diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..56ab47e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/README.md
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+# zmk-config
+Configurator GUI:
diff --git a/config/sofle.json b/config/sofle.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..764c524
--- /dev/null
+++ b/config/sofle.json
@@ -0,0 +1,93 @@
+  "id": "sofle",
+  "name": "Sofle",
+  "layouts": {
+    "default_transform": {
+      "name": "default_transform",
+      "layout": [
+        { "row": 0, "col":  0, "r":   0, "x":     0, "y":  0.6 },
+        { "row": 0, "col":  1, "r":   0, "x":     1, "y":  0.6 },
+        { "row": 0, "col":  2, "r":   0, "x":     2, "y": 0.13 },
+        { "row": 0, "col":  3, "r":   0, "x":     3, "y":    0 },
+        { "row": 0, "col":  4, "r":   0, "x":     4, "y": 0.13 },
+        { "row": 0, "col":  5, "r":   0, "x":     5, "y": 0.26 },
+        { "row": 0, "col":  9, "r":   0, "x":  9.51, "y": 0.26 },
+        { "row": 0, "col": 10, "r":   0, "x": 10.51, "y": 0.13 },
+        { "row": 0, "col": 11, "r":   0, "x": 11.51, "y":    0 },
+        { "row": 0, "col": 12, "r":   0, "x": 12.51, "y": 0.13 },
+        { "row": 0, "col": 13, "r":   0, "x": 13.51, "y":  0.6 },
+        { "row": 0, "col": 14, "r":   0, "x": 14.51, "y":  0.6 },
+        { "row": 1, "col":  0, "r":   0, "x":     0, "y":  1.6 },
+        { "row": 1, "col":  1, "r":   0, "x":     1, "y":  1.6 },
+        { "row": 1, "col":  2, "r":   0, "x":     2, "y": 1.13 },
+        { "row": 1, "col":  3, "r":   0, "x":     3, "y":    1 },
+        { "row": 1, "col":  4, "r":   0, "x":     4, "y": 1.14 },
+        { "row": 1, "col":  5, "r":   0, "x":     5, "y": 1.27 },
+        { "row": 1, "col":  9, "r":   0, "x":  9.51, "y": 1.27 },
+        { "row": 1, "col": 10, "r":   0, "x": 10.51, "y": 1.14 },
+        { "row": 1, "col": 11, "r":   0, "x": 11.51, "y":    1 },
+        { "row": 1, "col": 12, "r":   0, "x": 12.51, "y": 1.13 },
+        { "row": 1, "col": 13, "r":   0, "x": 13.51, "y":  1.6 },
+        { "row": 1, "col": 14, "r":   0, "x": 14.51, "y":  1.6 },
+        { "row": 2, "col":  0, "r":   0, "x":     0, "y": 2.61 },
+        { "row": 2, "col":  1, "r":   0, "x":     1, "y": 2.61 },
+        { "row": 2, "col":  2, "r":   0, "x":     2, "y": 2.14 },
+        { "row": 2, "col":  3, "r":   0, "x":     3, "y": 2.01 },
+        { "row": 2, "col":  4, "r":   0, "x":     4, "y": 2.14 },
+        { "row": 2, "col":  5, "r":   0, "x":     5, "y": 2.27 },
+        { "row": 2, "col":  9, "r":   0, "x":  9.51, "y": 2.27 },
+        { "row": 2, "col": 10, "r":   0, "x": 10.51, "y": 2.14 },
+        { "row": 2, "col": 11, "r":   0, "x": 11.51, "y": 2.01 },
+        { "row": 2, "col": 12, "r":   0, "x": 12.51, "y": 2.14 },
+        { "row": 2, "col": 13, "r":   0, "x": 13.51, "y": 2.61 },
+        { "row": 2, "col": 14, "r":   0, "x": 14.51, "y": 2.61 },
+        { "row": 3, "col":  0, "r":   0, "x":     0, "y": 3.61 },
+        { "row": 3, "col":  1, "r":   0, "x":     1, "y": 3.61 },
+        { "row": 3, "col":  2, "r":   0, "x":     2, "y": 3.14 },
+        { "row": 3, "col":  3, "r":   0, "x":     3, "y": 3.01 },
+        { "row": 3, "col":  4, "r":   0, "x":     4, "y": 3.14 },
