diff --git a/core/models/caves.py b/core/models/caves.py
index 30a4a0b..6f56cab 100644
--- a/core/models/caves.py
+++ b/core/models/caves.py
@@ -453,10 +453,6 @@ class Entrance(TroggleModel):
class LogbookEntry(TroggleModel):
"""Single parsed entry from Logbook
- But what is all this__getattribute__ meta stuff for ? When is it needed ?!?
- Le'ts get rid of it and set the 'cave' attribute to a cave object elsehwhere. This is
- attempting to be Too Clever.
date = models.DateField()#MJG wants to turn this into a datetime such that multiple Logbook entries on the same day can be ordered.ld()
expeditionday = models.ForeignKey("ExpeditionDay", null=True,on_delete=models.SET_NULL)#MJG wants to KILL THIS (redundant information)
@@ -466,13 +462,14 @@ class LogbookEntry(TroggleModel):
place = models.CharField(max_length=100,blank=True, null=True,help_text="Only use this if you haven't chosen a cave")
text = models.TextField()
slug = models.SlugField(max_length=50)
+ time_underground = models.FloatField(null=True,help_text="In decimal hours")
class Meta:
verbose_name_plural = "Logbook Entries"
# several PersonTrips point in to this object
ordering = ('-date',)
- def cave(self): # Why didn't he just make this a foreign key to Cave ? Replaces __getattrribute__ sillyness.
+ def cave(self): # Why didn't he just make this a foreign key to Cave ?
c = CaveSlug.objects.get(slug=self.cave_slug, primary=True).cave
return c
@@ -491,18 +488,6 @@ class LogbookEntry(TroggleModel):
def get_previous_by_id(self):
- # def new_QM_number(self):
- # """Returns """
- # if self.cave:
- # nextQMnumber=self.cave.new_QM_number(self.date.year)
- # else:
- # return None
- # return nextQMnumber
- # def new_QM_found_link(self):
- # """Produces a link to a new QM with the next number filled in and this LogbookEntry set as 'found by' """
- # return settings.URL_ROOT + r'/admin/core/qm/add/?' + r'found_by=' + str(self.pk) +'&number=' + str(self.new_QM_number())
def DayIndex(self):
return list(self.expeditionday.logbookentry_set.all()).index(self)
diff --git a/parsers/imports.py b/parsers/imports.py
index cd27726..825f46c 100644
--- a/parsers/imports.py
+++ b/parsers/imports.py
@@ -41,11 +41,11 @@ def import_logbooks():
with transaction.atomic():
-def import_logbook(year=2019):
+def import_logbook(year=2009):
print(f"-- Importing Logbook {year}")
print(f"-- - commented out")
- # with transaction.atomic():
- # troggle.parsers.logbooks.LoadLogbook(year, format="cucc")
+ with transaction.atomic():
+ troggle.parsers.logbooks.LoadLogbook(year)
def import_QMs():
print("-- Importing old QMs for 161, 204, 234 from CSV files")
diff --git a/parsers/logbooks.py b/parsers/logbooks.py
index cde11bd..d4db001 100644
--- a/parsers/logbooks.py
+++ b/parsers/logbooks.py
@@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ data for old logbooks. New design needed, with a mechanism for flagging fixtures
- # "2017": ("ukcavingblog.html", "parser_blog"), # now folded in to logbooks.html
+# "2017": ("ukcavingblog.html", "parser_blog"), # now folded in to logbooks.html
"2018": ("ukcavingblog.html", "parser_blog"),
"2019": ("ukcavingblog.html", "parser_blog"),
"2022": ("ukcavingblog.html", "parser_blog"),
@@ -60,12 +60,13 @@ BLOG_PARSER_SETTINGS = {
DEFAULT_LOGBOOK_FILE = "logbook.html"
# All years since 2010 use the default value for Logbook parser
-# but several don't work, and are skipped by the parsing code, e.g. 1983
"2019": ("logbook.html", "parser_html"),
"2010": ("logbook.html", "parser_html"),
- "2009": ("2009logbook.txt", "wiki_parser"),
- "2008": ("2008logbook.txt", "wiki_parser"),
+# "2009": ("2009logbook.txt", "wiki_parser"), # converted to html
+# "2008": ("2008logbook.txt", "wiki_parser"), # converted to html
+ "2009": ("logbook.html", "parser_html"),
+ "2008": ("logbook.html", "parser_html"),
"2007": ("logbook.html", "parser_html"),
"2006": ("logbook.html", "parser_html"),
# "2006": ("logbook/logbook_06.txt", "wiki_parser"), # converted to html
@@ -96,15 +97,15 @@ LOGBOOK_PARSER_SETTINGS = {
entries = { "2022": 64, "2019": 56, "2018": 75, "2017": 76, "2016": 81, "2015": 79,
- "2014": 65, "2013": 51, "2012": 75, "2011": 68, "2010": 22, "2009": 52,
- "2008": 49, "2007": 111, "2006": 60, "2005": 55, "2004": 76, "2003": 42, "2002": 31,
+ "2014": 65, "2013": 51, "2012": 75, "2011": 68, "2010": 22, "2009": 53,
+ "2008": 49, "2007": 113, "2006": 60, "2005": 55, "2004": 76, "2003": 42, "2002": 31,
"2001": 48, "2000": 54, "1999": 79, "1998": 43, "1997": 53, "1996": 95, "1995": 42,
"1994": 32, "1993": 41, "1992": 62, "1991": 39, "1990": 87, "1989": 1,"1988": 1,"1987": 1,
