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1Year264#GradeScan #SurveynameStationArea of the caveDescriptionY if on drawn-up survey
220141C2014#09entrancepitch210xEntrance pitches2 no. approx 75cm x 75cm holes in floor near deviation on 3rd hang of entrance pitch, may need enlarging
320142B2014#09entrancepitch23Entrance pitchesParallel shaft(?) to main 34m hang of entrance pitch, marked as "E[ast] pitch"Y
4201432014#09entrancepitch23Entrance pitchesPossible passage going off from "East pitch"
520144X2014#09entrancepitch23Entrance pitchesAven to side of 34m hang on entrance pitch (may be duplicate of QM 2 or QM 3?)Y
620145B2014#11roomwithaview1Room With a ViewRoom With a View: "Needs bolt traverse" across from bottom of entrance pitchY
720146B2014#11roomwithaview2Room With a ViewRoom With a View: 2 no. approx 7m deep holes in floorY
820147C2014#11roomwithaview4Room With a ViewRoom With a View: "Probably chokes" opposite stations 4 and 5ALREADY EXPLORED PROBABLY
920148A2014#11roomwithaview215Room With a View (LH branch)(left-hand branch): "Traverse required" (over pitch forming QM 9)ALREADY EXPLORED PROBABLY
1020149A2014#11roomwithaview215Room With a View (LH branch)(left-hand branch): guess at 20m pitch under traverse, full width of passageY
112014102014#11roomwithaview218Room With a View (LH branch)(left-hand branch): "Ask Noel"IGNORE?
12201411X2014#11roomwithaview220Room With a View (LH branch)(left-hand branch): AvenY
13201412C2014#12smashcrashpassage33Smash CrashPassageALREADY EXPLORED PROBABLY
14201413B2014#12smashcrashpassage33Smash CrashPitch in centre of passageY
15201414C2014#12smashcrashpassage36Smash CrashSandy passageALREADY EXPLORED PROBABLY
162014152014#12smashcrashpassage42Smash CrashWide open passageALREADY EXPLORED PROBABLY
172014162014#12smashcrashpassage41Smash CrashOn left before end of survey (opposite side of passage from station 41)ALREADY EXPLORED PROBABLY
18201417X2014#12smashcrashpassage41Smash CrashAven near QM 17Y
192014182014#12smashcrashpassage41Smash CrashAt end of survey (near QM 16 and QM 17)ALREADY EXPLORED PROBABLY
20201419C2014#13liarsbakery42Liars BakeryProbably duplicate of QM 15ALREADY EXPLORED PROBABLY
21201420X2014#13liarsbakery4Liars BakerySmall avenY
22201421B2014#13liarsbakery7Liars BakeryPassageALREADY EXPLORED PROBABLY
23201422B2014#13liarsbakery11Liars Bakery1.0m x 0.5m "up"Y
242014232014#13liarsbakery11Liars Bakery"Small then opens", suggested to connect to QM 24ALREADY EXPLORED PROBABLY
25201424B2014#13liarsbakery15Liars BakerySuggested to connect to QM 23ALREADY EXPLORED PROBABLY
26201425A2014#14pitpot2Pit PotP20mY
27201426A2014#14pitpot2Pit PotP20-30mY
28201427A2014#14pitpot1Pit PotP50+mY
29201428A2014#19lemonsnout23Lemon SnoutPassageALREADY EXPLORED PROBABLY
30201429B2014#19lemonsnout24Lemon SnoutPassageALREADY EXPLORED PROBABLY
31201430A2014#19lemonsnout25Lemon SnoutPassageALREADY EXPLORED PROBABLY
32201431X2014#20leedsbypass31Leeds BypassAven above P10Y
33201432B2014#20leedsbypass31Leeds BypassPitch below P10 in centreALREADY EXPLORED PROBABLY
34201433A2014#20leedsbypass31Leeds BypassOther side of bolt traverse, passage continuesALREADY EXPLORED PROBABLY
35201434X2014#20leedsbypass28Leeds BypassAven in roof (presumed) - maybe drippingY
36201435B2014#20leedsbypass24Leeds Bypass"Connects?"Y
37201436B2014#20leedsbypass26Leeds Bypass"Window"Y
382014372014#20leedsbypass23Leeds Bypass"V small" (next to passage leading to Dark Arts) - not marked as QM in TunnelALREADY EXPLORED PROBABLY
39201438A2014#20leedsbypass33Leeds BypassP40 (suspected done, leading to Amalgamation)ALREADY EXPLORED PROBABLY
40201439X2014#20leedsbypass20Leeds BypassAven ("dead")ALREADY EXPLORED PROBABLY
41201440C2014#20leedsbypass19Leeds BypassTubeY
42201441A2014#20leedsbypass9Leeds BypassBelow drop downALREADY EXPLORED PROBABLY
43201442A2014#20leedsbypass9Leeds BypassPassageALREADY EXPLORED PROBABLY