+        { "row": 3, "col":  5, "r":   0, "x":     5, "y": 3.27 },
+        { "row": 3, "col":  6, "r":   0, "x":  6.12, "y": 3.24 },
+        { "row": 3, "col":  8, "r":   0, "x":  8.39, "y": 3.24 },
+        { "row": 3, "col":  9, "r":   0, "x":  9.51, "y": 3.27 },
+        { "row": 3, "col": 10, "r":   0, "x": 10.51, "y": 3.14 },
+        { "row": 3, "col": 11, "r":   0, "x": 11.51, "y": 3.01 },
+        { "row": 3, "col": 12, "r":   0, "x": 12.51, "y": 3.14 },
+        { "row": 3, "col": 13, "r":   0, "x": 13.51, "y": 3.61 },
+        { "row": 3, "col": 14, "r":   0, "x": 14.51, "y": 3.61 },
+        { "row": 4, "col":  2, "r":   0, "x":     2, "y": 4.14 },
+        { "row": 4, "col":  3, "r":   0, "x":     3, "y": 4.01 },
+        { "row": 4, "col":  4, "r":   0, "x":     4, "y": 4.15 },
+        { "row": 4, "col":  5, "r":  23, "x":  5.16, "y": 4.39, "rx": 5.66, "ry": 4.89 },
+        { "row": 4, "col":  6, "r":  30, "x":  6.26, "y":  4.4, "rx": 6.76, "ry": 5.15, "h": 1.5 },
+        { "row": 4, "col":  8, "r": -30, "x":  8.26, "y":  4.4, "rx": 8.76, "ry": 5.15, "h": 1.5 },
+        { "row": 4, "col":  9, "r": -23, "x":  9.36, "y": 4.39, "rx": 9.86, "ry": 4.89 },
+        { "row": 4, "col": 10, "r":   0, "x": 10.51, "y": 4.15 },
+        { "row": 4, "col": 11, "r":   0, "x": 11.51, "y": 4.01 },
+        { "row": 4, "col": 12, "r":   0, "x": 12.51, "y": 4.14 }
+      ]
+    }
+  },
+  "sensors": [
+    {
+      "ref": "left_encoder",
+      "name": "encoder_left",
+      "identifier": "encoder_left",
+      "compatible": "alps,ec11",
+      "label": "LEFT_ENCODER",
+      "enabled": false
+    },
+    {
+      "ref": "right_encoder",
+      "name": "encoder_right",
+      "identifier": "encoder_right",
+      "compatible": "alps,ec11",
+      "label": "RIGHT_ENCODER",
+      "enabled": false
+    }
+  ]
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/config/sofle.keymap b/config/sofle.keymap
index fbb0af7..bd8cd3f 100644
--- a/config/sofle.keymap
+++ b/config/sofle.keymap
@@ -5,10 +5,10 @@
 #include <behaviors.dtsi>
-#include <dt-bindings/zmk/keys.h>
 #include <dt-bindings/zmk/bt.h>
-#include <dt-bindings/zmk/rgb.h>
 #include <dt-bindings/zmk/ext_power.h>
+#include <dt-bindings/zmk/keys.h>
+#include <dt-bindings/zmk/rgb.h>
 #define BASE 0
 #define LOWER 1
@@ -16,93 +16,178 @@
 #define ADJUST 3
 / {
+    // Activate ADJUST layer by pressing raise and lower
-   // Activate ADJUST layer by pressing raise and lower
     conditional_layers {
         compatible = "zmk,conditional-layers";
-        adjust_layer {
-            if-layers = <LOWER RAISE>;
-            then-layer = <ADJUST>;
+        both-mod {
+            if-layers = <1 3>;
+            then-layer = <3>;
+        };
+    };
+    behaviors {
+        macro_mirror: macro_mirror {
+            compatible = "zmk,behavior-tap-dance";
+            label = "MACRO_MIRROR";
+            #binding-cells = <0>;
+            bindings = <&sl 5>, <&tog 8>;
+        };
+    };
+    combos {
+        compatible = "zmk,combos";
+        macro {
+            bindings = <&macro_mirror>;
+            key-positions = <50 51 52>;
+        };
+        qwerty {
+            bindings = <&tog 6>;
+            key-positions = <57 58 59>;
+        };
+        left-space {
