/* jQuery treeTable Plugin 2.2 - http://ludo.cubicphuse.nl/jquery-plugins/treeTable/ */ (function($) { // Helps to make options available to all functions // TODO: This gives problems when there are both expandable and non-expandable // trees on a page. The options shouldn't be global to all these instances! var options; $.fn.treeTable = function(opts) { options = $.extend({}, $.fn.treeTable.defaults, opts); return this.each(function() { $(this).addClass("treeTable").find("tbody tr").each(function() { // Initialize root nodes only whenever possible if(!options.expandable || $(this)[0].className.search("child-of-") == -1) { initialize($(this)); } }); }); }; $.fn.treeTable.defaults = { childPrefix: "child-of-", expandable: true, indent: 19, initialState: "collapsed", treeColumn: 0 }; // Recursively hide all node's children in a tree $.fn.collapse = function() { $(this).addClass("collapsed"); childrenOf($(this)).each(function() { initialize($(this)); if(!$(this).hasClass("collapsed")) { $(this).collapse(); } $(this).hide(); }); return this; }; // Recursively show all node's children in a tree $.fn.expand = function() { $(this).removeClass("collapsed").addClass("expanded"); childrenOf($(this)).each(function() { initialize($(this)); if($(this).is(".expanded.parent")) { $(this).expand(); } $(this).show(); }); return this; }; // Add an entire branch to +destination+ $.fn.appendBranchTo = function(destination) { var node = $(this); var parent = parentOf(node); var ancestorNames = $.map(ancestorsOf(destination), function(a) { return a.id; }); // Conditions: // 1: +node+ should not be inserted in a location in a branch if this would // result in +node+ being an ancestor of itself. // 2: +node+ should not have a parent OR the destination should not be the // same as +node+'s current parent (this last condition prevents +node+ // from being moved to the same location where it already is). // 3: +node+ should not be inserted as a child of +node+ itself. if($.inArray(node[0].id, ancestorNames) == -1 && (!parent || (destination.attr("id") != parent[0].id)) && destination.attr("id") != node[0].id) { indent(node, ancestorsOf(node).length * options.indent * -1); // Remove indentation if(parent) { node.removeClass(options.childPrefix + parent[0].id); } var dest_id = $(destination).attr("id"); while ($(".child-of-"+dest_id).length > 0) { var move_to = $(".child-of-"+dest_id+":last"); dest_id = move_to.attr("id"); } node.addClass(options.childPrefix + destination.attr("id")); if (move_to) moveChild(node, move_to); // Recursively move nodes to new location else moveChild(node, destination); indent(node, ancestorsOf(node).length * options.indent); } return this; }; $.fn.insertBranchBefore = function(destination) { var node = $(this); var parent = parentOf_jQuery(node); var dest_parent = parentOf_jQuery(destination); if ($(this).attr("id")==destination.attr("id")) return false; var ancestorNames = $.map(ancestorsOf_jQuery(destination), function(a) { return a.id; }); indent(node, ancestorsOf_jQuery(node).length * options.indent * -1); // Remove indentation if(parent) { node.removeClass(options.childPrefix + parent[0].id); } if (dest_parent) node.addClass(options.childPrefix + dest_parent.attr("id")); moveBefore(node, destination); // Recursively move nodes to new location indent(node, (ancestorsOf_jQuery(node).length * options.indent)); return this; }; // Add reverse() function from JS Arrays $.fn.reverse = function() { return this.pushStack(this.get().reverse(), arguments); }; // Toggle an entire branch $.fn.toggleBranch = function() { if($(this).hasClass("collapsed")) { $(this).expand(); } else { $(this).removeClass("expanded").collapse(); } return this; }; // === Private functions function ancestorsOf(node) { var ancestors = []; while(node = parentOf(node)) { ancestors[ancestors.length] = node[0]; } return ancestors; }; function childrenOf(node) { return $("table.treeTable tbody tr." + options.childPrefix + node[0].id); }; function indent(node, value) { var cell = $(node.children("td")[options.treeColumn]); var padding = parseInt(cell.css("padding-left"), 10) + value; cell.css("padding-left", + padding + "px"); childrenOf(node).each(function() { indent($(this), value); }); }; function initialize(node) { if(!node.hasClass("initialized")) { node.addClass("initialized"); var childNodes = childrenOf(node); if(!node.hasClass("parent") && childNodes.length > 0) { node.addClass("parent"); } if(node.hasClass("parent")) { var cell = $(node.children("td")[options.treeColumn]); var padding = parseInt(cell.css("padding-left"), 10) + options.indent; childNodes.each(function() { $($(this).children("td")[options.treeColumn]).css("padding-left", padding + "px"); }); if(options.expandable) { cell.children(":first").children("span").prepend('<span style="margin-left: -' + (options.indent-15) + 'px; padding-left: ' + (options.indent-5) + 'px;" class="expander"></span>'); //$(cell[0].firstChild).click(function() { node.toggleBranch(); }); // Check for a class set explicitly by the user, otherwise set the default class if(!