""" Modified for Expo April 2021. """ import re from http import HTTPStatus from django.test import Client, TestCase from troggle.core.models.caves import Area, Cave from troggle.core.models.troggle import Person, PersonExpedition # import troggle.settings as settings # FIXTURE_DIRS = settings.PYTHON_PATH / "core" /"fixtures" class FixtureTests(TestCase): """These just hit the database. They do not exercise the GET and url functions """ fixtures = ["auth_users", "expo_areas", "expo_caves", "expo_exped"] ph = r"and leads in 800m of tortuous going to" def setUp(self): pass def tearDown(self): pass def test_fix_person_loaded(self): p = Person.objects.get(fullname="Michael Sargent") self.assertEqual(str(p.first_name), "Michael") def test_fix_person_loaded(self): pe = PersonExpedition.objects.get(pk="681") self.assertEqual(str(pe.person.fullname), "Michael Sargent") self.assertEqual(str(pe.expedition.year), "2019") def test_fix_area_loaded(self): a = Area.objects.get(short_name="1623") self.assertEqual(str(a.short_name), "1623") def test_fix_cave_loaded115(self): c = Cave.objects.get(kataster_number="115") self.assertEqual(str(c.description_file), "1623/115.htm") self.assertEqual(str(c.url), "1623/115.url") # intentional self.assertEqual(str(c.filename), "1623-115.html") # c.area is a 'ManyRelatedManager' object and not iterable # self.assertEqual(str(c.[0].short_name), "1623") ph = self.ph phmatch = re.search(ph, c.underground_description) self.assertIsNotNone(phmatch, "In fixture-loaded cave, failed to find expected text: '" + ph + "'") def test_fix_cave_loaded284(self): c = Cave.objects.get(kataster_number="284") self.assertEqual(str(c.description_file), "") self.assertEqual(str(c.url), "1623/284/284.html") self.assertEqual(str(c.filename), "1623-284.html") ph = r"at a depth of 72m, there are large round blocks" phmatch = re.search(ph, c.notes) self.assertIsNotNone(phmatch, "In fixture-loaded cave, failed to find expected text: '" + ph + "'") def test_page_personexpedition(self): response = self.client.get("/personexpedition/MichaelSargent/2019") content = response.content.decode() # with open('testresponse.html','w') as tr: # tr.writelines(content) self.assertEqual(response.status_code, HTTPStatus.OK) for ph in [r"Michael Sargent", r"Table of all trips and surveys aligned by date"]: phmatch = re.search(ph, content) self.assertIsNotNone(phmatch, "Failed to find expected text: '" + ph + "'") # Need to add a fixture so that this actually has a logbook entry and a trip/svx in it. class FixturePageTests(TestCase): """Currently nothing that runs troggle works - all do 404. Must be something in a template rendering crash? ordinary pages are OK, and expopages and expofiles are OK, even though they come through troggle. And the fixtures are certainly loaded into the db as the other tests show. """ # The fixtures have a password hash which is compatible with plain-text password 'secretword' fixtures = ["auth_users", "expo_areas", "expo_caves", "expo_exped"] ph = r"and leads in 800m of tortuous going to" @classmethod def setUpTestData(cls): pass def setUp(self): from django.contrib.auth.models import User self.user = User.objects.get(username="expotest") # Every test needs a client. self.client = Client() def tearDown(self): pass def test_fix_expedition(self): response = self.client.get("/expedition/2019") self.assertEqual(response.status_code, HTTPStatus.OK) ph = r"Michael Sargent" content = response.content.decode() phmatch = re.search(ph, content) # with open('exped-op.html', 'w') as f: # f.write(content) self.assertIsNotNone(phmatch, "Failed to find expected text: '" + ph + "'") def test_fix_personexped(self): response = self.client.get("/personexpedition/MichaelSargent/2019") self.assertEqual(response.status_code, HTTPStatus.OK) ph = r"Table of all trips and surveys aligned by date" content = response.content.decode() phmatch = re.search(ph, content) # with open('persexped-op.html', 'w') as f: # f.write(content) self.assertIsNotNone(phmatch, "Failed to find expected text: '" + ph + "'") def test_fix_person(self): response = self.client.get("/person/MichaelSargent") self.assertEqual(response.status_code, HTTPStatus.OK) ph = r"second-generation expo caver " content = response.content.decode() phmatch = re.search(ph, content) # with open('person-op.html', 'w') as f: # f.write(content) self.assertIsNotNone(phmatch, "Failed to find expected text: '" + ph + "'") def test_fix_cave_url115(self): ph = self.ph response = self.client.get("/1623/115.url") # yes this is intentional, see the inserted data above & fixture self.assertEqual(response.status_code, HTTPStatus.OK) content = response.content.decode() phmatch = re.search(ph, content) self.assertIsNotNone(phmatch, "Failed to find expected text: '" + ph + "'") def test_fix_cave_url284(self): response = self.client.get("/1623/284/284.html") self.assertEqual(response.status_code, HTTPStatus.OK) ph = r"at a depth of 72m, there are large round blocks" content = response.content.decode() phmatch = re.search(ph, content) # with open('cave-url284.html', 'w') as f: # f.write(content) self.assertIsNotNone(phmatch, "Failed to find expected text: '" + ph + "'") def test_fix_cave_bare_url115(self): """Expect to get Page Not Found and status 404""" ph = self.ph ph = "Probably a mistake." response = self.client.get("/1623/115") self.assertEqual(response.status_code, HTTPStatus.NOT_FOUND) content = response.content.decode() phmatch = re.search(ph, content) self.assertIsNotNone(phmatch, "Failed to find expected text: '" + ph + "'") # 200 & Page Not Found def test_fix_cave_slug115(self): """Expect to get Page Not Found and status 404""" ph = self.ph ph = "Probably a mistake." response = self.client.get("/1623-115") self.assertEqual(response.status_code, HTTPStatus.NOT_FOUND) content = response.content.decode() phmatch = re.search(ph, content) self.assertIsNotNone(phmatch, "Failed to find expected text: '" + ph + "'") # 200 & Page Not Found def test_fix_caves284(self): response = self.client.get("/caves") self.assertEqual(response.status_code, HTTPStatus.OK) content = response.content.decode() ph = r"284 Seetrichter" phmatch = re.search(ph, content) # with open('_cave_fix_caves.html', 'w') as f: # f.write(content) self.assertIsNotNone(phmatch, "Failed to find expected text: '" + ph + "'") def test_fix_cavehtml284(self): response = self.client.get("/1623/284/284.html") self.assertEqual(response.status_code, HTTPStatus.OK) content = response.content.decode() ph = r"A 25m long (22m deep) resurgence in Altausee" phmatch = re.search(ph, content) with open('_cave_fix_cavehtml284.html', 'w') as f: f.write(content) self.assertIsNotNone(phmatch, "Failed to find expected text: '" + ph + "'") # def test_fix_qms(self): # response = self.client.get("/cave/qms/1623-284") # self.assertEqual(response.status_code, HTTPStatus.OK) # content = response.content.decode() # ph = r"Question marks for 284 - Seetrichter" # phmatch = re.search(ph, content) # with open('_cave-fixqms.html', 'w') as f: # f.write(content) # self.assertIsNotNone(phmatch, "Failed to find expected text: '" + ph + "'") # def test_fix_openqms(self): # response = self.client.get("/cave/openqms/1623-284") # self.assertEqual(response.status_code, HTTPStatus.OK) # content = response.content.decode() # ph = r"Open Leads for 284 - Seetrichter" # phmatch = re.search(ph, content) # with open('_cave-fixopenqms.html', 'w') as f: # f.write(content) # self.assertIsNotNone(phmatch, "Failed to find expected text: '" + ph + "'")