44201443Dig2014#20leedsbypass6Leeds BypassEnd of narrow passageY
45201444X2014#20leedsbypass1Leeds BypassAvenY
46201445C2014#20leedsbypass1Leeds BypassPassage adjacent to route from "Liars Bakery"ALREADY EXPLORED PROBABLY
47201446A2014#20leedsbypass1Leeds BypassPitchY
48201447A2014#20leedsbypass15Chasm PassageSide of "Noel's Chasm" (other side from QM 48)ALREADY EXPLORED PROBABLY
49201448A2014#20roomwithaview215Chasm PassageSide of "Noel's Chasm" ALREADY EXPLORED PROBABLY
50201449B2014#22pitpot24Pit PotParallel shaftY
51201450B2014#22pitpot213Pit PotOngoing rift with notable draughtY
52201451A2014#31darkarts47Dark ArtsContinuation through low arch (very strong draught)ALREADY EXPLORED PROBABLY
55201454A2014#31amalgamation11AmalgamationBig pitch down (8-10 second rattle, 3-4 seconds free)Y
56201455B2014#31amalgamation11AmalgamationPassage to side of pitch downY
57201456X2014#31amalgamation11AmalgamationAven to side of pitch downY
58201457A2014#31amalgamation12AmalgamationPassage on the other side of large "hole down"Y
59201458B2014#32leedsbypass212Leeds BypassWet pitchSAME AS QM 82A
60201459B2014#32leedsbypass210Leeds BypassPitchY
61201460C2014#32leedsbypass21Leeds BypassSmall riftY
62201461B2014#32leedsbypass25Leeds BypassPitchY
63201462A2014#32leedsbypass29Leeds BypassDrippy pitchALREADY EXPLORED PROBABLY
64201463B2014#33darkartsi15Dark ArtsSmall window to something echoeyALREADY EXPLORED PROBABLY
65201464A2014#33darkartsi15Dark ArtsC6? Needs protection (done, goes to Dark Arts III)ALREADY EXPLORED PROBABLY
66201465C2014#33darkartsi4Dark ArtsC2Y
67201466C2014#33darkartsi2Dark ArtsC4Y
68201467B2014#33darkartsii11Dark Arts IIPitch (done, to Dead Bat Pitch)ALREADY EXPLORED PROBABLY
69201468C2014#33darkartsii4Dark Arts IIRoof tube, v smallY
70201469A2014#35hiltaplenty4Hilt a PlentyPassageALREADY EXPLORED PROBABLY
71201470B2014#35hiltaplenty7xHilt a PlentyPitch at bottom of P20Y
72201471Dig2014#42farsideco319Far SideDraughting boulder choke, serious digY
73201472Dig2014#42farsideco14Far SideToo tight; digY
74201473C2014#42farsideco425Far SideTightY
75201474C2014#42farsideco421Far SideTightY
76201475C2014#42farside69Far SidePassageY
77201476X2014#42farside58Far SideAvenY
78201477X2014#42farside60Far SideAvenY
79201478B2014#42farside59Far SideP10Y
80201479B2014#42farside63Far SidePitch on one side of passageY
81201480B2014#42farside63Far SidePitch on other side of passage from QM 79Y
82201481B2014#42farside67Far SidePitch right across passageY
83201482A2014#42farside65Far SidePitch approx 50m+Y
84201483X2014#42farside18Far SideApprox 10m aven climbY
85201484B2014#42farside11Far SidePitchY
86201485A2014#42farside77Far SideMarked as "A+". Across pitchY
87201486A2014#42farside77Far SideAcross and to side of pitchY
88201487B2014#42farside77Far SideApprox 20m pitchY
89201488B2014#42farside77Far SideP20Y
90201489B2014#45roommop3Room MopRoof tube approx 10m climbY
91201490B2014#46turtlehead10TurtleheadSmall hole in roof. Draught escapes up here.Y
92201491D2014#46turtlehead21TurtleheadSand filled passage. Small air pocket.Y
93201492A2014#46turtlehead47TurtleheadHorizontal, other side of pitch (done, goes to turtleheadco)NEEDS SKETCHING
94201493B2014#46turtlehead35TurtleheadP50? Very drippy pitchY
95201494A2014#46turtlehead28TurtleheadClimb up rift approx 5mY
96201495A2014#46turtlehead28TurtleheadRoof tubeY
97201496C2014#47turtleheadco42TurtleheadSandy pocket, tightY
98201497C2014#47turtleheadco46TurtleheadNeeds rope, lump hammer/v tough oversuit, could get wet, draughting well into passage belowY
10120162Dnorthhole8small sandy crawl out of ice pit, needs digging
10220163Anorthhole13small crawl to chamber with big stompy passage in 2 directions
10320164Bnorthhole16 continuation of the passage, climbs up boulder slope to ceiling
10420165Xnorthhole25continuing aven climbs, handline would be helpful but not actually required.
