CUCC Expedition Handbook - New Survex file

Drawing up your survey

Great, I have discovered a new cave...

If you have not come to this page from the sequence starting at Starting a New Cave" then go and read that first.

  • This page outlines the next step of the process. Each part of it is documented separately.


    Drawing up your survey

    The original notes and sketches will be filed in a clearly marked wallet - see "Starting a new wallet" - don't take them out until you are ready to scan them, and put them away again as soon as you have finished. They may never be referred to again, but ultimately they are the most valuable record of your survey and are kept for reference if there is ever a problem.

    After typing in all the data in survex format , run aven (the GUI interface to survex) and print out a centre-line plan.

    OK if this is your first time doing this, you need to go through the "How to use survex" training procedure.

    Running survex to create a centre-line

    to be documented

    Transcribing and re-scanning your sketches

    to be documented See drawing up the sketches.

    The files of your scanned and re-scanned sketches should be stored in the same folder as the scanned notes, i.e. (for wallet #19) you would put them in: /home/expo/expofiles/surveyscans/2018/2018#19/

    Using tunnel or therion for final survey production

    to be documented

    Tunnel only produces plan surveys, but they are very pretty.

    The tunnel (or therion) files should NOT stored in the same folder as the scanned notes. They should be uploaded to the version control repository drawings,

    Guidebook description and final rigging guide

    This is the last thing to do - typically after all exploration has been finished for the summer. The rigging guide sections will have been written into the logbook, and the passage descriptions will have been written into the survex files, with more lyrical descriptions written into the logbook for each trip.

    to be documented

    Write a passage descriptions by copying and extending the descriptions given in all the component .svx files.

    This should be detailed enough to be followed by someone in the cave who hasn't been there before, and should include all passage names, lengths of pitches and climbs, compass directions when this makes left/right/ahead clearer. If your passage is a connection it is worth while writing descriptions from both directions.

    In written descriptions, underline passage names the first time they are mentioned, or when they are "defined".

    You will type this description, and pass it on to someone more nerdy who will file it in the right place. This will involve "creating a new cave" using the troggle system.

    to be documented

    Complementing the passage description in vertical bits is a Rigging Guide. This is usually easiest to do as a sketch, but include notes to ensure that all bolts can be found again and any deviations and natural belays recognised.

    to be completed


    Take the printed centre lines and redraw the survey round it, working from the original sketches as if this was to be the final published survey. You can "invent" details like boulders in boulder-strewn passage, but otherwise, draw only what was recorded faithfully in the cave. If this makes your drawing look bad - record more next time! If things really are unclear, consider taking a copy of this drawing back into the cave to clarify it.

    Preparing input into to Tunnel or Therion

    [to be written] - See drawing around the centre-line

    The actual published cave-survey is produced by software these days.

    Make sure the drawing clearly shows the point of connection to previous surveys (look at the relevant drawing in the old survey book to ensure the sketches match and you really have connected where you think). Make sure you note which Question Mark was addressed by this survey and show the location of any new question marks, with an estimate of quality and any difficulties which will be encountered (eg. if it is a climb, are bolts going to be needed ? If a dig, is it a few loose boulders or a crawl over mud?)

    Archaic: hand-drawing the final survey

    Drawing a cave entirely by hand is not easy but anyone can learn to do it. Read the brief Cave Mapping - Sketching the Detail" 5-page llustrated guide by Ken Grimes which makes everything clear. For preliminary exploration (Grade 1 surveys) this is still appropriate.

    CUCC use a set of symbols pretty close to the standard ones promulgated by the BCRA, with occasional differences - such as large-enough boulders which are sketched to scale using the US symbol. The current state of standardisation for cave survey symbols (a useful guide to what we should be using where possible) has been documented by Häuselmann, Weidmann and Ruder (1996), but this is up for discussion in 1997. An alternative set of standards can be seen from the Australian Speleological Federation here.

    Make sure that you draw both plan and elevation (the latter should be an extended section, rather than a projected elevation) for horizontal passage. For pitches, several plans at different levels may be easiest (rather like the cross sections at each survey station used in horizontal passage). Also projected elevations may be useful in addition to the extended section. But learning a good set of procedures for using survex is the way to go.

    If you did all that properly, there should be very little left to do in the UK, unless you have volunteered to help with drawing up the final survey. (Fool!) However, it is as well to check that you have done all you can before BCRA conference, by reading the Back in the UK page.

    Back to the previous page in this sequence Starting a new survex file".
    Now go the the next page in this sequence Creating a new rigging guide".