16 KiB

1NameURLFragment IDDescription
2110 A Daymidlevel.htmlonetenadayDusty passage in Mid Level Series
3110 Bidetmidlevel.htmlonetenbidetPassage in Mid Level Series
421 Bolt Bypassrhino.htmlboltbypassPassage connecting to the far end of the traverse over Gaffered
521 Bolt Traverseswings.htmlthe21bolttravEarl and Julian's death-defying traverse across Gaffer Tape shaft
67-11 Chambermillennium.htmlseven11Large chamber with pitch and aven at end of Merry Fucking Christmas
7All Roadsnopain.htmlallroadsPitch dropping into Pleasuredome from Insignificant Chamber (distinct from Micturition!)
8Anonymous Chamberrhino.htmlanonymousChamber at the far end of On A Mission, just south of 204d. Really needs a proper name.
9Ariston Seriesariston.htmlariston110m pitch series giving access to most of the deepest parts of the cave
10Atheismrhino.htmlatheismChamber at the end of Beyond Belief
11Beliefrhino.htmlbeliefSide gallery branching off On A Mission; continuation is Faith
12Beyond Beliefrhino.htmlbeyondbeliefPassage beyond Faith traverse, terminating in chokes at Atheism
13Black Lightningariston.htmlblacklightningPitch in Razor Dance
14Black Mariauworld.htmlblackmariaSpacious pitch in upper Underworld
15Bonsai Crawlnopain.htmlbonsaiCrawl connecting Insignificant Chamber with Treeumphant Passage
16Boulder Coastertreeumphant.htmlbouldercoasterPassage continuing westwards beyond Crowning Glory Chamber; ends at Helter Skelter
17Bracket Fungus Passageuworld.htmlbracketfungusWell-decorated passage in upper Underworld
18Brian's Phat Shaftnopain.htmlphat104m pitch near Pleasuredome
19Bunny's Bowelmidlevel.htmlbunnybowelChamber near the bottom of Wolpertinger Way
20Calcited Bat Chamberrhino.htmlcalcitedbatChamber in Unconformity
21Cat's Clawrhino.htmlcatsclawLower branch of Unconformity
22Cave Tree Chambertreeumphant.htmlcavetreechamberAven chamber where 204C drops in
23Cerberusuworld.htmlcerberusSixth and final pitch of Gaffered to the Walls series.
24Chalk and Cheesesubsoil.htmlchalkcheesePitch from Hippo Hollows down to Fat Worm
25Chicago Chicanesswings.htmlchicagochicanesOxbow to the west of Swings main passage
26Chimneysubsoil.htmlchimneyPair of parallel tubes upslope from Earthenware
27Chocolate Salty Ballstreeumphant.htmlchocolatesaltyballsSeries of mainly phreatic passages accessed by a traverse across Cave Tree Chamber
28Copperariston.htmlcopperPitch in Razor Dance
29Cresta Runswings.htmlcrestarunZigzag passage leading from Swings to a connection with Helter Skelter and on to a pitch (undescended as of 2004)
30Crimperrhino.htmlcrimperTight cross-rift branching off On A Mission; connects to Faith at far end, and to Grater
31Crowning Glorytreeumphant.htmlcrowninggloryPhreatic passage which forks off Treeumphant towards 204E entrance and beyond
32Crowning Glory Chambertreeumphant.htmlcgchamberAven chamber at the foot of the 204E entrance pitch. (Warning: Slightly illogical usage; it is not actually in Crowning Glory Passage)
33Crunch + Wetrhino.htmlcrunchUpper gallery in Unconformity
34Dave Divesariston.htmldavedives2m climb in Razor Dance (best not attempted head first)
35Dead Good Bat Chambersubsoil.htmlbatchamberLarge chamber, sporting a fresh dead bat in 2004, in Fat Worm area
36Dolly Parton Climbentrance.htmlpartonShort climb with big jugs
37Don't Stepnopain.htmldontstepClimb into ceiling near Insignificant Chamber
38Drilling Delightnopain.htmldrillingdelightSeries of short pitches near Insignificant Chamber
39Dutch Beautyswings.htmldutchbeautyPassage branching off from Magic Roundabout, leading to the pitch into Rhino Rift
40Earthenwaresubsoil.htmlearthenwareNorth-South trunk passage in Subsoil level
41Easy Thereariston.htmleasytherePitch in Razor Dance
42Eeyoreuworld.htmleeyoreSide passage branching off from near Cerberus pitch head