(node.hasClass("expanded") || node.hasClass("collapsed"))) { node.addClass(options.initialState); } if(node.hasClass("collapsed")) { node.collapse(); } else if (node.hasClass("expanded")) { node.expand(); } } } else { var cell = $(node.children("td")[options.treeColumn]); cell.children(":first").children("span").prepend('<span style="margin-left: -' + (options.indent-15) + 'px; padding-left: ' + (options.indent-5) + 'px;"></span>'); } node.children(":first").addClass("padded"); } }; function move(node, destination) { node.insertAfter(destination); childrenOf(node).reverse().each(function() { move($(this), node[0]); }); }; function moveChild(node, destination) { node.insertAfter(destination) childrenOf(node).reverse().each(function() { move($(this), node[0]); }); }; function moveBefore(node, destination) { node.insertBefore(destination) childrenOf(node).reverse().each(function() { move($(this), node[0]); }); }; function parentOf(node) { var classNames = node[0].className.split(' '); for(key in classNames) { if(classNames[key].match("child-of-")) { return $("#" + classNames[key].substring(9)); } } }; })(jQuery); // public functions function handle_drop_event(source, dest, method){ var ancestorNames = $.map(ancestorsOf_jQuery(dest), function(a) { return a.attr("id"); }); if (method=="child") dest.find(".wrap").removeClass("hover-as-child").addClass("nohover"); else // method == "sibling" dest.find("div:first").remove(); // do not drop on itself or its own children, if method == "child" if ( (method == "sibling") || (source.attr("id") != dest.attr("id") && $.inArray(source.attr("id"), ancestorNames) == -1) ) { var source_child_of = null; if (source.attr("class").match(/child-of-node-(\d+)/)) source_child_of = source.attr("class").match(/child-of-node-(\d+)/)[0]; var dest_child_of = "child-of-" + dest.attr("id"); if (source_child_of && $("."+source_child_of).length - 1 == 0) { var parent_id = "#" + source_child_of.substring(9); $(parent_id).removeClass("parent"); if ($(parent_id).hasClass("expanded")) $(parent_id).removeClass("expanded").addClass("collapsed"); $(parent_id+" .title-col span").removeClass("expander"); } if (method=="child") { if ($("."+dest_child_of).length == 0) { var parent_id = "#" + dest_child_of.substring(9); $(parent_id).addClass("parent").find(".title-col span").addClass("expander"); } if (!dest.hasClass("expanded")) dest.expand(); // *** INSERT *** source.appendBranchTo(dest); } else // method == "sibling" source.insertBranchBefore(dest); } source.find(".wrap").switchClass("nohover","flash",0).switchClass("flash","nohover",500); } function handle_page_delete(node) { var page_id = node.attr("class").match(/page-id-(\d+)/)[1]; var parent_id = null; if (node.attr("class").match(/child-of-node-(\d+)/)) parent_id = node.attr("class").match(/child-of-node-(\d+)/)[1]; var popup_bg = '<div class="popup_bg"></div>'; $("body").append(popup_bg); if (node.hasClass("parent")){ jAlert('Cannot delete item, because it is parent of at least one other item.', 'Cannot delete item', function(){ $(".popup_bg").remove(); }); } else { jConfirm('Really delete item?', 'Confirm to delete item', function(r) { if (r==true) { $.post('.', {'__cmd': 'delete_item', 'item_id': page_id}, function(data){ if (data == "OK") { if (parent_id && $(".child-of-node-"+parent_id).length == 1) { $("#node-"+parent_id).removeClass("parent") .removeClass("expanded").addClass("collapsed") .find(".expander").removeClass("expander"); } node.remove(); $("body").append(popup_bg); jAlert('Item deleted successfully.', 'Item deleted', function(){ $(".popup_bg").remove(); }); } }); } $(".popup_bg").remove(); }); } } function parentOf_jQuery(node) { if (node.attr("class").match(/child-of-node-(\d+)/)) { var parent_id = node.attr("class").match(/child-of-node-(\d+)/)[1]; return $("#node-"+parent_id); } return null; }; function ancestorsOf_jQuery(node) { var ancestors = []; while(node = parentOf_jQuery(node)) { ancestors[ancestors.length] = node; } return ancestors; }; function save_page_tree() { var send_tree = new Array(); // prepare tree var i = 0; var ancestor_tree_ids = []; var ancestor_indeces = []; var tree_id = 0; $("#sitetree tbody tr").each(function(){ var tobj = new Array(); // 0 = tree_id, 1 = parent_id, 2 = left, 3 = right, 4 = level, 5 = page_id var classNames = $(this).attr("class").split(' '); var is_child = false; var is_parent = false; var parent_id = ""; tobj[1] = null; // gather information for (key in classNames) { if(classNames[key].match("page-id-")) tobj[5] = parseInt(classNames[key].substring(8)); if(classNames[key].match("parent")) is_parent = true; if(classNames[key].match("child-of-")) { is_child = true; var node_parent_id = classNames[key].substring(9); var parent_id = parseInt($("#"+node_parent_id).attr("class").match(/page-id-(\d+)/)[1]) tobj[1] = parent_id; } } // save info var inArray = ancestor_tree_ids.indexOf(parent_id); while ( ( is_child && inArray < ancestor_tree_ids.length - 1 && inArray >= 0) || ( !is_child && ancestor_tree_ids.length > 0 ) ) { send_tree[ancestor_indeces.pop()][3] = i++; ancestor_tree_ids.pop(); } if (!is_child) { tree_id++; i = 0; } tobj[0] = tree_id; tobj[4] = ancestor_tree_ids.length; tobj[2] = i++; if (is_parent) { ancestor_tree_ids.push(tobj[5]); ancestor_indeces.push(send_tree.length); } else { tobj[3] = i++; } send_tree.push(tobj); }); while (ancestor_tree_ids.length>0) { send_tree[ancestor_indeces.pop()][3] = i++; ancestor_tree_ids.pop(); } // send tree to url $.post('.', {'__cmd': 'save_tree', 'tree': $.toJSON(send_tree)}, function(data){ if (data == "OK") { var popup_bg = '<div class="popup_bg"></div>'; $("body").append(popup_bg); jAlert("Tree saved successfully.", "Tree saved", function(){ $(".popup_bg").remove(); }); } }); }