<p>Post-Brexit, it is cheaper and easier to buy most food in Germany on the way (<ahref="https://www.wired.com/story/heisse-preise-food-prices/">not Austria</a>). But see <ahref="#instant">Instrant Stuff</a> and <ahref="#inaustria">In Austria</a> below for things we absolutely need but are hard to find outside the UK.
It can be more cost effective to order online and get the order delivered than to drive to a supermarket and get it yourself. Delivery costs can be only £2.50 if you pick the right time. The following deliver (2018) to addresses in Cambridge:
Though these sellers also have discount offers sometimes. Other places which don't deliver which are worth checking out are Lidl (Cambridge) and cashncarries (if you have a card).
<h3>Sponsored food</h3>
In 2018 Rachel T. contacted sports/expedition nutrition companies for protein powder, bars, boil in the bag meals. All were small companies, half of which were based in Leeds or Cambridge and had tailored emails. But in every case we were too late for their 2018 "sponsorship year". One company recommended sending applications <em>before November or December</em>, of the year before expo.
<h2> Quantities </h2>
This is a big unknown. Usually buying the same as last year is a good guide, but in 2016 a serious attempt was made to understand how much food is eaten per person. In 2016 there were a total of 378 top camp nights:<br><br>
* - this is bodged and approximate. Don't entirely rely on the couscous and oatso numbers. 450 curries were bought in 2015.
<h2>Curries and noodles and soups</h2>
<p>We buy a lot of "Ashoka" brand curry packs (liquid pouches) which are supplied by almost everyone.
<p>For dried noodles, we generally get "<ahref="http://indomie.co.uk/">Indomie</a>" brand, see <ahref="../years/2017/p1040306_e.jpg">in context</a>
<p>For dried soups, Elaine says (2017) "don't get the basics ones, they are horrible. Get the own-brand one-step-up ones". But also be very careful to get the ones which are instant and not the ones which have to be cooked in a saucepan for 10 minutes - which look just the same - so read the instructions.
Any friendly asian food supplier will order ~300 curries for you, e.g. down Mill Road or Cherry Hinton High Street in Cambridge. Sophie did this in 2014. Wookey did this in 2015 when the price was about £1.05 each.
<p>We took advantage of a two-for-one offer on Ashoka curries with The Asian Cookshop in 2017 (Elliot) and 2018 (Philip S.). This is a BOGOF but the process is a bit odd: when you order N curries of flavour A, you also specify that you like flavour B; and they will then send you N curries of flavour B for free. See <ahref="../years/2017/192941elliott.pdf">2017 invoice</a> and <ahref="../years/2018/theasiancookshop-order.html">2018</a> invoices for examples.
In 2018 there was a time-limited offer on selected Ashoka curries from Morrisons which we took advantage of, taking up the slack with The Asian Cookshop.
<p>When buying dried noodles from Spices of India beware: when it says BOGOF it only means for the first 12 items of that type. So you can pay much more than you expect. For reference, Indomie dried noodles are 38p/pkt individually in Cho Mee, Mill Road and £14.99 for a box of 40 from The Asian Cookshop (i.e. 37.5p/pkt), but you do get free delivery when ordering online. This price is hard to beat.
<p>Use the online shopping systems for the big supermarkets to compare prices for things we are buying a lot of, and look for discount offers.
Elaine's findings in 2017 were that gram for gram, Sainsbury's was cheapest for couscous, packet soup, instant oats, milk powder and hot choc, and Tesco Value was cheapest for instant mash (Smash).
In 2018 Tesco and Sainsburys have identical pricing for Smash. Sainsburys own-brand instant potato was cheapest in 2017.
Instant custard was from a wholesaler in 2017.
<p>Think about calories as well as cost per kg or per packet. (Luke S. calculated that the curries on offer at Morrisons in 2018 were work out at 3.5p per calorie.)
Milk powder is cheapest if it is is skimmed milk but this might not be what we want (even though skimmed milk has proportionally more protein in it).
It is <em>vital</em> to buy instant custard, instant oatso and instant hot chocolate. Never get the custard or oats which must be cooked, or any hot chocolate that you can't just drink as soon as you have put hot water in it. Yes, it is more expensive that the types which need cooking; no, don't buy it.
<p>Mornflakes Superfast rolled oats have the same cooking instructions as Oatso, but do use *hot* water.
<p>See the special note <ahref="thewrongporridge.html">The Wrong Porridge</a> on this and how to decide whether what you are buying is properly "instant".
The bulk food order quantities do not include flapjack. This is made in the UK before departure. See <ahref="flapjack.html">the Expo flapjack page</a>.
We always need instant coffee (and lots of tea-bags). The issue of ground coffee arose during 2017 as personal supplies were raided and the general appreciation of the stuff raised the possibility (in 2018) of providing this as standard expo fare.
<p>In 2019 we brought out lots of Sainsburys' Basics strong and medium-strong ground coffee and hardly any instant coffee was drunk: none at base camp.
<p>Supplies of other food and ingredients, such as dried fruit: sultanas etc. and other flapjack ingredients can be got from specialist online suppliers such as <ahref="https://www.buywholefoodsonline.co.uk/meridian">Buy Wholefoods Online</a> or going to <ahref="http://www.arjunawholefoods.co.uk/">Arjuna</a> on Mill Road (which has a bulk store off Gwydir Street) or <ahref="http://www.dailybreadcambridge.org/">The Daily Bread cooperative</a> in King's Hedges (Cambridge). Daily Bread have an online price-list and here is the <ahref="https://static1.squarespace.com/static/54258bd0e4b0a299af77dc30/t/5b227249aa4a99d2c4625da4/1528984145749/20180614a.pdf">June 2018</a> copy.
<li>gaz cylinders - top camps and underground and emergency. Refill in Haas Holz on the way to Grundlsee from Staudn'wirt (down track to the left approaching Grundlsee, behind woodshed).</li>
It is also very useful to see what was bought in previous years: how much and where from. Old (and very old) lists of what has been left behind are also useful to remind you of all the other food items that are needed or useful such as Branston pickle, sultanas, chili sauce, pasta & food only suitable for basecamp etc.
When making notes for next year and the people who will do this after you, please be more precise than your predecessors. How much is "one large drum-full" of packet soup for god's sake.