"1985": 24, "1984": 32, "1983": 52, "1982": 42,}
# Logbooks log.htm exist for 1983, 84, 85, 87, 88, 89 but have no full-working parser, or need hand-editing.
logentries = [] # the entire logbook for one year is a single object: a list of entries
-noncaveplaces = [ "QMplaceholder", "Journey", "Loser Plateau", "UNKNOWN", 'plateau',
+noncaveplaces = [ "Journey", "Loser Plateau", "UNKNOWN", 'plateau',
'base camp', 'basecamp', 'top camp', 'topcamp' ]
logdataissues = TROG['issues']['logdataissues']
trips ={}
@@ -170,11 +171,30 @@ def EnterLogIntoDbase(date, place, title, text, trippeople, expedition, logtime_
""" saves a logbook entry and related persontrips
Does NOT save the expeditionday_id - all NULLs. why? Because we are deprecating expeditionday !
- troggle.log shows that we are creating lots of duplicates, which is no no problem with SQL as they just overwrite
- but we are saving the same thing too many times..
+ troggle.log shows that we are creating lots of duplicates, which is no no problem with SQL as they just overwrite but we are saving the same thing too many times..
+ Until 18 Dec.2022, this was overwriting logbook entries for the same date with the same title, because
+ lookupAttribs={'date':date, 'title':title}
+ # Nasty hack, must tidy this up..
+ if logtime_underground:
+ try:
+ logtime_underground = float(logtime_underground)
+ except:
+ # print(f"logtime_underground = {logtime_underground}")
+ tu_match = re.match(r"(T/U:\s*)?(\d+[.]?\d*).*", logtime_underground)
+ if tu_match:
+ # print(f"logtime_underground = {tu_match.group(2)}")
+ logtime_underground = float(tu_match.group(2))
+ else:
+ logtime_underground = 0
+ else:
+ logtime_underground = 0
trippersons, author = GetTripPersons(trippeople, expedition, logtime_underground, tid=tid)
+ # print(f" - {author} - {logtime_underground}")
message = f" ! - {expedition.year} Skipping logentry: {title} - GetTripPersons FAIL"
DataIssue.objects.create(parser='logbooks', message=message)
@@ -223,11 +243,13 @@ def EnterLogIntoDbase(date, place, title, text, trippeople, expedition, logtime_
# slug = tid + "_" + slugify(title)[:10].replace('-','_')
slug = str(randint(1000,9999)) + "_" + slugify(title)[:10].replace('-','_')
- nonLookupAttribs={'place':place, 'text':text, 'expedition':expedition, 'cave_slug':str(cave), 'slug': slug}
+ nonLookupAttribs={'place':place, 'text':text, 'expedition':expedition,
+ 'time_underground':logtime_underground, 'cave_slug':str(cave), 'slug': slug}
# This creates the lbo instance of LogbookEntry
lbo, created=save_carefully(LogbookEntry, lookupAttribs, nonLookupAttribs)
+ # for PersonTrip time_underground is float (decimal hours)
for tripperson, time_underground in trippersons:
# print(f" - {tid} '{tripperson}' author:{tripperson == author}")
lookupAttribs={'personexpedition':tripperson, 'logbook_entry':lbo}
@@ -300,24 +322,29 @@ def wiki_parser(year, expedition, txt, seq=""):
tripsplace = tripsplace[1]
- #print(f"! LOGBOOK {year} {logbook_entry_count:2} {len(triptext):4} '{tripsplace}'")
- tul = re.findall(r"T/?U:?\s*(\d+(?:\.\d*)?|unknown)\s*(hrs|hours)?", triptext)
+ #tul = re.findall(r"T/?U:?\s*(\d+(?:\.\d*)?|unknown)\s*(hrs|hours)?", triptext)
+ tul = re.findall(r"T/U:?\s*(\d+[.]?\d*)\s*(hr|hrs|hours)?.*", triptext)
if tul:
tu = tul[0][0]
tu = ""
+ print(f"! LOGBOOK {year} {logbook_entry_count:2} {len(triptext):4} T/U:{tu} '{tripcave} - {tripsplace}' ")
ldate = ParseDate(tripdate.strip(), year)
- tripid =""
- entrytuple = (ldate, tripcave, tripsplace, triptext,
+ tripid = set_trip_id(year,logbook_entry_count)
+ ltriptext = re.sub(r"\n", "
\n", triptext)
+ ltriptext = ltriptext.replace("
+ triptitle = f'{tripcave} - {tripsplace}'
+ entrytuple = (ldate, tripcave, triptitle, ltriptext,
trippeople, expedition, tu, tripid)
-# 2002, 2004, 2005, 2007, 2010 - now
-# 2006 wiki text is incomplete, but the html all there. So using this parser now.
