Running troggle on Docker
First you need to install
If you don't want to type sudo for every docker command (you don't) you need to add your user to the docker group.
To do this
Create the docker group.
$ sudo groupadd docker
Add your user to the docker group.
$ sudo usermod -aG docker $USER
Checkout all 4 of the expo repos into one folder (see here for repo cloning instructions) eg.
$ ~/expo/loser
In the troggle dir copy to
In the folder you checked out all the repos into (expo in this example) create a folder called expofiles
and in that a folder called surveyscans
cd ~/expo
mkdir -p expofiles/surveyscans
Starting the containers
To start the containers run
$ cd ~/expo/troggle/docker
$ docker-compose up
You will now have a working troggle but with no data. To import the data you need to access the container run
$ docker exec -it docker_troggle_1 /bin/bash
This will give you a shell inside the troggle container
(You may get a warning like bash: warning: setlocale: LC_ALL: cannot change locale (en_GB.UTF-8)
this can be ignored)
To import the data into troggle now run
$ python reset
and wait .... this takes a while. The MySQL database is stored in a docker volume so once run through once the database will remain full of expo data even if you restart the containers.
Using your new dev setup
Even whilst the import is running you can browse to [http://localhost:8000]
Any chnages made to files in your checkouts will be automatically loaded in the container and served. Somtimes changes to the python files will require the system to reload so refresh a couple of times before declaring you have broken something.
If you edit files from within the container they will have their ownership changed to root and may become un editable to your user (you will have to become root to fix this) so don't do this!
Stopping the containers
To stop the running containers press Ctrl-c
Killing it all
If you get it in some state you want to start again run
$ docker-compose down
to destroy the containers and
$ docker volume ls
$ docker volume rm docker_expo-mysqldb
to remove the database volume