substantialnoninfringinguser e9e755b517 [svn] Fixed broken buttons on controlpanel, added CAVETAB2.CSV export and download buttons and made them work too.
Changed ordering on PersonExpeditions so that it is based on their expedition. That way, even if we don't have date info on when a user was on expo exactly, pages like personindex work correctly.
2009-05-14 06:19:46 +01:00

313 lines
12 KiB

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import troggle.expo.models as models
from django.conf import settings
import csv
import time
import re
import os
from troggle.save_carefully import save_carefully
##format of CAVETAB2.CSV is
KatasterNumber = 0
KatStatusCode = 1
Entrances = 2
UnofficialNumber = 3
MultipleEntrances = 4
AutogenFile = 5
LinkFile = 6
LinkEntrance = 7
Name = 8
UnofficialName = 9
Comment = 10
Area = 11
Explorers = 12
UndergroundDescription = 13
Equipment = 14
QMList = 15
KatasterStatus = 16
References = 17
UndergroundCentreLine = 18
UndergroundDrawnSurvey = 19
SurvexFile = 20
Length = 21
Depth = 22
Extent = 23
Notes = 24
EntranceName = 25
TagPoint = 26
OtherPoint = 27
DescriptionOfOtherPoint = 28
ExactEntrance = 29
TypeOfFix = 30
GPSpreSA = 31
GPSpostSA = 32
Northing = 33
Easting = 34
Altitude = 35
Bearings = 36
Map = 37
Location = 38
Approach = 39
EntranceDescription = 40
PhotoOfLocation = 41
Marking = 42
MarkingComment = 43
Findability = 44
FindabilityComment = 45
def html_to_wiki(text):
if type(text) != str:
return text
text = unicode(text, "utf-8")
#text = re.sub("ü", u"\xfc", text)
#text = re.sub("ö", u"\xf6", text)
#text = re.sub("ä", u"\xe4", text)
#text = re.sub("°", u"\xb0", text)
#text = re.sub("©", u"\xa9", text)
#text = re.sub("&", u"\x26", text)
#text = re.sub("ß", u"\xdf", text)
#text = re.sub("ß", u"\xdf", text)
#text = re.sub("&lt;", u"<", text)
#text = re.sub("&gt;", u">", text)
#text = re.sub("&egrave;", u"\xe8", text)
#text = re.sub("&eacute;", u"\xe9", text)
#text = re.sub("&quote;", u'"', text)
#text = re.sub("&quot;", u'"', text)
#text = re.sub("&Ouml;", u'\xd6', text)
#text = re.sub("&times;", u'"', text)
#text = re.sub("&(.*);", "/1", text)
#if s:
# print s.groups()
text = re.sub("</p>", r"", text)
text = re.sub("<p>$", r"", text)
text = re.sub("<p>", r"\n\n", text)
out = ""
lists = ""
while text:
mstar = re.match("^(.*?)<ul>\s*<li[^>]*>(.*?)</li>(.*)$", text, re.DOTALL)
munstar = re.match("^(\s*)</ul>(.*)$", text, re.DOTALL)
mhash = re.match("^(.*?)<ol>\s*<li[^>]*>(.*?)</li>(.*)$", text, re.DOTALL)
munhash = re.match("^(\s*)</ol>(.*)$", text, re.DOTALL)
mitem = re.match("^(\s*)<li[^>]*>(.*?)</li>(.*)$", text, re.DOTALL)
ms = [len(m.groups()[0]) for m in [mstar, munstar, mhash, munhash, mitem] if m]
def min_(i, l):
v = i.groups()[0]
return len(v) < min(l, 1000000000)
return False
if min_(mstar, ms):
lists += "*"
pre, val, post = mstar.groups()
out += pre + "\n" + lists + " " + val
text = post
elif min_(mhash, ms):
lists += "#"
pre, val, post = mhash.groups()
out += pre + "\n" + lists + " " + val
text = post
elif min_(mitem, ms):
pre, val, post = mitem.groups()
out += "\n" + lists + " " + val
text = post
elif min_(munstar, ms):
lists = lists[:-1]
text = munstar.groups()[1]
elif min_(munhash, ms):
text = munhash.groups()[1]
out += text
text = ""
text2 = out
while text2:
mtag = re.match("^(.*?)<(.*?)>(.*)$", text, re.DOTALL)
if mtag:
text2 = mtag.groups()[2]
print mtag.groups()[1]
text2 = ""
return out
def LoadCaveTab(logfile=None):
cavetab = open(os.path.join(settings.EXPOWEB, "noinfo", "CAVETAB2.CSV"))
caveReader = csv.reader(cavetab) # Strip out column headers
if logfile:
logfile.write("Beginning to import caves from "+str(cavetab)+"\n"+"-"*60+"\n")
for katArea in ['1623', '1626']:
if not models.Area.objects.filter(short_name = katArea):
newArea = models.Area(short_name = katArea)
if logfile:
logfile.write("Added area "+str(newArea.short_name)+"\n")
area1626 = models.Area.objects.filter(short_name = '1626')[0]
area1623 = models.Area.objects.filter(short_name = '1623')[0]
for line in caveReader :
if line[Area] == 'nonexistent':
entranceLetters=[] #Used in caves that have mulitlple entrances, which are not described on seperate lines
if line[MultipleEntrances] == 'yes' or line[MultipleEntrances]=='': #When true, this line contains an actual cave, otherwise it is an extra entrance.