+            bindings = <&kp SPACE>;
+            key-positions = <39 40>;
     keymap {
         compatible = "zmk,keymap";
-        default_layer {
-            label = "default";
-// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// |   `   |  1  |  2  |  3   |  4   |  5   |                   |  6   |  7    |  8    |  9   |   0   |       |
-// |  ESC  |  Q  |  W  |  E   |  R   |  T   |                   |  Y   |  U    |  I    |  O   |   P   | BKSPC |
-// |  TAB  |  A  |  S  |  D   |  F   |  G   |                   |  H   |  J    |  K    |  L   |   ;   |   '   |
-// | SHIFT |  Z  |  X  |  C   |  V   |  B   |  MUTE  |  |       |  N   |  M    |  ,    |  .   |   /   | SHIFT |
-//               | GUI | ALT  | CTRL | LOWER|  ENTER |  | SPACE | RAISE| CTRL  | ALT   | GUI  |
+        base {
+            label = "base";
+            // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+            // |   `   |  1  |  2  |  3   |  4   |  5   |                   |  6   |  7    |  8    |  9   |   0   |       |
+            // |  ESC  |  Q  |  W  |  E   |  R   |  T   |                   |  Y   |  U    |  I    |  O   |   P   | BKSPC |
+            // |  TAB  |  A  |  S  |  D   |  F   |  G   |                   |  H   |  J    |  K    |  L   |   ;   |   '   |
+            // | SHIFT |  Z  |  X  |  C   |  V   |  B   |  MUTE  |  |       |  N   |  M    |  ,    |  .   |   /   | SHIFT |
+            //               | GUI | ALT  | CTRL | LOWER|  ENTER |  | SPACE | RAISE| CTRL  | ALT   | GUI  |
             bindings = <
-&kp GRAVE &kp N1 &kp N2   &kp N3   &kp N4    &kp N5                           &kp N6 &kp N7    &kp N8    &kp N9   &kp N0   &none
-&kp ESC   &kp Q  &kp W    &kp E    &kp R     &kp T                            &kp Y  &kp U     &kp I     &kp O    &kp P    &kp BSPC
-&kp TAB   &kp A  &kp S    &kp D    &kp F     &kp G                            &kp H  &kp J     &kp K     &kp L    &kp SEMI &kp SQT
-&kp LSHFT &kp Z  &kp X    &kp C    &kp V     &kp B      &kp C_MUTE &none      &kp N  &kp M     &kp COMMA &kp DOT  &kp FSLH &kp RSHFT
-                 &kp LGUI &kp LALT &kp LCTRL &mo LOWER  &kp RET    &kp SPACE  &mo RAISE  &kp RCTRL &kp RALT  &kp RGUI
+&kp GRAVE  &kp N1  &kp N2     &kp N3        &kp N4    &kp N5                         &kp N6  &kp N7    &kp N8         &kp N9             &kp N0    &none
+&kp ESC    &kp Q   &kp W      &kp F         &kp P     &kp G                          &kp J   &kp L     &kp U          &kp Y              &kp SEMI  &none
+&kp BSPC   &kp A   &kp R      &kp S         &kp T     &kp D                          &kp H   &kp N     &kp E          &kp I              &kp O     &kp DEL
+&kp LSHFT  &kp Z   &kp X      &kp C         &kp V     &kp B   &tog 4     &kp K_MUTE  &kp K   &kp M     &kp COMMA      &kp DOT            &kp FSLH  &kp RSHFT
+                   &kp LCTRL  &kp LEFT_WIN  &kp LALT  &mo 1   &kp RET    &kp SPACE   &mo 2   &kp RALT  &kp RIGHT_WIN  &kp RIGHT_CONTROL
-            sensor-bindings = <&inc_dec_kp C_VOL_UP C_VOL_DN &inc_dec_kp PG_UP PG_DN>;
+            sensor-bindings =
+                <&inc_dec_kp UP_ARROW DOWN_ARROW>,
+                <&inc_dec_kp C_VOL_UP C_VOL_UP>;
-        lower_layer {
-            label = "lower";
-// TODO: Some binds are waiting for shifted keycode support.
-// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// |       |  F1 |  F2 |  F3  |  F4  |  F5  |                   |  F6  |  F7   |  F8   |  F9  |  F10  |  F11  |
-// |   `   |  1  |  2  |  3   |  4   |  5   |                   |  6   |  7    |  8    |  9   |   0   |  F12  |
-// |       |  !  |  @  |  #   |  $   |  %   |                   |  ^   |  &    |  *    |  (   |   )   |   |   |
-// |       |  =  |  -  |  +   |  {   |  }   |        |  |       |  [   |  ]    |  ;    |  :   |   \   |       |
-//               |     |      |      |      |        |  |       |      |       |       |      |
+        left-mod {
+            label = "left-mod";
+            // TODO: Some binds are waiting for shifted keycode support.
+            // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+            // |       |  F1 |  F2 |  F3  |  F4  |  F5  |                   |  F6  |  F7   |  F8   |  F9  |  F10  |  F11  |
+            // |   `   |  1  |  2  |  3   |  4   |  5   |                   |  6   |  7    |  8    |  9   |   0   |  F12  |
+            // |       |  !  |  @  |  #   |  $   |  %   |                   |  ^   |  &    |  *    |  (   |   )   |   |   |
+            // |       |  =  |  -  |  +   |  {   |  }   |        |  |       |  [   |  ]    |  ;    |  :   |   \   |       |
+            //               |     |      |      |      |        |  |       |      |       |       |      |
             bindings = <
-&trans    &kp F1    &kp F2    &kp F3      &kp F4    &kp F5                    &kp F6    &kp F7   &kp F8          &kp F9    &kp F10   &kp F11
-&kp GRAVE &kp N1    &kp N2    &kp N3      &kp N4    &kp N5                    &kp N6    &kp N7   &kp N8          &kp N9    &kp N0    &kp F12
-&trans    &kp EXCL  &kp AT    &kp HASH    &kp DLLR  &kp PRCNT                 &kp CARET &kp AMPS &kp KP_MULTIPLY &kp LPAR  &kp RPAR  &kp PIPE
-&trans    &kp EQUAL &kp MINUS &kp KP_PLUS &kp LBRC  &kp RBRC   &trans &trans  &kp LBKT  &kp RBKT &kp SEMI        &kp COLON &kp BSLH  &trans
-                    &trans    &trans      &trans    &trans     &trans &trans  &trans    &trans   &trans          &trans
-            >;
-            sensor-bindings = <&inc_dec_kp C_VOL_UP C_VOL_DN &inc_dec_kp PG_UP PG_DN>;
-        };
-        raise_layer {
-            label = "raise";
-// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// | BTCLR | BT1  | BT2  |  BT3  |  BT4  |  BT5 |                |      |      |       |      |       |       |
-// |       | INS  | PSCR | GUI   |       |      |                | PGUP |      |   ^   |      |       |       |
-// |       | ALT  | CTRL | SHIFT |       | CAPS |                | PGDN |   <- |   v   |  ->  |  DEL  | BKSPC |
-// |       | UNDO | CUT  | COPY  | PASTE |      |      |  |      |      |      |       |      |       |       |
-//                |      |       |       |      |      |  |      |      |      |       |      |
-            bindings = <
-&bt BT_CLR &bt BT_SEL 0 &bt BT_SEL 1 &bt BT_SEL 2 &bt BT_SEL 3 &bt BT_SEL 4                  &trans    &trans    &trans   &trans    &trans  &trans
-&trans     &kp INS      &kp PSCRN    &kp K_CMENU  &trans       &trans                        &kp PG_UP &trans    &kp UP   &trans    &kp N0  &trans
-&trans     &kp LALT     &kp LCTRL    &kp LSHFT    &trans       &kp CLCK                      &kp PG_DN &kp LEFT  &kp DOWN &kp RIGHT &kp DEL &kp BSPC
-&trans     &kp K_UNDO   &kp K_CUT    &kp K_COPY   &kp K_PASTE  &trans        &trans  &trans  &trans    &trans    &trans   &trans    &trans  &trans
-                        &trans       &trans       &trans       &trans        &trans  &trans  &trans    &trans    &trans   &trans
-            >;
-            sensor-bindings = <&inc_dec_kp C_VOL_UP C_VOL_DN &inc_dec_kp PG_UP PG_DN>;
-        };
-        adjust_layer {
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// | BTCLR  |  BT1    |  BT2    |   BT3   |   BT4   |   BT5   |                  |      |      |       |      |       |       |
