorupperlevel.htmllefthand.5
6C2002-234-05BLHPitch, estimated 15-20m; partially boltedupperlevel.htmllefthand.10
7C2002-234-06DigLHEarthen-floored draughting crawl, needs mud removalupperlevel.htmllefthand.13
8C2002-234-07CEntPossible crawl above head of entrance pitchupperlevel.htmlflatulence.1
9C2004-234-01CEntTight tube for 2m or so to drop, would be hideous to rigupperlevel.htmlflatulence2.2
10C2004-234-02BTrunkPassage doubles back underneath floor of rift to pitch, partially rigged (Foolish Plan)flatulence.19Descended 2005; blind pit 10m deep
11C2004-234-03CTrunkTube branching off to the left from hole in floor, which soon bends downwards and looks pitchy; awkward even to throw rocks down. upperlevel.htmlflatulence2.8
12C2004-234-04CTrunkContinuing crawl tightens; more spacious passage visible through slot in floor, but slot is very tightupperlevel.htmlflatulence2.15
13C2004-234-05BMeaslesExposed traverse to access horizontal passage high up on far side of chamberupperlevel.htmlflatulence.48Leads to some more passage and QMs
14C2004-234-06CMeaslesAwkward loose climb into ceilingupperlevel.htmlflatulence.48
15C2004-234-07BMeaslesTraverse into horizontal rift passage on near side of chamberupperlevel.htmlflatulence.48
16C2004-234-08CMeaslesClimb down into hole in floorupperlevel.htmlflatulence.48
17C2004-234-09CMeaslesCrawl on RH side of passageupperlevel.htmlflatulence.51
18C2004-234-10BMeaslesLow crawl over delicate mud with dessication cracksupperlevel.htmlflatulence.53Ends in squeeze into aven with QMC half way up
19C2004-234-11CTrunkHole in floorupperlevel.htmlflatulence.30
20C2004-234-12CTrunkClimb down leads to continuing crawls in various directions, all rather tightupperlevel.htmlflatulence.45
21C2004-234-13CTrunkPossible passage leading off at roof levelupperlevel.htmlflatulence.36
22C2004-234-14CTrunkPitch, estimated 5m; light connection to Cess Potupperlevel.htmlflatulence.39
23C2004-234-15BTrunkPitch, >10m, looseupperlevel.htmlflatulence2.17
24C2004-234-16BTrunkCess Pot (pitch, approx 5m), light connection to 04-14upperlevel.htmlflatulence.43
25C2004-234-17CTrunkExposed traverse to possible continuation of passageupperlevel.htmlflatulence.43
26C2004-234-18CSSTight tube sloping upwardsupperlevel.htmlflatulence2.23
27C2004-234-19DigSSChoke at top end of Sweet Sight, drafting outwardsupperlevel.htmlflatulence2.29
28C2004-234-20BPiePassage leads off to right at head of pitch (explored by Stuart?)pie.2Explored by Aaron, doesn't go
29C2004-234-21APieTight pitch of approx 3m (may be made much easier by removing large boulder)pie.7Descended 2005: now Pie Series trade route
30C2004-234-22CPieContinuing tight tube over mud floorpie.htmlpie.13
31C2004-234-23BUnderTube at LH side of passage (explored by Pete?)upperlevel.htmlunderhand.3
32C2004-234-24BUnderTube at RH side of passage (explored by Pete?)upperlevel.htmlunderhand.3
33C2004-234-25CUnderTube descending into floorupperlevel.htmlunderhand.3
34C2004-234-26CUnderTube sloping upwards into roofupperlevel.htmlunderhand.3
35C2004-234-27CUnderContortion into immature stream passage in floor, upstreamupperlevel.htmlunderhand.7
36C2004-234-28CUnderContortion into immature stream passage in floor, downstreamupperlevel.htmlunderhand.7
37C2004-234-29XTrunkAven above Doesn't Go Riftflatulence.17Links to higher levels of rift, explored by Aaron
38C2004-234-30XTrunkAven above Flashgun Chamberupperlevel.htmlflatulence.20
39C2004-234-31XTrunkAven above Cess Potupperlevel.htmlflatulence.43
40C2004-234-32XPieAven above first pitchpie.htmlpie.3
41C2004-234-33XUnderAven (presumed to connect to 02-05)upperlevel.htmlunderhand.3
43C2004-234-35CTrunkContinuing body-size tubeupperlevel.htmlflatulence.22
44C2004-234-36XSSAven above Fledermaushalleupperlevel.htmlflatulence2.22
45C2005-234-01AWowolandShort pitch down to continuing horizontal passagepie.htmlEnds in Limo Pit which is blind
46C2005-234-02BWowolandUpward-sloping passage on left (missed completely on original exploration trip)pie.html
47C2005-234-03CWowolandTight low stream passage taking Pie Series waterpie.html
48C2005-234-04CWowolandTight tube high in wallweeweeland.3Explored by DL 2006. Links to known stuff.