43Ermintrudeswings.htmlermintrudeSmall ascending tube at corner of Magic Roundabout
44Eyeholeuworld.htmlsellotapeAlternative name for Sellotape, the fourth pitch of Gaffered to the Walls
45Faithrhino.htmlfaithSouthwards continuation of Belief past a traverse, unexplored as of 2004
46Fat Worm Blows a Sparkysubsoil.htmlfatwormComplex maze of passages around Bat Chamber in Subsoil level
47Firmwaresubsoil.htmlfirmwareNo description extant
48Fledermausschachtariston.htmlfledermaus112m sloping blind pitch off horizontal stuff in Ariston
49Flopsy the Bunny Rabbit's Lairnopain.htmlflopsyConnection from Colonnade back into Insignificant Chamber
50Gaffer Tapeuworld.htmlgaffertape80m first pitch of Gaffered to the Wall Series
51Gaffered to the Walls Seriesuworld.htmlgafferedSeries of pitches leading down from Magic Roundabout chamber to the Underworld: Gaffer Tape, Tape Worm, LX Tape, Eyehole (aka Sellotape), Trihang and Cerberus
52Gardener's Worlduworld.htmlgardenersworldFirst of two pitches connecting upper Underworld level to Subsoil level
53Generation Gameuworld.htmlgenerationTraverse ledge above Quiz Rift
54Germknödel's Revengetreeumphant.htmlgermknodel204E entrance crawl
55God Loves A Drunkariston.htmlgludChamber in Razor Dance
56Graterrhino.htmlgrater2004 extension of Crimper
57Great Oak Chambertreeumphant.htmlgreatoakchamberAven chamber which interrupts Treeumphant Passage
58Hanging Onto Faithrhino.htmlhangingontofaithDeep pitch series descending from Faith
59Hardwaresubsoil.htmlhardwareWestward-trending side passage from north end of Earthenware
60Heavily Soiledsubsoil.htmlheavilysoiledScrofulous oxbow in Subsoil, near the bottom of University Challenge
61Helter Skeltertreeumphant.htmlhelterskelterDescending ramp and pitch at the end of Boulder Coaster
62High Hopesswings.htmlhighhopesPassage running northwards from Toothless towards G, H and I entrances
63Hippo Hollowssubsoil.htmlhippohollowsSouthern half of the Subsoil level main trunk, heading southwards from Subsoil Chamber past the eponymous dried mud pots to Chalk and Cheese pitch
64Hippocratic Oathsubsoil.htmlhippocraticSeries of large muddy passages running eastwards from Night Soil Chamber
65Insignificant Chambernopain.htmlinsignificantchamberMajor junction, from which passages lead off to Pleasuredome, No Pain No Gain, Treeumphant, Swings and Roundabouts and Rhino Rift
66Jim'll Fix Itentrance.htmljimSecond pitch of 204A entrance series (low snow route); rarely called by this name nowadays.
67Juicy Bitsswings.htmljuicybitsOxbow side passage connecting to Swings at either end
68Kangauworld.htmlkangaSloping rift pitch from the end of Eeyore leading to a crawl and further chamber
69Kidney Beanentrance.htmlkidneybeanLow chamber
70King Carbidenopain.htmlkingcarbideSmall chamber between Pleasuredome and No Pain No Gain, at the foot of a pitch from the Near End.
71Kiwi Suitariston.htmlkiwisuit130m pitch series (p54, p8, p20, p47) connecting Ariston to Razor Dance. The pitches have individual names (Deviance, Devalued, Devoid, and Devolution) but these have not been used since 2000.
72Limescale Cisternrhino.htmllimescalePassage sloping upwards from Swallow Hard, terminating a few metres beneath the floor of Magic Roundabout
73Little White Cloudssubsoil.htmllittlewhitecloudsSide passage in Fat Worm Blows a Sparky, with beautiful ceiling formations
74Living Daylight Chamberswings.htmllivingdaylightChamber immediately beyond Suspended Solution, from which daylight is visible coming in through the 204D entrance
75LX Tapeuworld.htmllxtapeThird pitch of Gaffered to the Walls series
76Magic Roundabout Chamberswings.htmlmagicroundaboutLarge chamber where Swings Passage begins, and numerous side passages (including Ermintrude, Dutch Beauty and the ramp leading to Gaffered to the Walls) radiate out.
