139 lines
4.7 KiB

import sys
import os
import subprocess
import types
import stat
import csv
import re
import datetime
import shutil, filecmp
from functools import reduce
from pathlib import Path
import settings
from troggle.core.models.survex import SingleScan, Wallet, DrawingFile
from troggle.core.models.troggle import DataIssue
from troggle.core.utils import save_carefully, GetListDir
from troggle.core.views.scans import datewallet
'''Searches through all the survey scans directories (wallets) in expofiles, looking for images to be referenced.
contentsjson = "contents.json"
#indexhtml = "walletindex.html"
git = settings.GIT
# to do: create a 'low priority' field, so that any such wallet does not appear in summary reports
wallet_blank_json = {
"cave": "",
"date": "",
"description url": "1623/XXX",
"description written": False,
"electronic survey": False,
"elev drawn": False,
"elev not required": False,
"name": "",
"people": [
"plan drawn": False,
"plan not required": False,
"qms written": False,
"survex file": [],
"survex not required": False,
"website updated": False}
def CheckEmptyDate(wallet):
'''If date is not set, get it from a linked survex file.
Could also look at filedates for the scans in expofiles/surveyscans/ , but these can be re-set by copying.
earliest = datetime.datetime.now().date()
# This is not working, can't see why. An scans parser now taking a very long time..
#datewallet(wallet, earliest)
def CheckEmptyPeople(wallet):
'''If people list is empty, copy them from the survex files: all of them
To be a Troggle model change; a many:many relationship between wallets and people,
as well as being a list in the JSON file (which is the permanent repository). We want the many:many
relationship so that we can filter wallets based on a person.
For the moment, we will just get a list..
def LoadListScansFile(wallet):
gld = [ ]
# flatten out any directories in these wallet folders - should not be any
for (fyf, ffyf, fisdiryf) in GetListDir(wallet.fpath):
if fisdiryf:
gld.append((fyf, ffyf, fisdiryf))
for (fyf, ffyf, fisdiryf) in gld:
if re.search(r"\.(?:png|jpg|jpeg|pdf|svg|gif|xvi)(?i)$", fyf):
singlescan = SingleScan(ffile=ffyf, name=fyf, wallet=wallet)
if c>=10:
print(".", end='')
c = 0
def load_all_scans():
'''This iterates through the scans directories (either here or on the remote server)
and builds up the models we can access later.
It does NOT read or validate anything in the JSON data attached to each wallet. Those checks
are done at runtime, when a wallet is accessed, not at import time.
print(' - Loading Survey Scans')
print(' - deleting all Wallet and SingleScan objects')
# first do the smkhs (large kh survey scans) directory
# this seems to be never used ?!
#We should load all the scans, even for nonstandard names.
manywallets_smkhs = Wallet(fpath=os.path.join(settings.SCANS_ROOT, "../surveys/smkhs"), walletname="smkhs")
print("smkhs", end=' ')
if os.path.isdir(manywallets_smkhs.fpath):
print("smkhs NOT LOADED", end=' ')
# iterate into the surveyscans directory
print(' - ', end=' ')
for walletname, fpath, fisdir in GetListDir(settings.SCANS_ROOT):
if not fisdir:
# do the year folders
if re.match(r"\d\d\d\d$", walletname):
print(f"{walletname}", end=' ')
for walletname, fpath, fisdir in GetListDir(fpath):
if fisdir:
wallet = Wallet(fpath=fpath, walletname=walletname)
# this is where we should load the contents.json for people so we can report on them later
# this is where we should record the year explicitly
# line 347 of view/uploads.py and needs refactoring for loading contentsjson
# but We should load all the scans, even for nonstandard names.
print(f'\n - IGNORE {walletname} - {fpath}')
print("", flush=True)