-// | EXTPWR | RGB_HUD | RGB_HUI | RGB_SAD | RGB_SAI | RGB_EFF |                  |      |      |       |      |       |       |
-// |        | RGB_BRD | RGB_BRI |         |         |         |                  |      |      |       |      |       |       |
-// |        |         |         |         |         |         | RGB_TOG | |      |      |      |       |      |       |       |
-//                    |         |         |         |         |         | |      |      |      |       |      |
-            label = "adjust";
-            bindings = <
-&bt BT_CLR        &bt BT_SEL 0    &bt BT_SEL 1    &bt BT_SEL 2    &bt BT_SEL 3    &bt BT_SEL 4                            &none &none &none &none &none &none
-&ext_power EP_TOG &rgb_ug RGB_HUD &rgb_ug RGB_HUI &rgb_ug RGB_SAD &rgb_ug RGB_SAI &rgb_ug RGB_EFF                         &none &none &none &none &none &none
-&none             &rgb_ug RGB_BRD &rgb_ug RGB_BRI &none           &none           &none                                   &none &none &none &none &none &none
-&none             &none           &none           &none           &none           &none            &rgb_ug RGB_TOG &none  &none &none &none &none &none &none
-                                  &none           &none           &none           &none            &none           &none  &none &none &none &none
+&trans      &trans           &trans     &trans           &trans     &trans                             &kp F1     &kp F2    &kp F3    &kp F4     &kp F5   &kp F6
+&trans      &kp KP_DIVIDE    &kp KP_N7  &kp KP_N8        &kp KP_N9  &kp KP_MULTIPLY                    &kp F7     &kp F8    &kp F9    &kp F10    &kp F11  &kp F12
+&kp DELETE  &kp KP_SUBTRACT  &kp KP_N4  &kp KP_N5        &kp KP_N6  &kp KP_PLUS                        &kp PG_UP  &kp HOME  &kp UP    &kp END    &trans   &kp BACKSPACE
+&trans      &kp KP_N0        &kp KP_N1  &kp KP_NUMBER_2  &kp KP_N3  &kp KP_DOT       &trans    &trans  &kp PG_DN  &kp LEFT  &kp DOWN  &kp RIGHT  &trans   &trans
+                             &trans     &trans           &trans     &tog 1           &trans    &trans  &trans     &trans    &trans    &trans
+        right-mod {
+            bindings = <
+&trans   &trans  &trans  &trans  &trans  &trans                    &trans  &trans                &trans                 &trans     &trans                &trans
+&trans   &trans  &trans  &trans  &trans  &trans                    &trans  &kp LBKT              &kp RBKT               &kp MINUS  &kp EQUAL             &trans
+&kp DEL  &trans  &trans  &trans  &trans  &trans                    &trans  &kp LEFT_PARENTHESIS  &kp RIGHT_PARENTHESIS  &kp SQT    &kp NON_US_HASH       &kp BSPC
+&trans   &trans  &trans  &trans  &trans  &trans  &trans    &trans  &trans  &kp LBRC              &kp RIGHT_BRACE        &kp PIPE   &kp NON_US_BACKSLASH  &trans
+                 &trans  &trans  &trans  &trans  &trans    &trans  &trans  &trans                &trans                 &trans
+            >;
+            label = "right-mod";
+        };
+        both-mod {
+            // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+            // | BTCLR  |  BT1    |  BT2    |   BT3   |   BT4   |   BT5   |                  |      |      |       |      |       |       |
+            // | EXTPWR | RGB_HUD | RGB_HUI | RGB_SAD | RGB_SAI | RGB_EFF |                  |      |      |       |      |       |       |
+            // |        | RGB_BRD | RGB_BRI |         |         |         |                  |      |      |       |      |       |       |
+            // |        |         |         |         |         |         | RGB_TOG | |      |      |      |       |      |       |       |
+            //                    |         |         |         |         |         | |      |      |      |       |      |
+            label = "both-mod";
+            bindings = <
+&bt BT_CLR         &bt BT_SEL 0     &bt BT_SEL 1     &bt BT_SEL 2     &bt BT_SEL 3     &bt BT_SEL 4                               &none  &none  &none  &none  &none  &none
