import os import string import re import settings import urllib.parse import subprocess from pathlib import Path from PIL import Image, ImageDraw, ImageFont from django import forms from django.conf import settings from django.urls import reverse from django.http import HttpResponse, HttpResponseRedirect, HttpResponseNotFound from django.shortcuts import get_object_or_404, render from django.core.exceptions import ObjectDoesNotExist, MultipleObjectsReturned import troggle.settings as settings #import troggle.core.models as models from troggle.core.views import expo from troggle.core.models import Expedition, DataIssue from troggle.core.models_caves import CaveSlug, Cave, CaveAndEntrance, QM, EntranceSlug, Entrance, Area, SurvexStation, GetCaveLookup from troggle.core.forms import CaveForm, CaveAndEntranceFormSet, VersionControlCommentForm, EntranceForm, EntranceLetterForm from .login import login_required_if_public class MapLocations(object): p = [ ("laser.0_7", "BNase", "Reference", "Bräuning Nase laser point"), ("226-96", "BZkn", "Reference", "Bräuning Zinken trig point"), ("vd1","VD1","Reference", "VD1 survey point"), ("laser.kt114_96","HSK","Reference", "Hinterer Schwarzmooskogel trig point"), ("2000","Nipple","Reference", "Nipple (Weiße Warze)"), ("3000","VSK","Reference", "Vorderer Schwarzmooskogel summit"), ("topcamp", "OTC", "Reference", "Old Top Camp"), ("laser.0", "LSR0", "Reference", "Laser Point 0"), ("laser.0_1", "LSR1", "Reference", "Laser Point 0/1"), ("laser.0_3", "LSR3", "Reference", "Laser Point 0/3"), ("laser.0_5", "LSR5", "Reference", "Laser Point 0/5"), ("225-96", "BAlm", "Reference", "Bräuning Alm trig point") ] def points(self): for ent in Entrance.objects.all(): if ent.best_station(): try: k = ent.caveandentrance_set.all()[0].cave except: message = " ! Failed to get Cave linked to Entrance:{} from:{} best:{}".format(, ent.filename, ent.best_station()) DataIssue.objects.create(parser='entrances', message=message) print(message) raise try: areaName = k.getArea().short_name except: message = " ! Failed to get Area on cave '{}' linked to Entrance:{} from:{} best:{}".format(cave,, ent.filename, ent.best_station()) DataIssue.objects.create(parser='entrances', message=message) print(message) raise self.p.append((ent.best_station(), "%s-%s" % (areaName, str(ent)[5:]), ent.needs_surface_work(), str(ent))) return self.p def __str__(self): return "{} map locations".format(len(self.p)) def getCaves(cave_id): '''Only gets called if a call to getCave() raises a MultipleObjects exception TO DO: search GCavelookup first, which should raise a MultpleObjectsReturned exception if there are duplicates''' try: caves = Cave.objects.filter(kataster_number=cave_id) caveset = set(caves) Gcavelookup = GetCaveLookup() # dictionary makes strings to Cave objects if cave_id in Gcavelookup: caveset.add(Gcavelookup[cave_id]) return list(caveset) except: return [] def getCave(cave_id): '''Returns a cave object when given a cave name or number. It is used by views including cavehref, ent, and qm. TO DO: search GCavelookup first, which should raise a MultpleObjectsReturned exception if there are duplicates''' try: cave = Cave.objects.get(kataster_number=cave_id) return cave except Cave.MultipleObjectsReturned as ex: raise MultipleObjectsReturned("Duplicate kataster number") from ex # propagate this up except Cave.DoesNotExist as ex: Gcavelookup = GetCaveLookup() # dictionary makes strings to Cave objects if cave_id in Gcavelookup: return Gcavelookup[cave_id] else: raise ObjectDoesNotExist("No cave found with this identifier in any id field") from