77Marble Runmidlevel.htmlmarblerunPassage in Mid Level Series with numerous switchbacks
78Meeting Houserhino.htmlmeetinghouseChamber at the beginning of Rhino Rift
79Merry Fucking Christmasmillennium.htmlmerryxmasTortuous crawl leading south off Mid Level series near connection to Millennium Dome
80Merry Go Roundswings.htmlmerrygoround110m pitch series dropping from the Slide (conjectured to connect to the Underworld)
81Micturitionnopain.htmlmicturationPitch dropping into Pleasuredome from Insignificant Chamber (distinct from All Roads!)
82Millennium Domemillennium.htmlmillenniumLarge chamber at start of White Elephant Series
83Mystery Windariston.htmlmysterywindComplex multi-part pitch in Razor Dance
84Near End Seriesentrance.htmlnearendPassages immediately below 204 entrance series; communicates with lower series via Pendulum Pitch or Thread Pitch
85Needle Crawlentrance.htmlneedleUpward-sloping rift passage (wider at floor level, so a crawl for fatties) leading to the top of Thread Pitch
86Night Soilsubsoil.htmlnightsoilLarge mud-filled chamber in Subsoil level
87No Pain No Gainnopain.htmlnopainnogainCrawl linking southern passages of old Mid Level series to Insignificant Chamber and the northern horizontal passages
88Nordic Traverseariston.htmlnordicTraverse in Razor Dance
89On a Missionrhino.htmlonamissionTrunk passage of Rhino Rift series, heading westwards from Taking The Piss to Anonymous Chamber
90Oxtail Oxbowuworld.htmloxtailLoop of muddy passage bypassing Bracket Fungus Passage
91Paster of Muppetsariston.htmlpasterPitch in Razor Dance
92Pendulum Pitchmidlevel.htmlpendulumAlternate route connecting Near End series to Mid Level. Not used since 2000
93Pepper Potariston.htmlpepperPitch in Razor Dance
94Perpetual Motionnopain.htmlperpetualPitch dropping into Pleasuredome from 'King Carbide
95Picadilly Circusrhino.htmlpicadillyJunction in On A Mission passage near its west end, where numerous loops and oxbows conceal the entrances to Crimper and Rat Biscuit
96Pile Driverswings.htmlpiledriverBoulderous chamber accessed by a traverse over the pitch at the end of Cresta Run
97Playgroundswings.htmlplaygroundWalking passage leading from Insignificant Chamber towards Magic Roundabout and the rest of the Swings series
98Pleasuredomenopain.htmlpleasuredomeVery large chamber (or pair of chambers) which almost everything around No Pain No Gain connects to
99Poohstyxuworld.htmlpoohstyxPassage and blind pitch descending from upper Underworld
100Pot-U-Likeariston.htmlpotulikeFirst pitch of Ariston Series, starting at the bottom of Wolpertinger Way
101Quiz Riftuworld.htmlquizRift at northern end of upper Underworld, leading to Gardener's World
102Rainbow Seriesariston.htmlrainbowHorizontal passage accessed from You're So Veined
103Rat Biscuitrhino.htmlratbiscuitNorthwards side branch from On A Mission, which terminates in a boulder choke close to Cresta Run
104Razordanceariston.htmlrazor500m or so of exceedingly awkward rift streamway reaching the current lowest known point of 204
105Recycled Rabbitmidlevel.htmlrecycledrabbitHorizontal side passage off Wolpertinger Way
106Rhino Riftrhino.htmlrhinoriftStrictly speaking: the rift discovered by Earl Merson and Julian Haines in 2003 which connects Dutch Beauty to Meeting House. Extended to cover the entire western series accessed from Taking the Piss, including On A Mission and all of its numerous side branches.