+# 2002, 2004 - now
def parser_html(year, expedition, txt, seq=""):
global logentries
global logdataissues
@@ -382,7 +409,7 @@ def parser_html(year, expedition, txt, seq=""):
tripcave = "UNKNOWN"
ltriptext = re.sub(r"
", "
", ltriptext).strip()
entrytuple = (ldate, tripcave, triptitle, ltriptext,
@@ -665,15 +692,17 @@ def LoadLogbookForExpedition(expedition, clean=True):
print(f' - {year} parsing with {parsefunc} - {lb}')
parser(year, expedition, txt, sq) # this launches the right parser for this year
# --------------------
+ dupl = {}
for entrytuple in logentries:
- # date, tripcave, triptitle, text, trippeople, expedition, logtime_underground, tripid1 = entrytuple
- try:
- date, tripcave, triptitle, text, trippeople, expedition, logtime_underground, tripid1 = entrytuple
- except ValueError: # cope with removal of entry_type but still in cache files. Remove in Dec. 2022.
- date, tripcave, triptitle, text, trippeople, expedition, logtime_underground, entry_type, tripid1 = entrytuple
- print(f' - Exception entry_type "{entry_type}" {tripid1}')
- EnterLogIntoDbase(date, tripcave, triptitle, text, trippeople, expedition, 0,
+ date, tripcave, triptitle, text, trippeople, expedition, logtime_underground, tripid1 = entrytuple
+ check = (date, triptitle)
+ if check in dupl:
+ dupl[check] += 1
+ triptitle = f"{triptitle} #{dupl[check]}"
+ print(f' - {triptitle}')
+ else:
+ dupl[check] = 1
+ EnterLogIntoDbase(date, tripcave, triptitle, text, trippeople, expedition, logtime_underground,
if len(logentries) == expect:
@@ -684,19 +713,16 @@ def LoadLogbookForExpedition(expedition, clean=True):
return len(logentries)
-# def LoadLogbook(year, format="cucc"):
+def LoadLogbook(year):
+ '''One off logbook for testing purposes
+ '''
- # nlbe={}
- # TROG['pagecache']['expedition'][year] = None # clear cache
+ nlbe={}
+ TROG['pagecache']['expedition'][year] = None # clear cache
- # expo = Expedition.objects.get(year=year)
- # if (format=="blog"):
- # # print(f" - Logbook file {LOGBOOK_PARSER_SETTINGS[str(year)][0]} using parser {LOGBOOK_PARSER_SETTINGS[str(year)][1]}")
- # nlbe[expo] = LoadLogbookForExpedition(expo) # this actually loads the logbook for one expo
+ expo = Expedition.objects.get(year=year)
+ nlbe[expo] = LoadLogbookForExpedition(expo) # this actually loads the logbook for one expo
def LoadLogbooks():
""" This is the master function for parsing all logbooks into the Troggle database.
@@ -721,8 +747,6 @@ def LoadLogbooks():
sqlfail = ["1987", "1988", "1989"] # breaks mysql with db constraint fail - debug locally first]
nologbook = noexpo + lostlogbook + sqlfail
- # blogs = ["2019"]
expd ={}
loglist = []
diff --git a/templates/expedition.html b/templates/expedition.html
index debaf64..edea06b 100644
--- a/templates/expedition.html
+++ b/templates/expedition.html
@@ -68,10 +68,10 @@ an "S" for a survey trip. The colours are the same for people on the same trip.
Date | Logged trips | Surveys | Wallets |
Date | Logged trips and diary entries | Surveys | Wallets |