ex # propagate this up except: raise ObjectDoesNotExist("No cave found with this identifier in any id field") def pad5(x): return "0" * (5 -len( + def padnumber(x): return re.sub("\d+", pad5, x) def numericalcmp(x, y): return cmp(padnumber(x), padnumber(y)) def caveKey(x): """python3 function for sort. Done in a hurry. Note that cave kataster numbers are not always integers. This needs to be fixed make a decent sort order. """ if not x.kataster_number: return "~" return x.kataster_number def getnotablecaves(): notablecaves = [] for kataster_number in settings.NOTABLECAVESHREFS: try: cave = Cave.objects.get(kataster_number=kataster_number) notablecaves.append(cave) except: #print(" ! FAILED to get only one cave per kataster_number OR invalid number for: "+kataster_number) caves = Cave.objects.all().filter(kataster_number=kataster_number) for c in caves: #print(c.kataster_number, c.slug()) if c.slug() != None: notablecaves.append(c) return notablecaves def caveindex(request): caves = Cave.objects.all() caves1623 = list(Cave.objects.filter(area__short_name = "1623")) caves1626 = list(Cave.objects.filter(area__short_name = "1626")) caves1623.sort(key=caveKey) caves1626.sort(key=caveKey) return render(request,'caveindex.html', {'caves1623': caves1623, 'caves1626': caves1626, 'notablecaves':getnotablecaves(), 'cavepage': True}) def cave3d(request, cave_id=''): '''This is used to create a download url in templates/cave.html if anyone wants to download the .3d file The caller template tries kataster first, then unofficial_number if that kataster number does not exist but only if Cave.survex_file is non-empty But the template file cave.html has its own ideas about the name of the file and thus the href. Ouch. /cave/3d/<cave_id> ''' try: cave = getCave(cave_id) except ObjectDoesNotExist: return None except Cave.MultipleObjectsReturned: # But only one might have survex data? So scan and return the first that works. caves = getCaves(cave_id) for c in caves: if c.survex_file: # exists, but may not be a valid file path to a valid .svx file in the Loser repo return file3d(request, c, c.slug) else: return file3d(request, cave, cave_id) def file3d(request, cave, cave_id): '''Produces a .3d file directly for download. survex_file should be in valid path format 'caves-1623/264/264.svx' but it might be mis-entered as simply '2012-ns-10.svx' Also the cave.survex_file may well not match the cave description path: e.g. it might be to the whole system 'smk-system.svx' instead of just for the specific cave. - If the expected .3d file corresponding to cave.survex_file is present, return it. - If the cave.survex_file exists, generate the 3d file, cache it and return it - Use the cave_id to guess what the 3d file might be and, if in the cache, return it - Use the cave_id to guess what the .svx file might be and generate the .3d file and return it - (Use the incomplete cave.survex_file and a guess at the missing directories to guess the real .svx file location ?) ''' def runcavern(survexpath): #print(" - Regenerating cavern .log and .3d for '{}'".format(survexpath)) if not survexpath.is_file(): #print(" - - Regeneration ABORT\n - - from '{}'".format(survexpath)) pass try: completed_process =[settings.CAVERN, "--log", "--output={}".format(settings.THREEDCACHEDIR), "{}".format(survexpath)]) except OSError as ex: # propagate this to caller. raise OSError(completed_process.stdout) from ex op3d = (Path(settings.THREEDCACHEDIR) / Path(survexpath).name).with_suffix('.3d') op3dlog = Path(op3d.with_suffix('.log')) if not op3d.is_file(): print(" - - Regeneration FAILED\n - - from '{}'\n - - to '{}'".format(survexpath, op3d)) print(" - - Regeneration stdout: ", completed_process.stdout) print(" - - Regeneration cavern log output: ", op3dlog.read_text()) def return3d(threedpath): if threedpath.is_file(): response = HttpResponse(content=open(threedpath, 'rb'), content_type='application/3d') response['Content-Disposition'] = 'attachment; filename={}'.format( return response else: message = '<h1>Path provided does not correspond to any actual 3d file.