{% extends "base.html" %} {% block title %}Simple Fileupload (Photos){% endblock %} {% block content %} {% if folder %}

Upload photos into /photos/{{folder}}/

{% else %}

Upload photos into /photos/{{year}}/

{% endif %}
{% csrf_token %}

{% if filesaved %}

File(s) saved as
{% for f in actual_saved %} {{f}}
{% endfor %}

{% endif %} Files:
{% for f in files %} {{f}}
{% empty %}

<No files here> {% endfor %}

Photographer Directories:
{% if folder %} [up]
{% endif %} {% for f in dirs %} /{{f}}/
{% empty %}

<No subdirectories> {% endfor %}

{% if folder %}

You can upload your photographs here.

You cannot create sub-folders here.

Note that only photo image files are accepted: all other types of files are refused. {% else %}

You can upload your photographs to any of these folders, and you can create a new folder in your name for your photos.

Note that only photo image files are accepted: all other types of files are refused.

Create new Photographer folder in /photos/{{year}}/

{% csrf_token %}

{% endif %}

{% endblock %}