import datetime import os.path import re import time import django.db.models from django.db.models import Max, Min from django.http import HttpResponse, HttpResponseRedirect from django.shortcuts import render from django.template import Context, loader from django.template.defaultfilters import slugify from django.urls import reverse from django.utils import timezone from django.views.generic.list import ListView import troggle.settings as settings from troggle.core.models.caves import LogbookEntry, PersonTrip from troggle.core.models.survex import SurvexBlock, Wallet from troggle.core.models.troggle import Expedition, Person, PersonExpedition from troggle.core.utils import TROG from troggle.parsers.logbooks import LoadLogbookForExpedition from troggle.parsers.people import GetPersonExpeditionNameLookup from .auth import login_required_if_public '''These views are for logbook items when they appear in an 'expedition' page and for persons: their individual pages and their perseonexpedition pages. It uses the global object TROG to hold some cached pages. ''' todo = '''Fix the get_person_chronology() display bug. ''' def notablepersons(request): def notabilitykey(person): return person.notability() persons = Person.objects.all() # From what I can tell, "persons" seems to be the table rows, while "pcols" is the table columns. - AC 16 Feb 09 pcols = [ ] ncols = 4 nc = int((len(persons) + ncols - 1) / ncols) for i in range(ncols): pcols.append(persons[i * nc: (i + 1) * nc]) notablepersons = [] # Needed recoding because of Django CVE-2021-45116 for person in persons: if person.bisnotable(): notablepersons.append(person) notablepersons.sort(key=notabilitykey, reverse=True) return render(request,'notablepersons.html', {'persons': persons, 'pcols':pcols, 'notablepersons':notablepersons}) def expedition(request, expeditionname): '''Returns a rendered page for one expedition, specified by the year e.g. '2019'. If page caching is enabled, it caches the dictionaries used to render the template page. ''' if request.user.is_authenticated: if "reload" in request.GET: this_expedition = Expedition.objects.get(year=int(expeditionname)) # Need to delete the existing entries or we get duplication # Need to delete both in the Django ORM and in our own object-store. entries = this_expedition.logbookentry_set.all() for entry in entries: #print(f'! - delete entry: "{entry}"') entry.delete() entries = this_expedition.logbookentry_set.all() LoadLogbookForExpedition(this_expedition) logged_in = True else: logged_in = False ts = TROG['pagecache']['expedition'] if settings.CACHEDPAGES: nexpos = len( TROG['pagecache']['expedition']) #print(f'! - expo {expeditionname} CACHEDPAGES {nexpos} expo pages in cache.') if expeditionname in ts: #print('! - expo {expeditionanme} using cached page') return render(request,'expedition.html', { **ts[expeditionname], 'logged_in' : logged_in }) try: this_expedition = Expedition.objects.get(year=int(expeditionname)) except: message = f'Expedition not found - database apparently empty, you probably need to do a full re-import of all data.' return render(request, 'errors/generic.html', {'message': message}) expeditions = Expedition.objects.all() personexpeditiondays = [ ] dateditems = list(this_expedition.logbookentry_set.all()) + list(this_expedition.survexblock_set.all()) dates = sorted(set([ for item in dateditems])) for personexpedition in this_expedition.personexpedition_set.all(): prow = [ ] for date in dates: pcell = { "persontrips": PersonTrip.objects.filter(personexpedition=personexpedition, logbook_entry__date=date) } pcell["survexblocks"] = set(SurvexBlock.objects.filter(survexpersonrole__personexpedition=personexpedition, date = date)) prow.append(pcell) personexpeditiondays.append({"personexpedition":personexpedition, "personrow":prow}) ts[expeditionname] = {'expedition': this_expedition, 'expeditions':expeditions, 'personexpeditiondays':personexpeditiondays, 'settings':settings, 'dateditems': dateditems} TROG['pagecache']['expedition'][expeditionname] = ts[expeditionname] nexpos = len( TROG['pagecache']['expedition']) #print(f'! - expo {expeditionname} pre-render N expos:{nexpos}') return render(request,'expedition.html', { **ts[expeditionname], 'logged_in' : logged_in } ) # def get_absolute_url(self): # seems to have come seriously adrift. This should be in a class?! # return ('expedition', (expedition.year)) class Expeditions_tsvListView(ListView): """This uses the Django built-in shortcut mechanism It defaults to use a template with name <app-label>/<model-name>_list.html. Either