</h1><p>path: "{}"'.format(threedpath) #print(message) return HttpResponseNotFound(message) survexname = Path(cave.survex_file).name # removes directories survexpath = Path(settings.SURVEX_DATA, cave.survex_file) threedname = Path(survexname).with_suffix('.3d') # removes .svx, replaces with .3d threedpath = Path(settings.THREEDCACHEDIR, threedname) threedcachedir = Path(settings.THREEDCACHEDIR) # These if statements need refactoring more cleanly if cave.survex_file: #print(" - cave.survex_file '{}'".format(cave.survex_file)) if threedpath.is_file(): #print(" - threedpath '{}'".format(threedpath)) # possible error here as several .svx files of same names in different directories will overwrite in /3d/ if survexpath.is_file(): if os.path.getmtime(survexpath) > os.path.getmtime(threedpath): runcavern(survexpath) return return3d(threedpath) else: #print(" - - survexpath '{}'".format(survexpath)) if survexpath.is_file(): #print(" - - - survexpath '{}'".format(survexpath)) runcavern(survexpath) return return3d(threedpath) # Get here if cave.survex_file was set but did not correspond to a valid svx file if survexpath.is_file(): # a file, but invalid format message='<h1>File is not valid .svx format.</h1><p>Could not generate 3d file from "{}"'.format(survexpath) else: # we could try to guess that 'caves-1623/' is missing,... nah. message = '<h1>Path provided does not correspond to any actual file.</h1><p>path: "{}"'.format(survexpath) return HttpResponseNotFound(message) def rendercave(request, cave, slug, cave_id=''): '''Gets the data and files ready and then triggers Django to render the template. The resulting html contains urls which are dispatched independently, e.g. the 'download' link ''' #print(" ! rendercave:'{}' slug:'{}' cave_id:'{}'".format(cave, slug, cave_id)) if cave.non_public and settings.PUBLIC_SITE and not request.user.is_authenticated: return render(request, 'nonpublic.html', {'instance': cave, 'cavepage': True, 'cave_id': cave_id}) else: svxstem = Path(cave.survex_file).parent / Path(cave.survex_file).stem svx3d = Path(cave.survex_file).stem # NOTE the template itself loads the 3d file using javascript before it loads anything else. # Django cannot see what this javascript is doing, so we need to ensure that the 3d file exists first. # run this just for the side-effect of generating the 3d file? Nope, crashes. # TO DO - restructure this so that the regeneration is callable form here. #discard_response = cave3d(request, cave_id=cave_id) return render(request,'cave.html', {'settings': settings, 'cave': cave, 'cavepage': True, 'cave_id': cave_id, 'svxstem': svxstem, 'svx3d':svx3d}) def cavepage(request, karea, subpath): '''Displays a cave description page accessed by kataster area number specifically There are A LOT OF URLS to e.g. /1623/161/l/rl89a.htm which are IMAGES and html files in cave descriptions. These need to be handled HERE ''' path = karea + subpath #print(" ! cavepage:'{}' kataster area:'{}' rest of path:'{}'".format(path, karea, subpath)) try: cave = Cave.objects.get(url = path) # ideally this will be unique return