from django.conf import settings
from troggle.core.models import LogbookEntry
import random, re, logging

def weighted_choice(lst):
	n = random.uniform(0,1)
	for item, weight in lst:
		if n < weight:
		n = n - weight
	return item

def randomLogbookSentence():

    # needs to handle empty logbooks without crashing

    #Choose a random logbook entry

    #Choose again if there are no sentances (this happens if it is a placeholder entry)
    while len(re.findall('[A-Z].*?\.',randSent['entry'].text))==0:
    #Choose a random sentence from that entry. Store the sentence as randSent['sentence'], and the number of that sentence in the entry as randSent['number']
    return randSent

def save_carefully(objectType, lookupAttribs={}, nonLookupAttribs={}):
    """Looks up instance using lookupAttribs and carries out the following:
            -if instance does not exist in DB: add instance to DB, return (new instance, True)
            -if instance exists in DB and was modified using Troggle: do nothing, return (existing instance, False)
            -if instance exists in DB and was not modified using Troggle: overwrite instance, return (instance, False)
        The checking is accomplished using Django's get_or_create and the new_since_parsing boolean field
        defined in core.models.TroggleModel.

    instance, created=objectType.objects.get_or_create(defaults=nonLookupAttribs, **lookupAttribs)

    if not created and not instance.new_since_parsing:
        for k, v in nonLookupAttribs.items(): #overwrite the existing attributes from the logbook text (except date and title)
            setattr(instance, k, v)
    if created:' was just added to the database for the first time. \n')
    if not created and instance.new_since_parsing:" has been modified using Troggle, so the current script left it as is. \n")

    if not created and not instance.new_since_parsing:" existed in the database unchanged since last parse. It was overwritten by the current script. \n")
    return (instance, created)

def render_with_context(req, *args, **kwargs):
    """this is the snippet from
    Django uses Context, not RequestContext when you call render_to_response. We always want to use RequestContext, so that django adds the context from settings.TEMPLATE_CONTEXT_PROCESSORS. This way we automatically get necessary settings variables passed to each template. So we use a custom method, render_response instead of render_to_response. Hopefully future Django releases will make this unnecessary."""

    from django.shortcuts import render_to_response
    from django.template import RequestContext
    kwargs['context_instance'] = RequestContext(req)
    return render_to_response(*args, **kwargs)