107Round Triprhino.htmlroundtripShort oxbow connecting back from a point in Wot No Butcombe to Anonymous Chamber
108Sand Pittreeumphant.htmlsandpitComplex maze of sandy passages branching off to the north of Helter Skelter
109Scroatnopain.htmlscroatNomenclature is rather vague, but probably means the horizontal passage connecting King Carbide to No Pain No Gain
110Sellotapeuworld.htmlsellotapeFourth pitch of Gaffered to the Walls series, also known as Eyehole pitch
111Sirensuworld.htmlsirensStalactite grotto in upper Underworld; name has been extended to cover a large ill-defined section of the upper Underworld
112Softwaresubsoil.htmlsoftwareNo description extant
113Somewaresubsoil.htmlsomewareNetwork of interconnecting passages west of Hardware
114South Circularswings.htmlsouthcircularLarge wide ramp leading off Swings, connects to The Slide
115Steady Nowariston.htmlsteadynowPitch in Razor Dance
116Steel Toecapariston.htmltoecapLargest pitch of Ariston Series
117Stitch Thisentrance.htmlstitchHigh-snow bypass connecting a truncated version of Trick or Treat with the upwards continuation of Thread Pitch
118Stonewaresubsoil.htmlstonewarePassage leading westwards from the north end of Earthenware (just south of Hardware)
119Subsoil Chambersubsoil.htmlsubsoilchamberLarge chamber at the foot of University Challenge pitch
120Subsoil Seriessubsoil.htmlGeneral term for the level of passages below Gardener's World pitch
121Suckertreeumphant.htmlsuckerLong narrow side branch off Treeumphant
122Suspended Solutionswings.htmlsuspendedRoof tube at the northern end of Swings Passage, leading to 204D entrance
123Swallow Hardrhino.htmlswallowhardSide branch off On A Mission leading to the Unconformity and to Limescale Cistern
124Swings Passageswings.htmlswingstrunkMain trunk passage of Swings & Roundabouts series
125Tablewaresubsoil.htmltablewareSeries of small side passages off Underware. Needs a proper name
126Taking the Pissrhino.htmltakingthepissPitch dropping into Rhino Rift series from Dutch Beauty in Swings & Roundabouts
127Tape Wormuworld.htmltapewormSecond pitch of Gaffered to the Walls series
128Terra Firmauworld.htmlterrafirmaChamber at the top of a muddy slope in the upper Underworld
129The Colonnadetreeumphant.htmlthecolonnadeSide gallery branching off Treeumphant Passage
130The Mash Tunariston.htmlmashtunPitch in Razor Dance
131The Slideswings.htmltheslideSloping side passage eastwards from Swings, leading to Merry-Go-Round
132Thirteen Year Pitchariston.htmlthirteenyearPitch in Razor Dance
133Thread Pitchentrance.htmlthreadPitch connecting Near End to Mid Level series
134Toothlessswings.htmltoothlessLarge phreatic passage connecting Cresta Run to High Hopes
135Trapezeswings.htmltrapezeSide gallery connecting to Swings Passage at various points
136Treeumphant Passagetreeumphant.htmltreeumphantpassageTrunk passage leading northwards from Bonsai Crawl to Cave Tree Chamber
137Trick or Treatentrance.htmlfirstpitch204A entrance pitch (rarely called by this name)
138Trihanguworld.htmltrihangFifth pitch of Gaffered to the Walls series
139Twigletstreeumphant.htmltwigletsScrotty linking crawl in roof between Crowning Glory and Treeumphant
140Umshitshimboentrance.htmlumshitPhreatic ramp in Near End
141Unconformityrhino.htmlunconformitySteeply descending passage branching off On A Mission
142Uncrimpedrhino.htmluncrimpedLoop connecting Crimper to Faith
143Underwaresubsoil.htmlunderwareEastward-trending side passage near north end of Earthenware (also known as Earthenware II)
144University Challengeuworld.htmlunivchallengeSecond of two pitches connecting upper Underworld level to Subsoil level
145Up at 45°midlevel.htmlupat45Series of crawls sloping up at north end of Mid-Level series
146Upper Tubeuworld.htmluppertubeTube leading back into the roof, proceeding above and parallel to Quiz Rift
147White Elephant Seriesmillennium.htmlelephantRift pitch series heading southeast from Millennium Dome
148Wolpertinger Waymidlevel.htmlwolpLarge phreatic trunk passage, centrepiece of old Mid Level series
149Wot no Bolts?rhino.htmlwotnoboltsPitch in Rhino Rift (which does now have bolts)
150Wot no Butcombe?rhino.htmlnobutcombeConfusing labyrinth of small loose passages west of Anonymous Chamber
151Wot no Connection?rhino.htmlnoconnectionContinuation of Wot No Butcombe; maze of loose tubes which don't connect to Weizeneishöhle
152Yeastariston.htmlyeastPitch in Razor Dance
153You're So Veinedmidlevel.htmlveinedAlternate route connecting to Ariston Series part-way down Pot-U-Like, not used since 1999