rendercave(request, cave, cave.slug()) except Cave.DoesNotExist: # probably a link to text or an image e.g. 1623/161/l/rl89a.htm i.e. an expoweb page return expo.expopage(request, path) except Cave.MultipleObjectsReturned: caves = Cave.objects.filter(url = path) return render(request, 'svxcaveseveral.html', {'settings': settings, "caves":caves }) except: return render(request, 'pagenotfound.html', {'path': path}) def cave(request, cave_id='', offical_name=''): '''Displays a cave description page accesssed by a fairly random id which might be anything ''' try: cave=getCave(cave_id) except MultipleObjectsReturned: caves = Cave.objects.filter(kataster_number=cave_id) return render(request, 'svxcaveseveral.html', {'settings': settings, "caves":caves }) # not the right template, needs a specific one except ObjectDoesNotExist: return render(request, 'svxcavesingle404.html', {'settings': settings, "cave":cave_id }) except: return render(request, 'svxcavesingle404.html', {'settings': settings }) return rendercave(request, cave, cave.slug(), cave_id=cave_id) def caveEntrance(request, slug): cave = Cave.objects.get(caveslug__slug = slug) if cave.non_public and settings.PUBLIC_SITE and not request.user.is_authenticated: return render(request,'nonpublic.html', {'instance': cave}) else: return render(request,'cave_entrances.html', {'cave': cave}) def caveDescription(request, slug): cave = Cave.objects.get(caveslug__slug = slug) if cave.non_public and settings.PUBLIC_SITE and not request.user.is_authenticated: return render(request,'nonpublic.html', {'instance': cave}) else: return render(request,'cave_uground_description.html', {'cave': cave}) def caveQMs(request, slug): cave = Cave.objects.get(caveslug__slug = slug) if cave.non_public and settings.PUBLIC_SITE and not request.user.is_authenticated: return render(request,'nonpublic.html', {'instance': cave}) else: return render(request,'cave_qms.html', {'cave': cave}) def caveLogbook(request, slug): cave = Cave.objects.get(caveslug__slug = slug) if cave.non_public and settings.PUBLIC_SITE and not request.user.is_authenticated: return render(request,'nonpublic.html', {'instance': cave}) else: return render(request,'cave_logbook.html', {'cave': cave}) @login_required_if_public def edit_cave(request, slug=None): '''This is the form that edits all the cave data and writes out an XML file in the :expoweb: repo folder The format for the file being saved is in templates/dataformat/cave.xml ''' if slug is not None: cave = Cave.objects.get(caveslug__slug = slug) else: cave = Cave() if request.POST: form = CaveForm(request.POST, instance=cave) ceFormSet = CaveAndEntranceFormSet(request.POST) versionControlForm = VersionControlCommentForm(request.POST) if form.is_valid() and ceFormSet.is_valid() and versionControlForm.is_valid(): cave = = False) if slug is None: for a in form.cleaned_data["area"]: if a.kat_area(): myArea = a.kat_area() if form.cleaned_data["kataster_number"]: myslug = "%s-%s" % (myArea, form.cleaned_data["kataster_number"]) else: myslug = "%s-%s" % (myArea, form.cleaned_data["unofficial_number"]) else: myslug = slug cave.filename = myslug + ".html" form.save_m2m() if slug is None: cs = CaveSlug(cave = cave, slug = myslug, primary = True) ceinsts = for ceinst in ceinsts: ceinst.cave = cave cave.writeDataFile() return HttpResponseRedirect("/" + cave.url) else: form = CaveForm(instance=cave) ceFormSet = CaveAndEntranceFormSet(queryset=cave.caveandentrance_set.all()) versionControlForm = VersionControlCommentForm() return render(request, 'editcave2.html', {'form': form, 'caveAndEntranceFormSet': ceFormSet, 