10520166Aicecock28Icecock Avencontinuation of passage, opens out drafting outward
10620167Bhiltiaplentypitchp1phreatic upward crawl
10720168Chiltiaplentypitch6phreatic horizontal crawl
10820169Chiltiaplentypitch11stooping upward tight passage
109201610Xhiltiaplentypitch18probably a solution pocket
110201611Bhiltiaplentypitch22short angled pitch, low pitch head
111201612BhiltaplentychamberDodgy climb up, protecvtion probably required
112201613AhiltaplentychamberLarge pitch head approx 35m deep (3s drop + scatter)
113201614Cgosserwager6Gosser Wagersmall but doable pitch 4-7 second rattle
114201615Bgosserwager7Gosser Wagernorth end of parallel rift
115201616Bgosserwager7Gosser Wagersouth end of parallel rift
116201617Bgosserwager8Gosser Wagerpassage continuing underneath pitch
117201618Agosserwager311Gosser Wager20m+ pitch goes immediately off.
118201619Afrozennorth12view into large trench with additional passage going south. gear needed for both ] (Now pushed)
119201620Afrozennorth48massive fucking hole, 3.5s rock drop time
120201621Dfrozennorth45dodgy looking boulder choke, possibly digable
121201622Cfrozennorth35Hole with 2 passages continuing on other side
122201623Cdarkartsiv1Dark Artsaven at final chamber
123201624Cdarkartsiv1Dark Artsanother aven at final chamber
124201625Cdarkartsiv1Dark Artsdeathy hole in floor of final chamber
125201626Bdarkartsiv5Dark Artswet pitch and aven
126201627Bcathedralchasm6Lower rift passage, may need hand line down
127201628Bcathedralchasm7Upper rift passage
128201629Acathedralchasm9Window into massive hole
129201630A cathedralchasm12Passage continues, traverse around pit needed
130201631Abipedal1Bipedaltraverse over holes and straight on to be completed
131201632Abipedal1Bipedaldown huge hole, rocks fall for 2s and rattle for further 8!! These leads also noted in Bipedal Passage file.
132201633Abipedalpassage1BipedalVery good. 50m+ (?) deep pit below start of 13 bolt bipedal traverse - rather slanted, large ongoing rift glimpsed below. very good.
133201634Abipedalpassage3BipedalVery good. 50m+ (?) deep pit below end of 13 bolt bipedal traverse. best approched via station 4 (?) and looks ok to rig. May connect to first deep pit.
134201635Cbipedalpassage1BipedalPoor c lead, across thin rock bridge over abyss (!) leads to blind aven, but small tube for thin person on left.
135201636Abipedalpassage10BipedalGood. Ongoing big phreatic passage forms pitch dropped in Bipedal Passage4 by Ben, then continued by Mike and Elain on Aug 6th.
136201637Cbipedalpassage9BipedalSpeculative - climb up needs short 5-10m rope - could be tube in roof.
137201638Cbipedalpassage31BipedalVery good location where main phreatic passages and enlarges - but far side of chamber choked. One part of choke was not accessed as needs 2m climb up to poke nose in it. A good free climber could do this or needs one bolt to be sure no way on. Very strong draft in choke! Interesting southerly trend at margin of known system
138201639Bbipedalpassage54Bipedalrift continues, gets a bit narrow but might open up again
139201640Bbipedalpassage55Bipedalclimbs up where the water and narrow streamway enters the chamber
140201641Abipedalpassage450BipedalLooks good. A 10m pitch down that was dropped the next day (Aug 6th 2015) by Elliott and Elaine (very muddy initially). They report a walking passge and traverse over holes leading to good ongoing lead as slot in floor to 15-20m deep pitch. Pools at bottom. See their survey
141201642Xbipedalpassage450BipedalLarge aven comes in from above. Big bolting job not recommended.
142201643Abipedalpassage31BipedalVery good and very drafty. This lead was later extended by Micheal Sargent et al. to drop pitch into continuing tight rift. Pete also looked here and found two possible ways on, both with very good drafts. The first is a climb down into base of rift on left, and then poke head through gap to see ongoing rift. Bit your head pokes through just needs hammer to knock off nobbles to allow way through. The second lead is a climb up and straight ahead. Rift is narrow but a promising lead and very drafty, could be major feature/rift.
143201644Cbipedalpassage246Bipedalnarrow rift for small person with howling draft. Very close to Dark Arts 1 (< 10m) and at same level.
144201645Dbipedalpassage247Bipedalnot as drafty as C lead above; easy digging in sand. If choice suggest insert thin person into lead above.
145201646Acathedralchasm246Traverse and pitch started by David to be finished at some point.
146201647Bcathedralchasm224Rift heading up to the right from chamber to be explored.
147201648Ccathedralchasm238Small sandy crawl near link to trident junction - may require a spade but looks great fun with draft giraffe.
148201650Chiltigalactica9Three small tight crawly leads off of the small sandy chamber as yet to be explored
149201651Ahiltigalactica12Mahoosive chamber to be dropped. Cannot see floor.