import sys import os import time import timeit import json import settings os.environ['PYTHONPATH'] = settings.PYTHON_PATH os.environ.setdefault('DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE', 'settings') from django.core import management from django.db import connection, close_old_connections, connections from django.contrib.auth.models import User from django.http import HttpResponse from django.core.urlresolvers import reverse print(" 1 settings on loading") from troggle.core.models_caves import Cave, Entrance import troggle.parsers.caves import troggle.flatpages.models import troggle.logbooksdump import troggle.parsers.people import troggle.parsers.surveys import troggle.parsers.logbooks import troggle.parsers.QMs import troggle.core.models import troggle.core.models_survex import django # NOTE is *imported* by as it is used in the control panel # presented there. if os.geteuid() == 0: # This protects the server from having the wrong file permissions written on logs and caches print("This script should be run as expo not root - quitting") exit() dbengine = "" dbname = "" dbdefault ="" expouser=settings.EXPOUSER expouserpass=settings.EXPOUSERPASS expouseremail=settings.EXPOUSER_EMAIL def reinit_db(): """Rebuild database from scratch. Deletes the file first if sqlite is used, otherwise it drops the database and creates it. Note - initial loading of troggle.sqlite will already have populated the models in memory (django python models, not the database), so there is already a full load of stuff known. Deleting the db file does not clear memory. """ print("Reinitialising db ",end="") print(django.db.connections.databases['default']['NAME']) currentdbname = settings.DATABASES['default']['NAME'] if currentdbname == ':memory:': # closing connections should wipe the in-memory database django.db.close_old_connections() for conn in django.db.connections.all(): print(" ! Closing another connection to db...") conn.close() elif django.db.connections.databases['default']['ENGINE'] == 'django.db.backends.sqlite3': if os.path.isfile(currentdbname): try: print(" - deleting " + currentdbname) os.remove(currentdbname) except OSError: print(" ! OSError on removing: " + currentdbname + " (Is the file open in another app?\n") raise else: print(" - No database file found: " + currentdbname + " ..continuing, will create it.\n") else: cursor = django.db.connection.cursor() cursor.execute("DROP DATABASE %s" % currentdbname) cursor.execute("CREATE DATABASE %s" % currentdbname) cursor.execute("ALTER DATABASE %s CHARACTER SET=utf8" % currentdbname) cursor.execute("USE %s" % currentdbname) #Sync user - needed after reload print(" - Migrating: " + django.db.connections.databases['default']['NAME']) management.call_command('migrate', interactive=False) print(" - done migration on: " + settings.DATABASES['default']['NAME']) print("users in db already: ",len(User.objects.all())) try: print(" - Setting up admin user on: " + django.db.connections.databases['default']['NAME']) print(" - user: {} ({:.5}...) <{}> ".format(expouser, expouserpass, expouseremail)) user = User.objects.create_user(expouser, expouseremail, expouserpass) user.is_staff = True user.is_superuser = True except: print(" ! INTEGRITY ERROR user on: " + settings.DATABASES['default']['NAME']) print(django.db.connections.databases['default']['NAME']) print(" ! You probably have not got a clean db when you thought you had.\n") print(" ! Also you are probably NOT running an in-memory db now.\n") print("users in db: ",len(User.objects.all())) print("tables in db: ",len(connection.introspection.table_names())) memdumpsql(fn='integrityfail.sql') django.db.connections.databases['default']['NAME'] = ':memory:' #raise def memdumpsql(fn): djconn = django.db.connection from dump import _iterdump with open(fn, 'w') as f: for line in _iterdump(djconn): f.write('%s\n' % line.encode("utf8")) return True def store_dbsettings(): global dbengine global dbname global dbdefault dbengine = settings.DATABASES['default']['ENGINE'] dbname = settings.DATABASES['default']['NAME'] dbdefault = settings.DATABASES['default'] def restore_dbsettings(): settings.DATABASES['default'] = dbdefault