'versionControlForm': versionControlForm }) @login_required_if_public def editEntrance(request, caveslug, slug=None): cave = Cave.objects.get(caveslug__slug = caveslug) if slug is not None: entrance = Entrance.objects.get(entranceslug__slug = slug) else: entrance = Entrance() if request.POST: form = EntranceForm(request.POST, instance = entrance) versionControlForm = VersionControlCommentForm(request.POST) if slug is None: entletter = EntranceLetterForm(request.POST) else: entletter = None if form.is_valid() and versionControlForm.is_valid() and (slug is not None or entletter.is_valid()): entrance = = False) if slug is None: slugname = cave.slug() + entletter.cleaned_data["entrance_letter"] entrance.cached_primary_slug = slugname entrance.filename = slugname + ".html" if slug is None: es = EntranceSlug(entrance = entrance, slug = slugname, primary = True) el = = False) el.cave = cave el.entrance = entrance entrance.writeDataFile() return HttpResponseRedirect("/" + cave.url) else: form = EntranceForm(instance = entrance) versionControlForm = VersionControlCommentForm() if slug is None: entletter = EntranceLetterForm(request.POST) else: entletter = None return render(request, 'editentrance.html', {'form': form, 'versionControlForm': versionControlForm, 'entletter': entletter }) def qm(request,cave_id,qm_id,year,grade=None): year=int(year) try: qm=getCave(cave_id).get_QMs().get(number=qm_id,found_by__date__year=year) return render(request,'qm.html',locals()) except Cave.MultipleObjectsReturned: # entirely the wrong action, REPLACE with the right display caves = Cave.objects.filter(kataster_number=cave_id) return render(request, 'svxcaveseveral.html', {'settings': settings, "caves":caves }) except QM.DoesNotExist: url=urllib.parse.urljoin(settings.URL_ROOT, r'/admin/core/qm/add/'+'?'+ r'number=' + qm_id) if grade: url += r'&grade=' + grade return HttpResponseRedirect(url) def ent(request, cave_id, ent_letter): cave = Cave.objects.filter(kataster_number = cave_id)[0] cave_and_ent = CaveAndEntrance.objects.filter(cave = cave).filter(entrance_letter = ent_letter)[0] return render(request,'entrance.html', {'cave': cave, 'entrance': cave_and_ent.entrance, 'letter': cave_and_ent.entrance_letter,}) def entranceSlug(request, slug): entrance = Entrance.objects.get(entranceslug__slug = slug) if entrance.non_public and not request.user.is_authenticated: return render(request,'nonpublic.html', {'instance': entrance}) else: return render(request,'entranceslug.html', {'entrance': entrance}) def surveyindex(request): surveys=Survey.objects.all() expeditions=Expedition.objects.order_by("-year") return render(request,'survey.html',locals()) def get_entrances(request, caveslug): cave = Cave.objects.get(caveslug__slug = caveslug) return render(request,'options.html', {"items": [(e.entrance.slug(), e.entrance.slug()) for e in cave.entrances()]}) def get_qms(request, caveslug): cave = Cave.objects.get(caveslug__slug = caveslug) return render(request,'options.html', {"items": [(e.entrance.slug(), e.entrance.slug()) for e in cave.entrances()]}) AREANAMES = [ #('', 'Location unclear'), ('1a', '1a – Plateau: around Top Camp'), ('1b', '1b – Western plateau near 182'), ('1c', '1c – Eastern plateau near 204 walk-in path'), ('1d', '1d – Further plateau around 76'), ('2a', '2a – Southern Schwarzmooskogel near 201 path and the Nipple'), ('2b', '2b – Eishöhle area'), ('2b or 4 (unclear)', '2b or 4 (unclear)'), ('2c', '2c – Kaninchenhöhle area'), ('2d', '2d – Steinbrückenhöhle area'), ('3', '3 – Bräuning Alm'), ('4', '4 – Kratzer valley'), ('5', '5 – Schwarzmoos-Wildensee'), ('6', '6 – Far plateau'), ('1626 or 6 (borderline)', '1626 or 6 (borderline)'), ('7', '7 – Egglgrube'), ('8a', '8a – Loser south face'), ('8b', '8b – Loser below Dimmelwand'), ('8c', '8c – Augst See'), ('8d', '8d – Loser-Hochganger ridge'), ('9', '9 – Gschwandt Alm'), ('10', '10 – Altaussee'), ('11', '11 – Augstbach') ] def prospecting(request): #for key, name in AREANAMES: #print(key, Area.objects.get(short_name = key)) areas = [] for key, name in AREANAMES: a = Area.objects.get(short_name = key) # assumes unique caves = list(a.cave_set.all()) caves.sort(key=caveKey) areas.append((name, a, caves)) return render(request, 'prospecting.html', {"areas": areas}) # Parameters for big map and zoomed subarea maps: # big map first (zoom factor ignored) maps = { # id left top right bottom zoom # G&K G&K G&K G&K factor "all": [33810.4, 85436.5, 38192.0, 81048.2, 0.35, "All"], "40": [36275.6, 82392.5, 36780.3, 81800.0, 3.0, "Eishöhle"], "76": [35440.0, 83220.0, 36090.0, 82670.0, 1.3, "Eislufthöhle"], "204": [36354.1, 84154.5, 37047.4, 83300, 3.0, "Steinbrückenhöhle"], "tc": [35230.0, 82690.0, 36110.0, 82100.0, 3.0, "Near Top Camp"], "grieß": [36000.0, 86300.0, 38320.0, 84400.0, 4.0, "Grießkogel Area"], } for n in list(maps.keys()): L, T, R, B, S, name = maps[n] W = (R-L)/2 H = (T-B)/2 for i in range(2): for j in range(2): maps["%s%i%i" % (n, i, j)] = [L + i * W, T - j * H, L + (i + 1) * W, T - (j + 1) * H, S, name] # Keys in the order in which we want the maps output mapcodes = ["all", "grieß","40", "76", "204", "tc"] # Field codes L = 0 T = 1 R = 2 B = 3 ZOOM = 4 DESC = 5 areacolours = { '1a' : '#00ffff', '1b' : '#ff00ff', '1c' : '#ffff00', '1d' : '#ffffff', '2a' : '#ff0000', '2b' : '#00ff00', '2c' : '#008800', '2d' : '#ff9900', '3' : '#880000', '4' : '#0000ff', '6' : '#000000', # doubles for surface fixed pts, and anything else '7' : '#808080' } for FONT in [ "/usr/share/fonts/truetype/freefont/FreeSans.ttf", "/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/truetype/arial.ttf", "/mnt/c/windows/fonts/arial.ttf", "C:\WINNT\Fonts\ARIAL.TTF" ]: if os.path.isfile(FONT): break TEXTSIZE = 16 CIRCLESIZE =8 LINEWIDTH = 2 myFont = ImageFont.truetype(FONT, TEXTSIZE) def mungecoord(x, y, mapcode, img): # Top of Zinken is 73 1201 = dataset 34542 81967 # Top of Hinter is 1073 562 = dataset 36670 83317 # image is 1417 by 2201 # FACTOR1 = 1000.0 / (36670.0-34542.0) # FACTOR2 = (1201.0-562.0) / (83317 - 81967) # FACTOR = (FACTOR1 + FACTOR2)/2 # The factors aren't the same as the scanned map's at a slight angle. I # can't be bothered to fix this. Since we zero on the Hinter it makes # very little difference for caves in the areas round 76 or 204. # xoffset = (x - 36670)*FACTOR # yoffset = (y - 83317)*FACTOR # return (1073 + xoffset, 562 - yoffset) m = maps[mapcode] factorX, factorY = img.size[0] / (m[R] - m[L]), img.size[1] / (m[T] - m[B]) return ((x - m[L]) * factorX, (m[T] - y) * factorY) COL_TYPES = {True: "red", False: "#dddddd", "Reference": "#dddddd"} def plot(surveypoint, number, point_type, label, mapcode, draw, img): try: ss = SurvexStation.objects.lookup(surveypoint) E, N = ss.x, ss.y shortnumber = number.replace("—","") (x,y) = list(map(int, mungecoord(E, N, mapcode, img))) #imgmaps[maparea].append( [x-4, y-SIZE/2, x+4+draw.textsize(shortnumber)[0], y+SIZE/2, shortnumber, label] ) draw.rectangle([(x+CIRCLESIZE, y-TEXTSIZE/2), (x+CIRCLESIZE*2+draw.textsize(shortnumber)[0], y+TEXTSIZE/2)], fill="#ffffff") draw.text((x+CIRCLESIZE * 1.5,y-TEXTSIZE/2), shortnumber, fill="#000000") draw.ellipse([(x-CIRCLESIZE,y-CIRCLESIZE),(x+CIRCLESIZE,y+CIRCLESIZE)], fill=COL_TYPES[point_type], outline="#000000") except: pass def prospecting_image(request, name): # We should replace all this with something that exports an overlay for Google Maps and OpenStreetView mainImage =, "location_maps", "pguidemap.jpg")) if settings.PUBLIC_SITE and not request.user.is_authenticated: mainImage ="RGB", mainImage.size, '#ffffff') m = maps[name] #imgmaps = [] if name == "all": img = mainImage else: M = maps['all'] W, H = mainImage.size l = int((m[L] - M[L]) / (M[R] - M[L]) * W) t = int((m[T] - M[T]) / (M[B] - M[T]) * H) r = int((m[R] - M[L]) / (M[R] - M[L]) * W) b = int((m[B] - M[T]) / (M[B] - M[T]) * H) img = mainImage.crop((l, t, r, b)) w = int(round(m[ZOOM] * (m[R] - m[L]) / (M[R] - M[L]) * W)) h = int(round(m[ZOOM] * (m[B] - m[T]) / (M[B] - M[T]) * H)) img = img.resize((w, h), Image.BICUBIC) draw = ImageDraw.Draw(img) draw.setfont(myFont) if name == "all": for maparea in list(maps.keys()): if maparea == "all": continue localm = maps[maparea] l,t = mungecoord(localm[L], localm[T], "all", img) r,b = mungecoord(localm[R], localm[B], "all", img) text = maparea + " map" textlen = draw.textsize(text)[0] + 3 draw.rectangle([l, t, l+textlen, t+TEXTSIZE+2], fill='#ffffff') draw.text((l+2, t+1), text, fill="#000000") #imgmaps.append( [l, t, l+textlen, t+SIZE+2, "submap" + maparea, maparea + " subarea map"] ) draw.line([l, t, r, t], fill='#777777', width=LINEWIDTH) draw.line([l, b, r, b], fill='#777777', width=LINEWIDTH) draw.line([l, t, l, b], fill='#777777', width=LINEWIDTH) draw.line([r, t, r, b], fill='#777777', width=LINEWIDTH) draw.line([l, t, l+textlen, t], fill='#777777', width=LINEWIDTH) draw.line([l, t+TEXTSIZE+2, l+textlen, t+TEXTSIZE+2], fill='#777777', width=LINEWIDTH) draw.line([l, t, l, t+TEXTSIZE+2], fill='#777777', width=LINEWIDTH) draw.line([l+textlen, t, l+textlen, t+TEXTSIZE+2], fill='#777777', width=LINEWIDTH) #imgmaps[maparea] = [] # Draw scale bar m100 = int(100 / (m[R] - m[L]) * img.size[0]) draw.line([10, TEXTSIZE*3, 10, TEXTSIZE*2], fill='#000000', width=LINEWIDTH) draw.line([10, TEXTSIZE*2, 10+m100, TEXTSIZE*2], fill='#000000', width=LINEWIDTH) draw.line([10+m100, TEXTSIZE * 3, 10+m100, TEXTSIZE*2], fill='#000000', width=LINEWIDTH) label = "100m" draw.text([10 + (m100 - draw.textsize(label)[0]) / 2, TEXTSIZE/2], label, fill='#000000') for p in MapLocations.points(): surveypoint, number, point_type, label = p plot(surveypoint, number, point_type, label, name, draw, img) for (N, E, D, num) in [(35975.37, 83018.21, 100,"177"), # Calculated from bearings (35350.00, 81630.00, 50, "71"), # From Auer map (36025.00, 82475.00, 50, "146"), # From mystery map (35600.00, 82050.00, 50, "35"), # From Auer map (35650.00, 82025.00, 50, "44"), # From Auer map (36200.00, 82925.00, 50, "178"), # Calculated from bearings (35232.64, 82910.37, 25, "181"), # Calculated from bearings (35323.60, 81357.83, 50, "74") # From Auer map ]: (N,E,D) = list(map(float, (N, E, D))) maparea = Cave.objects.get(kataster_number = num).getArea().short_name lo = mungecoord(N-D, E+D, name, img) hi = mungecoord(N+D, E-D, name, img) lpos = mungecoord(N-D, E, name, img) draw.ellipse([lo,hi], outline="#000000") draw.ellipse([lo[0]+1, lo[1]+1, hi[0]-1, hi[1]-1], outline=areacolours[maparea]) draw.ellipse([lo[0]+2, lo[1]+2, hi[0]-2, hi[1]-2], outline=areacolours[maparea]) draw.rectangle([lpos[0],lpos[1]-TEXTSIZE/2, lpos[0] + draw.textsize(name)[0], lpos[1]+TEXTSIZE/2], fill="#ffffff") draw.text((lpos[0], lpos[1]-TEXTSIZE/2), num, fill="#000000") response = HttpResponse(content_type = "image/png") del draw, "PNG") return response