+&ext_power EP_TOG  &rgb_ug RGB_HUD  &rgb_ug RGB_HUI  &rgb_ug RGB_SAD  &rgb_ug RGB_SAI  &rgb_ug RGB_EFF                            &none  &none  &none  &none  &none  &none
+&none              &rgb_ug RGB_BRD  &rgb_ug RGB_BRI  &none            &none            &none                                      &none  &none  &none  &none  &none  &none
+&none              &none            &none            &none            &none            &none            &rgb_ug RGB_TOG    &none  &none  &none  &none  &none  &none  &none
+                                    &none            &none            &none            &none            &none              &none  &none  &none  &none  &none
+            >;
+        };
+        encoder-alt {
+            bindings = <
+&trans  &trans  &trans  &trans  &trans  &trans                    &trans  &trans  &trans  &trans  &trans  &trans
+&trans  &trans  &trans  &trans  &trans  &trans                    &trans  &trans  &trans  &trans  &trans  &trans
+&trans  &trans  &trans  &trans  &trans  &trans                    &trans  &trans  &trans  &trans  &trans  &trans
+&trans  &trans  &trans  &trans  &trans  &trans  &trans    &trans  &trans  &trans  &trans  &trans  &trans  &trans
+                &trans  &trans  &trans  &trans  &trans    &trans  &trans  &trans  &trans  &trans
+            >;
+            sensor-bindings = <&inc_dec_kp UP_ARROW DOWN>;
+            label = "encoder-alt";
+        };
+        macro {
+            bindings = <
+&trans  &trans  &trans  &trans  &trans  &trans                    &trans  &trans  &trans  &trans  &trans  &trans
+&trans  &trans  &trans  &trans  &trans  &trans                    &trans  &trans  &trans  &trans  &trans  &trans
+&trans  &trans  &trans  &trans  &trans  &trans                    &trans  &trans  &trans  &trans  &trans  &trans
+&trans  &trans  &trans  &trans  &trans  &trans  &trans    &trans  &trans  &trans  &trans  &trans  &trans  &trans
+                &trans  &trans  &trans  &trans  &trans    &trans  &trans  &trans  &trans  &trans
+            >;
+            label = "macro";
+        };
+        qwerty {
+            bindings = <
+&trans  &trans  &trans  &trans  &trans  &trans                    &trans  &trans  &trans     &trans   &trans    &trans
+&trans  &kp Q   &kp W   &kp E   &kp R   &kp T                     &kp Y   &kp U   &kp I      &kp O    &kp P     &trans
+&trans  &kp A   &kp S   &kp D   &kp F   &kp G                     &kp H   &kp J   &kp K      &kp L    &kp SEMI  &trans
+&trans  &kp Z   &kp X   &kp C   &kp V   &kp B   &trans    &trans  &kp N   &kp M   &kp COMMA  &kp DOT  &kp FSLH  &trans
+                &trans  &trans  &trans  &trans  &trans    &trans  &trans  &trans  &trans     &trans
+            >;
+            label = "qwerty";
+        };
+        mirror-mod {
+            bindings = <
+&trans  &trans  &trans  &trans  &trans  &trans                    &trans  &trans  &trans  &trans  &trans  &trans
+&trans  &trans  &trans  &trans  &trans  &trans                    &trans  &trans  &trans  &trans  &trans  &trans
+&trans  &trans  &trans  &trans  &trans  &trans                    &trans  &trans  &trans  &trans  &trans  &trans
+&trans  &trans  &trans  &trans  &trans  &trans  &trans    &trans  &trans  &trans  &trans  &trans  &trans  &trans
+                &trans  &trans  &trans  &mo 8   &trans    &trans  &trans  &trans  &trans  &trans
+            >;
+            label = "mirror-mod";
+        };
+        mirror {
+            bindings = <
+&trans   &trans    &trans   &trans     &trans  &trans                    &trans  &trans  &trans  &trans  &trans  &trans
+&trans   &kp SEMI  &kp Y    &kp U      &kp L   &kp J                     &trans  &trans  &trans  &trans  &trans  &trans
+&kp DEL  &kp O     &kp I    &kp E      &kp N   &kp H                     &trans  &trans  &trans  &trans  &trans  &trans
+&trans   &kp FSLH  &kp DOT  &kp COMMA  &kp M   &kp K   &trans    &trans  &trans  &trans  &trans  &trans  &trans  &trans
+                   &trans   &trans     &trans  &trans  &trans    &trans  &trans  &trans  &trans  &trans
+            >;
+        };