49C2005-234-05CWowolandNarrow upward-sloping muddy crawlqm05-05c.cExplored by DL 2006. Mud blockage.
50C2005-234-06BWowolandRift passageweeweeland.7Explored by DL 2006. Too tight.
51C2005-234-07CWowolandNarrow, tight, sharp crawling passage taking Weeweeland water.pie.html
52C2005-234-08CWowolandHole in floor on left at base of Pie Series: ~2m climb down (explored by Stuart??)pie.htmlLooked at by DL 2006, looks evil. Downgraded from A to C.
53C2005-234-09CWowolandPassage on left in crawlmonster.2Explored by DL 2006. Too tight.
54C2005-234-10CWowolandHole in floor in riftpie.html
55C2005-234-11AWowolandContinuation of phreas over pitch-head (explored by Olly and Frank, but unsurveyed)Explored by Matt + Phil 2006. Goes to Spit or Swallow.
56C2005-234-12AWowolandLarge pitch with 4sec drop followed by longer rattleExplored by DL et al 2006: Monster Munch.
57C2006-234-01CSpit or Swallow?pie.htmlspitswallow.4
58C2006-234-02CSpit or Swallow?pie.htmlspitswallow.7
59C2006-234-03CSpit or Swallow?pie.htmlspitswallow.9
60C2006-234-04ASpit or SwallowInstant Relief shaft, ~20mpie.htmlspitswallow.11Leads to Last Chance Saloon 2008
61C2006-234-05XSpit or SwallowAven above Instant Reliefpie.htmlspitswallow.11
62C2006-234-06CMonster MunchNarrow slot at bottom of Monster Munch, almost certainly connects to 06-07Apie.htmlmonstermunch.12It does 2008
63C2006-234-07AMonster MunchContinuing pitch, needs rebelay, around 20m to floorpie.htmlmonstermunch.12Ends up in a too tight slot after reaching floor 2008
64C2006-234-08AMonster MunchWindow part-way down pitch looks into chossy chamber with rift in floorpie.htmlmonstermunch.10Goes nowhere 2008
65C2008-234-01CMeaslesPassage part way up aven needs protectionupperlevel.html
66C2008-234-02BMeaslesHandline required to descend into continuing passageupperlevel.html
67C2008-234-03CLast Chance SaloonSandy phreas on the left appears to become tightpie.html
68C2008-234-04ALast Chance SaloonWindow onto pitch in left of passagepie.html
69C2008-234-05BLast Chance SaloonWindow onto pitch where passage can be seen on far sidepie.html
70C2008-234-06ALast Chance SaloonPassage ends in a slot or riftpie.html
71C2008-234-07ALast Chance SaloonHole to the left of the passage in the floor leads to pitchpie.html
72C2008-234-08CLast Chance SaloonPassage ends in upward sloping tubepie.html