var PythonParser = Editor.Parser = (function() { function wordRegexp(words) { return new RegExp("^(?:" + words.join("|") + ")$"); } var DELIMITERCLASS = 'py-delimiter'; var LITERALCLASS = 'py-literal'; var ERRORCLASS = 'py-error'; var OPERATORCLASS = 'py-operator'; var IDENTIFIERCLASS = 'py-identifier'; var STRINGCLASS = 'py-string'; var BYTESCLASS = 'py-bytes'; var UNICODECLASS = 'py-unicode'; var RAWCLASS = 'py-raw'; var NORMALCONTEXT = 'normal'; var STRINGCONTEXT = 'string'; var singleOperators = '+-*/%&|^~<>'; var doubleOperators = wordRegexp(['==', '!=', '\\<=', '\\>=', '\\<\\>', '\\<\\<', '\\>\\>', '\\/\\/', '\\*\\*']); var singleDelimiters = '()[]{}@,:.`=;'; var doubleDelimiters = ['\\+=', '\\-=', '\\*=', '/=', '%=', '&=', '\\|=', '\\^=']; var tripleDelimiters = wordRegexp(['//=','\\>\\>=','\\<\\<=','\\*\\*=']); var singleStarters = singleOperators + singleDelimiters + '=!'; var doubleStarters = '=<>*/'; var identifierStarters = /[_A-Za-z]/; var wordOperators = wordRegexp(['and', 'or', 'not', 'is', 'in']); var commonkeywords = ['as', 'assert', 'break', 'class', 'continue', 'def', 'del', 'elif', 'else', 'except', 'finally', 'for', 'from', 'global', 'if', 'import', 'lambda', 'pass', 'raise', 'return', 'try', 'while', 'with', 'yield']; var commontypes = ['bool', 'classmethod', 'complex', 'dict', 'enumerate', 'float', 'frozenset', 'int', 'list', 'object', 'property', 'reversed', 'set', 'slice', 'staticmethod', 'str', 'super', 'tuple', 'type']; var py2 = {'types': ['basestring', 'buffer', 'file', 'long', 'unicode', 'xrange'], 'keywords': ['exec', 'print'], 'version': 2 }; var py3 = {'types': ['bytearray', 'bytes', 'filter', 'map', 'memoryview', 'open', 'range', 'zip'], 'keywords': ['nonlocal'], 'version': 3}; var py, keywords, types, stringStarters, stringTypes, config; function configure(conf) { if (!conf.hasOwnProperty('pythonVersion')) { conf.pythonVersion = 2; } if (!conf.hasOwnProperty('strictErrors')) { conf.strictErrors = true; } if (conf.pythonVersion != 2 && conf.pythonVersion != 3) { alert('CodeMirror: Unknown Python Version "' + conf.pythonVersion + '", defaulting to Python 2.x.'); conf.pythonVersion = 2; } if (conf.pythonVersion == 3) { py = py3; stringStarters = /[\'\"rbRB]/; stringTypes = /[rb]/; doubleDelimiters.push('\\-\\>'); } else { py = py2; stringStarters = /['"RUru]/; stringTypes = /[ru]/; } config = conf; keywords = wordRegexp(commonkeywords.concat(py.keywords)); types = wordRegexp(commontypes.concat(py.types)); doubleDelimiters = wordRegexp(doubleDelimiters); } var tokenizePython = (function() { function normal(source, setState) { var stringDelim, threeStr, temp, type, word, possible = {}; var ch =; function filterPossible(token, styleIfPossible) { if (! && !possible.content) { return token; } else if (typeof(token) == STRINGCONTEXT) { token = {content: source.get(), style: token}; } if ( || styleIfPossible) { = styleIfPossible ? styleIfPossible :; } if (possible.content) { token.content = possible.content + token.content; } possible = {}; return token; } // Handle comments if (ch == '#') { while (!source.endOfLine()) {; } return 'py-comment'; } // Handle special chars if (ch == '\\') { if (source.peek() != '\n') { var whitespace = true; while (!source.endOfLine()) { if(!