args = {}
defaultArgs = {}
def addToArgs(CSVname, modelName):
if line[CSVname]:
args[modelName] = html_to_wiki(line[CSVname])
def addToDefaultArgs(CSVname, modelName): #This has to do with the non-destructive import. These arguments will be passed as the "default" dictionary in a get_or_create
if line[CSVname]:
defaultArgs[modelName] = html_to_wiki(line[CSVname])
# The attributes added using "addToArgs" will be used to look up an existing cave. Those added using "addToDefaultArgs" will not.
addToArgs(KatasterNumber, "kataster_number")
addToDefaultArgs(KatStatusCode, "kataster_code")
addToArgs(UnofficialNumber, "unofficial_number")
addToArgs(Name, "official_name")
addToDefaultArgs(Comment, "notes")
addToDefaultArgs(Explorers, "explorers")
addToDefaultArgs(UndergroundDescription, "underground_description")
addToDefaultArgs(Equipment, "equipment")
addToDefaultArgs(KatasterStatus, "kataster_status")
addToDefaultArgs(References, "references")
addToDefaultArgs(UndergroundCentreLine, "underground_centre_line")
addToDefaultArgs(UndergroundDrawnSurvey, "survey")
addToDefaultArgs(Length, "length")
addToDefaultArgs(Depth, "depth")
addToDefaultArgs(Extent, "extent")
addToDefaultArgs(SurvexFile, "survex_file")
addToDefaultArgs(Notes, "notes")
newCave, created=save_carefully(models.Cave, lookupAttribs=args, nonLookupAttribs=defaultArgs)
if logfile:
logfile.write("Added cave "+str(newCave)+"\n")
#If we created a new cave, add the area to it. This does mean that if a cave's identifying features have not changed, areas will not be updated from csv.
if created and line[Area]:
if line[Area] == "1626":
area = models.Area.objects.filter(short_name = line[Area])
if area:
newArea = area[0]
newArea = models.Area(short_name = line[Area], parent = area1623)
elif created:
if logfile:
logfile.write("Added area "+line[Area]+" to cave "+str(newCave)+"\n")
if created and line[UnofficialName]:
newUnofficialName = models.OtherCaveName(cave = newCave, name = line[UnofficialName])
if logfile:
logfile.write("Added unofficial name "+str(newUnofficialName)+" to cave "+str(newCave)+"\n")
if created and line[MultipleEntrances] == '' or \
line[MultipleEntrances] == 'entrance' or \
line[MultipleEntrances] == 'last entrance':
args = {}
def addToArgs(CSVname, modelName):
if line[CSVname]:
args[modelName] = html_to_wiki(line[CSVname])
def addToArgsViaDict(CSVname, modelName, dictionary):
if line[CSVname]:
args[modelName] = dictionary[html_to_wiki(line[CSVname])]
addToArgs(EntranceName, 'name')
addToArgs(Explorers, 'explorers')
addToArgs(Map, 'map_description')
addToArgs(Location, 'location_description')
addToArgs(Approach, 'approach')
addToArgs(EntranceDescription, 'entrance_description')
addToArgs(UndergroundDescription, 'underground_description')
addToArgs(PhotoOfLocation, 'photo')
addToArgsViaDict(Marking, 'marking', {"Paint": "P",
"Paint (?)": "P?",
"Tag": "T",
"Tag (?)": "T?",
"Retagged": "R",
"Retag": "R",
"Spit": "S",
"Spit (?)": "S?",
"Unmarked": "U",
"": "?",
addToArgs(MarkingComment, 'marking_comment')
addToArgsViaDict(Findability, 'findability', {"Surveyed": "S",
"Lost": "L",
"Refindable": "R",
"": "?",
"?": "?",
addToArgs(FindabilityComment, 'findability_description')
addToArgs(Easting, 'easting')
addToArgs(Northing, 'northing')
addToArgs(Altitude, 'alt')
addToArgs(DescriptionOfOtherPoint, 'other_description')
def addToArgsSurveyStation(CSVname, modelName):
if line[CSVname]:
surveyPoint = models.SurveyStation(name = line[CSVname])
args[modelName] = html_to_wiki(surveyPoint)
addToArgsSurveyStation(TagPoint, 'tag_station')
addToArgsSurveyStation(ExactEntrance, 'exact_station')
addToArgsSurveyStation(OtherPoint, 'other_station')
addToArgs(OtherPoint, 'other_description')
if line[GPSpreSA]:
addToArgsSurveyStation(GPSpreSA, 'other_station')
args['other_description'] = 'pre selective availability GPS'
if line[GPSpostSA]:
addToArgsSurveyStation(GPSpostSA, 'other_station')
args['other_description'] = 'post selective availability GPS'
addToArgs(Bearings, 'bearings')
newEntrance = models.Entrance(**args)
if logfile:
logfile.write("Added entrance "+str(newEntrance)+"\n")
if line[Entrances]:
entrance_letter = line[Entrances]
entrance_letter = ''
newCaveAndEntrance = models.CaveAndEntrance(cave = newCave, entrance = newEntrance, entrance_letter = entrance_letter)
if logfile:
logfile.write("Added CaveAndEntrance "+str(newCaveAndEntrance)+"\n")
# lookup function modelled on GetPersonExpeditionNameLookup
Gcavelookup = None
def GetCaveLookup():
global Gcavelookup
if Gcavelookup:
return Gcavelookup
Gcavelookup = {"NONEPLACEHOLDER":None}
for cave in models.Cave.objects.all():
Gcavelookup[cave.official_name.lower()] = cave
if cave.kataster_number:
Gcavelookup[cave.kataster_number] = cave
if cave.unofficial_number:
Gcavelookup[cave.unofficial_number] = cave
Gcavelookup["tunnocks"] = Gcavelookup["258"]
Gcavelookup["hauchhole"] = Gcavelookup["234"]
return Gcavelookup