a queryset variable or set_queryset() function is used, but not needed if you want all the obejcts of a particaulr type in which case just set model = <object> """ template_name = 'core/expeditions_tsv_list.html' # if not present then uses core/expedition_list.html #queryset = Expedition.objects.all() #context_object_name = 'expedition' model = Expedition # equivalent to .objects.all() for a queryset class Expeditions_jsonListView(ListView): template_name = 'core/expeditions_json_list.html' model = Expedition def person(request, first_name='', last_name='', ): try: this_person = Person.objects.get(first_name = first_name, last_name = last_name) except: message = f'Person not found \'{first_name} {last_name}\' - possibly Scottish? (See our <a href="/handbook/troggle/namesredesign.html">Proposal to fix this</a>)' return render(request, 'errors/generic.html', {'message': message}) return render(request,'person.html', {'person': this_person }) def get_person_chronology(personexpedition): '''Horrible bug here when there is more than one survex block per day, it duplicates the entry but gets it wrong Fortunately this is just the display on this page which is wroing, no bad calculations get into the database. This is just a nasty convoluted way of trying the make the template do more work than it is sensible to ask it to do. Rewrite more simply with the login in the python, not in Django template language (you bastard Curtis). ''' res = { } for persontrip in personexpedition.persontrip_set.all(): a = res.setdefault(, { }) a.setdefault("persontrips", [ ]).append(persontrip) for personrole in personexpedition.survexpersonrole_set.all(): a = res.setdefault(, { }) a.setdefault("personroles", [ ]).append(personrole.survexblock) # build up the tables rdates = sorted(list(res.keys())) res2 = [ ] for rdate in rdates: persontrips = res[rdate].get("persontrips", []) personroles = res[rdate].get("personroles", []) for n in range(max(len(persontrips), len(personroles) )): res2.append(((n == 0 and rdate or "--"), (n < len(persontrips) and persontrips[n]), (n < len(personroles) and personroles[n]) )) return res2 def personexpedition(request, first_name='', last_name='', year=''): person = Person.objects.get(first_name = first_name, last_name = last_name) this_expedition = Expedition.objects.get(year=year) personexpedition = person.personexpedition_set.get(expedition=this_expedition) personchronology = get_person_chronology(personexpedition) #for pc in personchronology: #print(pc) return render(request,'personexpedition.html', {'personexpedition': personexpedition, 'personchronology':personchronology}) def logbookentry(request, date, slug): # start = time.time() trips = LogbookEntry.objects.filter(date=date) # all the trips not just this one this_logbookentry = trips.filter(date=date, slug=slug) if this_logbookentry: if len(this_logbookentry)>1: return render(request, 'object_list.html',{'object_list':this_logbookentry}) else: wallets = set() allwallets = Wallet.objects.all() refwallets = allwallets.filter(survexblock__date=date) for r in refwallets: wallets.add(r) # Note that w.year() only works for wallets which have a valid JSON file existing # This is very slow with a big lag as is a computed field # Noticably slow with WSL2 and NTFS filesystem, even with caching as walletdate. jwallets = allwallets.filter(walletdate=date) for j in jwallets: wallets.add(j) thisexpo = this_expedition = Expedition.objects.get(year=int(date[0:4])) if thisexpo: expeditionday = thisexpo.get_expedition_day(date) svxothers = SurvexBlock.objects.filter(expeditionday=expeditionday) else: svxothers = None this_logbookentry=this_logbookentry[0] # This is the only page that uses presontrip_next and persontrip_prev # and it is calculated on the fly in the model # duration = time.time()-start # print(f"--- Render after {duration:.2f} seconds") return render(request, 'logbookentry.html', {'logbookentry': this_logbookentry, 'trips': trips, 'svxothers': svxothers, 'wallets': wallets}) else: msg =(f' Logbook entry slug:"{slug}" not found in database on date:"{date}" ') print(msg) return render(request, 'errors/generic.html',{'message':msg}) def get_people(request, expeditionslug): exp = Expedition.objects.get(year = expeditionslug) return render(request,'options.html', {"items": [(pe.slug, for pe in exp.personexpedition_set.all()]}) def get_logbook_entries(request, expeditionslug): exp = Expedition.objects.get(year = expeditionslug) return render(request,'options.html', {"items": [(le.slug, f"{} - {le.title}") for le in exp.logbookentry_set.all()]})