diff --git a/_deploy/wsl/localsettingsWSL.py b/_deploy/wsl/localsettingsWSL.py
index 2b1f64c..bdb0fc0 100644
--- a/_deploy/wsl/localsettingsWSL.py
+++ b/_deploy/wsl/localsettingsWSL.py
@@ -30,10 +30,10 @@ print(" * importing troggle/localsettings.py")
 SECRET_KEY = "real-SECRET_KEY--imported-from-localsettings.py"
 EXPOUSERPASS = "nnn:gggggg - real-expo-password---imported-from-localsettings.py"
-EXPOADMINUSERPASS = "gggggg:nnn - real-expo-password---imported-from-localsettings.py"
+EXPOADMINUSERPASS = "gggggg:nnn" #- real-expo-password---imported-from-localsettings.py"
 EMAIL_HOST_PASSWORD = "real-email-password---imported-from-localsettings.py"
-EXPOFILESREMOTE = False # if True, then re-routes urls in expofiles to remote sever. Tests are then less accurate.
+EXPOFILESREMOTE = True # if True, then re-routes urls in expofiles to remote sever. Tests are then less accurate.
 #SECURE_SSL_REDIRECT = True # breaks 7 tests in test suite 301 not 200 (or 302) and runserver fails completely
 SERVERPORT = '8000' # not needed
@@ -42,20 +42,20 @@ PV = "python" + str(sys.version_info.major) + "." + str(sys.version_info.minor)
 #   Troggle does a lot of file-handling. This is very error-prone when using primitive methods,
 #   so we use pathlib which has been standard since python 3.4
-#   If oathlib is new to you, you will need to read https://realpython.com/python-pathlib/
+#   If pathlib is new to you, you will need to read https://realpython.com/python-pathlib/
 # --------------------- MEDIA redirections BEGIN --------------------- 
 REPOS_ROOT_PATH = Path(__file__).parent.parent
-#LIBDIR  =  REPOS_ROOT_PATH / 'lib' / 'python3.7' # should be finding this automatically: python --version etc.
+#LIBDIR  =  REPOS_ROOT_PATH / 'lib' / 'python3.9' # should be finding this automatically: python --version etc.
 TROGGLE_PATH = Path(__file__).parent
 TEMPLATE_PATH     = TROGGLE_PATH / 'templates'
 MEDIA_ROOT        = TROGGLE_PATH / 'media'
 JSLIB_ROOT        = TROGGLE_PATH / 'media' / 'jslib' # used for CaveViewer JS utility
-FILES = Path('/mnt/f/expofiles/')
-EXPOFILES = Path('/mnt/f/expofiles/')
+#FILES = Path('/mnt/d/expofiles/')
+EXPOFILES = Path('/mnt/d/EXPO/expofiles/')
 SURVEY_SCANS = EXPOFILES / 'surveyscans'
 PHOTOS_YEAR = "2022"