settings.DATABASES['default']['ENGINE'] = dbengine settings.DATABASES['default']['NAME'] = dbname django.db.connections.databases['default'] = dbdefault django.db.connections.databases['default']['ENGINE'] = dbengine django.db.connections.databases['default']['NAME'] = dbname def set_in_memory_dbsettings(): django.db.close_old_connections() # needed if MySQL running? for conn in django.db.connections.all(): print(" ! Closing another connection to db in set_in_memory_dbsettings") conn.close() settings.DATABASES['default'] = {'ENGINE': 'django.db.backends.sqlite3', 'AUTOCOMMIT': True, 'ATOMIC_REQUESTS': False, 'NAME': ':memory:', 'CONN_MAX_AGE': 0, 'TIME_ZONE': 'UTC', 'OPTIONS': {}, 'HOST': '', 'USER': '', 'TEST': {'COLLATION': None, 'CHARSET': None, 'NAME': None, 'MIRROR': None}, 'PASSWORD': '', 'PORT': ''} settings.DATABASES['default']['ENGINE'] = 'django.db.backends.sqlite3' settings.DATABASES['default']['NAME'] = ':memory:' django.db.connections.databases['default']['ENGINE'] = 'django.db.backends.sqlite3' django.db.connections.databases['default']['NAME'] = ':memory:' def import_caves(): print("Importing Caves to ",end="") print(django.db.connections.databases['default']['NAME']) troggle.parsers.caves.readcaves() def import_people(): print("Importing People (folk.csv) to ",end="") print(django.db.connections.databases['default']['NAME']) troggle.parsers.people.LoadPersonsExpos() def import_surveyscans(): print("Importing Survey Scans") troggle.parsers.surveys.LoadListScans() def import_logbooks(): print("Importing Logbooks") troggle.parsers.logbooks.LoadLogbooks() def import_QMs(): print("Importing QMs (old caves)") troggle.parsers.QMs.Load_QMs() def import_survexblks(): # when this import is moved to the top with the rest it all crashes horribly import troggle.parsers.survex print("Importing Survex Blocks") troggle.parsers.survex.LoadAllSurvexBlocks() def import_survexpos(): print("Importing Survex x/y/z Positions") troggle.parsers.survex.LoadPos() def import_surveyimgs(): """This appears to store data in unused objects. The code is kept for future re-working to manage progress against notes, plans and elevs. """ #import troggle.parsers.surveys print("NOT Importing survey images") #troggle.parsers.surveys.parseSurveys(logfile=settings.LOGFILE) def import_tunnelfiles(): print("Importing Tunnel files") troggle.parsers.surveys.LoadTunnelFiles() # - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - # These functions moved to a different file - not used currently. #import logbooksdump #def import_auto_logbooks(): #def dumplogbooks(): #def writeCaves(): # Writes out all cave and entrance HTML files to # folder specified in settings.CAVEDESCRIPTIONS # for cave in Cave.objects.all(): # cave.writeDataFile() # for entrance in Entrance.objects.all(): # entrance.writeDataFile() # - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - class JobQueue(): """A list of import operations to run. Always reports profile times in the same order. """ def __init__(self,run): self.runlabel = run self.queue = [] # tuples of (jobname, jobfunction) self.results = {} self.results_order=[ "date","runlabel","reinit", "caves", "people", "logbooks", "QMs", "scans", "survexblks", "survexpos", "tunnel", "surveyimgs", "test" ] for k in self.results_order: self.results[k]=[] self.tfile = "import_profile.json" self.htmlfile = "profile.html" # for HTML results table. Not yet done. #Adding elements to queue - enqueue def enq(self,label,func): self.queue.append((label,func)) return True #Removing the last element from the queue - dequeue # def deq(self): # if len(self.queue)>0: # return self.queue.pop() # return ("Queue Empty!") def loadprofiles(self): """Load timings for previous runs from file """ if os.path.isfile(self.tfile): try: f = open(self.tfile, "r") data = json.load(f) for j in data: self.results[j] = data[j] except: print("FAILURE parsing JSON file %s" % (self.tfile)) # Python bug: f.close() for j in self.results_order: self.results[j].append(None) # append a placeholder return True def saveprofiles(self): with open(self.tfile, 'w') as f: json.dump(self.results, f) return