{% extends "base.html" %} {% load wiki_markup %} {% load link %} {% block title %}Expo statistics{% endblock %} {% block content %}

Expo Statistics

{{ expoCount }} expeditions: {{ personCount }} people have contributed {{ caveCount }} caves and {{ logbookEntryCount }} logbook entries.

Number of survey legs: {{nsurvexlegs}}
Total length: {{totalsurvexlength|stringformat:".3f"}} m on importing survex files.
Total length: {{addupsurvexlength|stringformat:".3f"}} m adding up all the years below.

{% for legs in legsbyexpo %} {% endfor %}
YearSurveysSurvey LegsTotal length
{{legs.0.year}} {{legs.0.survexblock_set.all|length}} {{legs.1.nsurvexlegs|rjust:"10"}} {{legs.1.survexleglength|stringformat:".3f"}}
{% endblock %}