(/\s/.test( { whitespace = false; } } if (!whitespace) { return ERRORCLASS; } } return 'py-special'; } // Handle operators and delimiters if (singleStarters.indexOf(ch) != -1) { if (doubleStarters.indexOf(source.peek()) != -1) { temp = ch + source.peek(); // It must be a double delimiter or operator or triple delimiter if (doubleOperators.test(temp)) {; if (tripleDelimiters.test(temp + source.peek())) {; return DELIMITERCLASS; } else { return OPERATORCLASS; } } else if (doubleDelimiters.test(temp)) {; return DELIMITERCLASS; } } // It must be a single delimiter or operator if (singleOperators.indexOf(ch) != -1) { return OPERATORCLASS; } else if (singleDelimiters.indexOf(ch) != -1) { if (ch == '@' && /\w/.test(source.peek())) { possible = {style:'py-decorator', content: source.get()}; ch =; } else if (ch == '.' && /\d/.test(source.peek())) { possible = {style:LITERALCLASS, content: source.get()}; ch =; } else { return DELIMITERCLASS; } } else { return ERRORCLASS; } } // Handle number literals if (/\d/.test(ch)) { if (ch === '0' && !source.endOfLine()) { switch (source.peek()) { case 'o': case 'O':; source.nextWhileMatches(/[0-7]/); return filterPossible(LITERALCLASS, ERRORCLASS); case 'x': case 'X':; source.nextWhileMatches(/[0-9A-Fa-f]/); return filterPossible(LITERALCLASS, ERRORCLASS); case 'b': case 'B':; source.nextWhileMatches(/[01]/); return filterPossible(LITERALCLASS, ERRORCLASS); } } source.nextWhileMatches(/\d/); if (source.peek() == '.') {; source.nextWhileMatches(/\d/); } // Grab an exponent if (source.peek().toLowerCase() == 'e') {; if (source.peek() == '+' || source.peek() == '-') {; } if (/\d/.test(source.peek())) { source.nextWhileMatches(/\d/); } else { return filterPossible(ERRORCLASS); } } // Grab a complex number if (source.peek().toLowerCase() == 'j') {; } return filterPossible(LITERALCLASS); } // Handle strings if (stringStarters.test(ch)) { var peek = source.peek(); var stringType = STRINGCLASS; if ((stringTypes.test(ch)) && (peek == '"' || peek == "'")) { switch (ch.toLowerCase()) { case 'b': stringType = BYTESCLASS; break; case 'r': stringType = RAWCLASS; break; case 'u': stringType = UNICODECLASS; break; } ch =; stringDelim = ch; if (source.peek() != stringDelim) { setState(inString(stringType, stringDelim)); return null; } else {; if (source.peek() == stringDelim) {; threeStr = stringDelim + stringDelim + stringDelim; setState(inString(stringType, threeStr)); return null; } else { return stringType; } } } else if (ch == "'" || ch == '"') { stringDelim = ch; if (source.peek() != stringDelim) { setState(inString(stringType, stringDelim)); return null; } else {; if (source.peek() == stringDelim) {; threeStr = stringDelim + stringDelim + stringDelim; setState(inString(stringType, threeStr)); return null; } else { return stringType; } } } } // Handle Identifier if (identifierStarters.test(ch)) { source.nextWhileMatches(/[\w\d]/); word = source.get(); if (wordOperators.test(word)) { type = OPERATORCLASS; } else if (keywords.test(word)) { type = 'py-keyword'; } else if (types.test(word)) { type = 'py-type'; } else { type = IDENTIFIERCLASS; while (source.peek() == '.') {; if (identifierStarters.test(source.peek())) { source.nextWhileMatches(/[\w\d]/); } else { type = ERRORCLASS; break; } } word = word + source.get(); } return filterPossible({style: type, content: word}); } // Register Dollar sign and Question mark as errors. Always! if (/\$\?/.test(ch)) { return filterPossible(ERRORCLASS); } return filterPossible(ERRORCLASS); } function inString(style, terminator) { return function(source, setState) { var matches = []; var found = false; while (!found && !source.endOfLine()) { var ch =, newMatches = []; // Skip escaped characters if (ch == '\\') { if (source.peek() == '\n') { break; } ch =; ch =; } if (ch == terminator.charAt(0)) { matches.push(terminator); } for (var i = 0; i < matches.length; i++) { var match = matches[i]; if (match.charAt(0) == ch) { if (match.length == 1) { setState(normal); found = true; break; } else { newMatches.push(match.slice(1)); } } } matches = newMatches; } return style; }; } return function(source, startState) { return tokenizer(source, startState || normal); }; })(); function parsePython(source) { if (!keywords) { configure({}); } var tokens = tokenizePython(source); var