Or try this link from Wikilocs: <iframeframeBorder="0"scrolling="no"src="https://www.wikiloc.com/wikiloc/spatialArtifacts.do?event=view&id=27029006&measures=off&title=off&near=off&images=off&maptype=S"width="500"height="400"></iframe><divstyle="background-color:#fff;color:#777;font-size:11px;line-height:16px;">Powered by <astyle="color:#06d;font-size:11px;line-height:16px;"target="_blank"href="https://www.wikiloc.com">Wikiloc</a></div>
This should work the same way whether you have an iPhone or an Android phone.
<p>We do not have a recommended app as there is nothing we have found which quite does quite what we need. We are using
<ahref="http://www.gpsessentials.com/">www.gpsessentials.com</a> and <ahref="https://osmand.net/">OsmAnd</a> so try one of these first. If you discover a good app, tell everyone about it.
Visit the <ahref="http://www.gpsessentials.com/">www.gpsessentials.com</a> website and read the manual (top left, on the menu bar: "Manual") for how to do this.
Except that the manual doesn't tell you.
<p>The OsmAnd documentation says:
<li>"The simplest way to view a track you've downloaded is to tap on it in your device's file manager and choose to open it in OsmAnd. After that, you'll see the track in My places - My tracks or in the Dashboard - My tracks."
More documentation on this to follow...
<h3>Modern Garmin handheld GPS devices</h3>
Connect the GPS device to your laptop (or the expo laptop) using the USB cable. A folder will open on the laptop showing the contents
of the device.
You will see a subfolder called "GARMIN". Open the folder "GARMIN" and copy the file essentials.gpx which you
<figcaption><em>mini-USB b socket</em></figcaption>
If your Garmin has a <b>mini</b>-USB socket, rather than the usual micro-USB found in phones, then you might have an "old" Garmin handheld, but some modern handhelds still use this old socket.