Fuel to Austria

Account short name: fuel-to-austria
Number of transactions: 14

Negative amounts indicate that Fuel to Austria is indebted to a creditor.

Date (YYYY-MM-DD)Creditor/DebtorAmountDescription
2010-07-28Mark Shinwell -40.84Fuel at Stansted
2010-07-30Chris Smith -52.30 (-61.53 EUR)Fuel for Mark's car @ Wiesbaden
2010-07-31Andrew Atkinson 9.081.00/10.25 of the total from Fuel to Austria (-93.14)
2010-07-31Andy Chapman 9.081.00/10.25 of the total from Fuel to Austria (-93.14)
2010-07-31Becka Lawson 9.081.00/10.25 of the total from Fuel to Austria (-93.14)
2010-07-31Chris Densham 9.081.00/10.25 of the total from Fuel to Austria (-93.14)
2010-07-31Chris Smith 9.081.00/10.25 of the total from Fuel to Austria (-93.14)
2010-07-31Frank Tully 9.081.00/10.25 of the total from Fuel to Austria (-93.14)
2010-07-31Julian Todd 9.081.00/10.25 of the total from Fuel to Austria (-93.14)
2010-07-31Mark Shinwell 9.081.00/10.25 of the total from Fuel to Austria (-93.14)
2010-07-31Martin Green 9.081.00/10.25 of the total from Fuel to Austria (-93.14)
2010-07-31Martin Jahnke 9.081.00/10.25 of the total from Fuel to Austria (-93.14)
2010-07-31Neil Pacey 0.07Unlucky: arithmetic error from fuel-to-austria split
2010-07-31Neil Pacey 2.270.25/10.25 of the total from Fuel to Austria (-93.14)
Grand total:0.00

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Processed at 22:49 on 2010-07-31.