lastToken = null; var column = 0; var context = {prev: null, endOfScope: false, startNewScope: false, level: 0, next: null, type: NORMALCONTEXT }; function pushContext(level, type) { type = type ? type : NORMALCONTEXT; context = {prev: context, endOfScope: false, startNewScope: false, level: level, next: null, type: type }; } function popContext(remove) { remove = remove ? remove : false; if (context.prev) { if (remove) { context = context.prev; = null; } else { = context; context = context.prev; } } } function indentPython(context) { var temp; return function(nextChars, currentLevel, direction) { if (direction === null || direction === undefined) { if (nextChars) { while ( { context =; } } return context.level; } else if (direction === true) { if (currentLevel == context.level) { if ( { return; } else { return context.level; } } else { temp = context; while (temp.prev && temp.prev.level > currentLevel) { temp = temp.prev; } return temp.level; } } else if (direction === false) { if (currentLevel > context.level) { return context.level; } else if (context.prev) { temp = context; while (temp.prev && temp.prev.level >= currentLevel) { temp = temp.prev; } if (temp.prev) { return temp.prev.level; } else { return temp.level; } } } return context.level; }; } var iter = { next: function() { var token =; var type =; var content = token.content; if (lastToken) { if (lastToken.content == 'def' && type == IDENTIFIERCLASS) { = 'py-func'; } if (lastToken.content == '\n') { var tempCtx = context; // Check for a different scope if (type == 'whitespace' && context.type == NORMALCONTEXT) { if (token.value.length < context.level) { while (token.value.length < context.level) { popContext(); } if (token.value.length != context.level) { context = tempCtx; if (config.strictErrors) { = ERRORCLASS; } } else { = null; } } } else if (context.level !== 0 && context.type == NORMALCONTEXT) { while (0 !== context.level) { popContext(); } if (context.level !== 0) { context = tempCtx; if (config.strictErrors) { = ERRORCLASS; } } } } } // Handle Scope Changes switch(type) { case STRINGCLASS: case BYTESCLASS: case RAWCLASS: case UNICODECLASS: if (context.type !== STRINGCONTEXT) { pushContext(context.level + 1, STRINGCONTEXT); } break; default: if (context.type === STRINGCONTEXT) { popContext(true); } break; } switch(content) { case '.': case '@': // These delimiters don't appear by themselves if (content !== token.value) { = ERRORCLASS; } break; case ':': // Colons only delimit scope inside a normal scope if (context.type === NORMALCONTEXT) { context.startNewScope = context.level+indentUnit; } break; case '(': case '[': case '{': // These start a sequence scope pushContext(column + content.length, 'sequence'); break; case ')': case ']': case '}': // These end a sequence scope popContext(true); break; case 'pass': case 'return': // These end a normal scope if (context.type === NORMALCONTEXT) { context.endOfScope = true; } break; case '\n': // Reset our column column = 0; // Make any scope changes if (context.endOfScope) { context.endOfScope = false; popContext(); } else if (context.startNewScope !== false) { var temp = context.startNewScope; context.startNewScope = false; pushContext(temp, NORMALCONTEXT); } // Newlines require an indentation function wrapped in a closure for proper context. token.indentation = indentPython(context); break; } // Keep track of current column for certain scopes. if (content != '\n') { column += token.value.length; } lastToken = token; return token; }, copy: function() { var _context = context, _tokenState = tokens.state; return function(source) { tokens = tokenizePython(source, _tokenState); context = _context; return iter; }; } }; return iter; } return {make: parsePython, electricChars: "", configure: configure}; })();