diff --git a/README.txt b/README.txt
index 2913653..c452750 100644
--- a/README.txt
+++ b/README.txt
@@ -25,12 +25,17 @@ If you want to work on the source code and be able to commit, you will need to u
 Next, you need to fill in your local settings. Copy either localsettingsubuntu.py or localsettingsserver.py to a new file called localsettings.py. Follow the instructions contained in the file to fill out your settings.
 Setting up tables and importing legacy data
 Run "python databaseReset.py reset" from the troggle directory.
 Once troggle is running, you can also log in and then go to "Import / export" data under "admin" on the menu.
+Adding a new year/expedition requires adding a column to the
+noinfo/folk.csv table - a year doesn't exist until that is done.
 Running a Troggle server
 For high volume use, Troggle should be run using a web server like apache. However, a quick way to get started is to use the development server built into Django.