True def runqonce(self): """Run all the jobs in the queue provided - once """ print("** Running job ", self.runlabel,end=" to ") print(django.db.connections.databases['default']['NAME']) jobstart = time.time() self.results["date"].pop() self.results["date"].append(jobstart) self.results["runlabel"].pop() self.results["runlabel"].append(self.runlabel) for i in self.queue: start = time.time() i[1]() # looks ugly but invokes function passed in the second item in the tuple duration = time.time()-start print("\n*- Ended \"", i[0], "\" %.1f seconds" % duration) self.results[i[0]].pop() # the null item self.results[i[0]].append(duration) jobend = time.time() jobduration = jobend-jobstart print("** Ended job %s - %.1f seconds total." % (self.runlabel,jobduration)) return True def append_placeholders(self): for j in self.results_order: self.results[j].append(None) # append a placeholder def run_now_django_tests(self,n): store_dbsettings() # this leaves the db set to :memory: whatever it was initially management.call_command('test', verbosity=n) django.db.close_old_connections() restore_dbsettings() # and whatever I do, it stays that way ! def skip_memory_phase(self): if not self.runlabel: return True else: if self.runlabel == "" or self.runlabel[0:2] == "F-": return True return False def run(self): """First runs all the jobs in the queue against a scratch in-memory db then re-runs the import against the db specified in Default behaviour is to skip the in-memory phase. When MySQL is the db the in-memory phase crashes as MySQL does not properly relinquish some kind of db connection (not fixed yet) """ self.loadprofiles() store_dbsettings() print("-- start ", django.db.connections.databases['default']['ENGINE'], django.db.connections.databases['default']['NAME']) if dbname ==":memory:": # just run, and save the sql file self.runqonce() memdumpsql('memdump.sql') # saved contents of scratch db, could be imported later.. self.saveprofiles() elif self.skip_memory_phase(): self.runqonce() self.saveprofiles() else: # run all the imports through :memory: first set_in_memory_dbsettings() print("-- phase 1 ", settings.DATABASES['default']['ENGINE'], settings.DATABASES['default']['NAME']) # the jobqueue may not start from scratch so we need to initialise the db properly first # because we are using an empty :memory: database # But initiating twice crashes it; so be sure to do it once only. # Damn. migrate() is still calling MySQL somehow **conn_params not sqlite3. So crashes on expo server. if ("reinit",reinit_db) not in self.queue: reinit_db() if ("caves",import_caves) not in self.queue: import_caves() # sometime extract the initialising code from this and put in reinit... if ("people",import_people) not in self.queue: import_people() # sometime extract the initialising code from this and put in reinit... django.db.close_old_connections() # maybe not needed here self.runqonce() memdumpsql('memdump2.sql') self.showprofile() # restore the original db and import again # if we wanted to, we could re-import the SQL generated in the first pass to be # blazing fast. But for the present just re-import the lot. restore_dbsettings() print("-- phase 2 ", settings.DATABASES['default']['ENGINE'], settings.DATABASES['default']['NAME']) print(django.db.connections.databases['default']['NAME']) django.db.close_old_connections() # maybe not needed here for j in self.results_order: self.results[j].pop() # throw away results from :memory: run self.append_placeholders() django.db.close_old_connections() #django.setup() # should this be needed? self.runqonce() self.saveprofiles() return True def showprofile(self): """Prints out the time it took to run the jobqueue """ for k in self.results_order: if k =="test": break elif k =="date": print(" days ago ", end=' ') else: print('%10s (s)' % k, end=' ') percen=0 r = self.results[k] for i in range(len(r)): if k == "runlabel": if r[i]: rp = r[i] else: rp = " - " print('%8s' % rp, end=' ') elif k =="date": # Calculate dates as days before present if r[i]: if i == len(r)-1: print(" this", end=' ') else: # prints one place to the left of where you expect if r[len(r)-1]: s = r[i]-r[len(r)-1] elif r[len(r)-2]: s = r[i]-r[len(r)-2] else: s = 0 days = (s)/(24*60*60) print('%8.2f' % days, end=' ') elif r[i]: print('%8.1f' % r[i], end=' ') if i == len(r)-1 and r[i-1]: percen = 100* (r[i] - r[i-1])/r[i-1] if abs(percen) >0.1: print('%8.1f%%' % percen, end=' ') else: print(" - ", end=' ') print("") print("\n") return True def usage(): print("""Usage is 'python <command> [runlabel]' where command is: test - testing... imports people and prints profile. Deletes nothing. profile - print the profile from previous runs. Import nothing. reset - normal usage: clear database and reread everything from files - time-consuming caves - read in the caves (must run first after initialisation) people - read in the people from folk.csv (must run after 'caves') logbooks - read in the logbooks QMs - read in the QM csv files (older caves only) scans - the survey scans in all the wallets (must run before survex) survex - read in the survex files - all the survex blocks but not the x/y/z positions survexpos - just the x/y/z Pos out of the survex files (not needed) -- Never used. tunnel - read in the Tunnel files - which scans the survey scans too autologbooks - Not used. read in autologbooks (what are these?) dumplogbooks - Not used. write out autologbooks (not working?) surveyimgs - Not used. read in scans by-expo, must run after "people". and [runlabel] is an optional string identifying this run of the script in the stored profiling data 'import-profile.json' if [runlabel] is absent or begins with "F-" then it will skip the :memory: pass caves and logbooks must be run on an empty db before the others as they set up db tables used by the others. the commands are first run on an in-memory empty database before being run on the actual persistent database. This is very fast and checks for import errors. the initial in-memory phase is on an empty db, so always runs caves & people for this phase """) if __name__ == "__main__": if os.geteuid() == 0: print("Do not run as root or using sudo - file permissions for cache files and logs will break") print("Aborting run.") exit() if len(sys.argv)>2: runlabel = sys.argv[len(sys.argv)-1] else: runlabel=None jq = JobQueue(runlabel) if len(sys.argv)==1: usage() exit() elif "test" in sys.argv: jq.enq("caves",import_caves) jq.enq("people",import_people) #jq.run_now_django_tests(2) elif "caves" in sys.argv: jq.enq("caves",import_caves) elif "logbooks" in sys.argv: jq.enq("logbooks",import_logbooks) elif "people" in sys.argv: jq.enq("people",import_people) elif "QMs" in sys.argv: jq.enq("QMs",import_QMs) elif "reset" in sys.argv: jq.enq("reinit",reinit_db) jq.enq("caves",import_caves) jq.enq("people",import_people) jq.enq("scans",import_surveyscans) jq.enq("logbooks",import_logbooks) jq.enq("QMs",import_QMs) jq.enq("tunnel",import_tunnelfiles) jq.enq("survexblks",import_survexblks) #jq.enq("survexpos",import_survexpos) elif "scans" in sys.argv: jq.enq("scans",import_surveyscans) elif "survex" in sys.argv: jq.enq("survexblks",import_survexblks) elif "survexpos" in sys.argv: jq.enq("survexpos",import_survexpos) elif "tunnel" in sys.argv: jq.enq("tunnel",import_tunnelfiles) elif "surveyimgs" in sys.argv: jq.enq("surveyimgs",import_surveyimgs) # imports into tables which are never read elif "autologbooks" in sys.argv: # untested in 2020 import_auto_logbooks() elif "dumplogbooks" in sys.argv: # untested in 2020 dumplogbooks() # elif "writecaves" in sys.argv: # untested in 2020 - will overwrite input files!! # writeCaves() elif "profile" in sys.argv: jq.loadprofiles() jq.showprofile() exit() elif "help" in sys.argv: usage() exit() else: usage() print("%s not recognised as a command." % sys.argv[1]) exit() store_dbsettings() #set_in_memory_dbsettings() print(" - django.setup - next") try: django.setup() except: print(" ! Cyclic reference failure. Can occur when the initial db is empty. Fixed now (in UploadFileForm) but easy to reintroduce..") raise print(" - django.setup - done") #set_in_memory_dbsettings() # seems to be ignored. Appears to be set but in reality. #jq.run_now_django_tests(1) # actually does set db to :memory: - but invisibly ! jq.showprofile()