diff --git a/README.txt b/README.txt
index 677781c..1ad17bb 100644
--- a/README.txt
+++ b/README.txt
@@ -44,12 +44,12 @@ pip install pygraphviz # fails to install
 pip install pyparsing pydot # installs fine
 django extension graph_models # https://django-extensions.readthedocs.io/en/latest/graph_models.html
-Or use a python3 virtual environment:
+Or use a python3 virtual environment: (python3.5 not later)
 $ cd troggle
 $ cd ..
-$ python3 -m venv pyth3d2
+$ python3.5 -m venv pyth35d2
 (creates folder with virtual env)
-cd pyth3d2
+cd pyth35d2
 (now install everything - not working yet..)
 $ pip install -r requirements.txt
diff --git a/databaseReset.py b/databaseReset.py
index fc12dde..f08e3a6 100644
--- a/databaseReset.py
+++ b/databaseReset.py
@@ -1,20 +1,26 @@
+from __future__ import (absolute_import, division,
+                        print_function)
 import os
 import time
 import timeit
+import json
 import settings
 os.environ['PYTHONPATH'] = settings.PYTHON_PATH
 os.environ.setdefault('DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE', 'settings')
 from django.core import management
 from django.db import connection, close_old_connections
 from django.contrib.auth.models import User
 from django.http import HttpResponse
 from django.core.urlresolvers import reverse
 from troggle.core.models import Cave, Entrance
+import troggle.settings
 import troggle.flatpages.models
-import json
 import troggle.logbooksdump
-# NOTE databaseRest.py is *imported* by views_other.py as it is used in the control panel
+# NOTE databaseReset.py is *imported* by views_other.py as it is used in the control panel
 # presented there.
@@ -60,52 +66,52 @@ def dirsredirect():
 def import_caves():
-    import parsers.caves
+    import troggle.parsers.caves
     print("Importing Caves")
-    parsers.caves.readcaves()
+    troggle.parsers.caves.readcaves()
 def import_people():
-    import parsers.people
+    import troggle.parsers.people
     print("Importing People (folk.csv)")
-    parsers.people.LoadPersonsExpos()
+    troggle.parsers.people.LoadPersonsExpos()
 def import_logbooks():
-    import parsers.logbooks
+    import troggle.parsers.logbooks
     print("Importing Logbooks")
-    parsers.logbooks.LoadLogbooks()
+    troggle.parsers.logbooks.LoadLogbooks()
 def import_QMs():
     print("Importing QMs (old caves)")
-    import parsers.QMs
+    import troggle.parsers.QMs
     # import process itself runs on qm.csv in only 3 old caves, not the modern ones!
 def import_survexblks():
-    import parsers.survex
+    import troggle.parsers.survex
     print("Importing Survex Blocks")
-    parsers.survex.LoadAllSurvexBlocks()
+    troggle.parsers.survex.LoadAllSurvexBlocks()
 def import_survexpos(): 
-    import parsers.survex
+    import troggle.parsers.survex
     print("Importing Survex x/y/z Positions")
-    parsers.survex.LoadPos()
+    troggle.parsers.survex.LoadPos()
 def import_surveyimgs():
     """This appears to store data in unused objects. The code is kept
     for future re-working to manage progress against notes, plans and elevs.
-    import parsers.surveys
-    print("Importing survey images")
-    parsers.surveys.parseSurveys(logfile=settings.LOGFILE)
+    #import troggle.parsers.surveys
+    print("NOT Importing survey images")
+    #troggle.parsers.surveys.parseSurveys(logfile=settings.LOGFILE)
 def import_surveyscans():
-    import parsers.surveys
+    import troggle.parsers.surveys
     print("Importing Survey Scans")
-    parsers.surveys.LoadListScans()
+    troggle.parsers.surveys.LoadListScans()
 def import_tunnelfiles():
-    import parsers.surveys
+    import troggle.parsers.surveys
     print("Importing Tunnel files")
-    parsers.surveys.LoadTunnelFiles()
+    troggle.parsers.surveys.LoadTunnelFiles()
 # - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 
 # These functions moved to a different file - not used currently.
@@ -152,7 +158,7 @@ class JobQueue():
                 for j in data:
                     self.results[j] = data[j]
-                print "FAILURE parsing JSON file %s" % (self.tfile)
+                print("FAILURE parsing JSON file %s" % (self.tfile))
                 # Python bug: https://github.com/ShinNoNoir/twitterwebsearch/issues/12
         for j in self.results_order:
@@ -176,7 +182,7 @@ class JobQueue():
         """Run all the jobs in the queue provided - once
-        print "** Running job ", self.runlabel
+        print("** Running job ", self.runlabel)
         jobstart = time.time()
@@ -187,14 +193,14 @@ class JobQueue():
             start = time.time()
             i[1]()    #  looks ugly but invokes function passed in the second item in the tuple
             duration = time.time()-start
-            print "\n*- Ended \"",  i[0], "\"  %.1f seconds" % duration
+            print("\n*- Ended \"",  i[0], "\"  %.1f seconds" % duration)
             self.results[i[0]].pop()  # the null item
         jobend = time.time()
         jobduration = jobend-jobstart
-        print "** Ended job   %s  -  %.1f seconds total." % (self.runlabel,jobduration)
+        print("** Ended job   %s  -  %.1f seconds total." % (self.runlabel,jobduration))
         return True
@@ -221,7 +227,7 @@ class JobQueue():
             skipmem = True
-        print "--  ", settings.DATABASES['default']['NAME'], settings.DATABASES['default']['ENGINE']
+        print("--  ", settings.DATABASES['default']['NAME'], settings.DATABASES['default']['ENGINE'])
         #print "--  DATABASES.default", settings.DATABASES['default']
         if dbname ==":memory:":
@@ -251,8 +257,8 @@ class JobQueue():
                 'PORT': ''}
-            print "--  ", settings.DATABASES['default']['NAME'], settings.DATABASES['default']['ENGINE']
-            print "--  DATABASES.default", settings.DATABASES['default']
+            print("--  ", settings.DATABASES['default']['NAME'], settings.DATABASES['default']['ENGINE'])
+            #print("--  DATABASES.default", settings.DATABASES['default'])
             # but because the user may be expecting to add this to a db with lots of tables already there,
             # the jobqueue may not start from scratch so we need to initialise the db properly first
@@ -282,7 +288,7 @@ class JobQueue():
             settings.DATABASES['default'] = dbdefault
             settings.DATABASES['default']['ENGINE'] = dbengine
             settings.DATABASES['default']['NAME'] = dbname
-            print "--  ", settings.DATABASES['default']['NAME'], settings.DATABASES['default']['ENGINE']
+            print("--  ", settings.DATABASES['default']['NAME'], settings.DATABASES['default']['ENGINE'])
             django.db.close_old_connections() # maybe not needed here
             for j in self.results_order:
@@ -308,9 +314,9 @@ class JobQueue():
             elif k =="test":
             elif k =="date":
-                print "     days ago ",
+                print("     days ago ", end=' ')
-                print '%10s (s)' % k,
+                print('%10s (s)' % k, end=' ')
             r = self.results[k]  
@@ -320,26 +326,30 @@ class JobQueue():
                         rp =   r[i]
                         rp = "      - "
-                    print '%8s' % rp,
+                    print('%8s' % rp, end=' ')
                 elif k =="date":
                     # Calculate dates as days before present
                     if r[i]:
                         if i == len(r)-1:
-                            print "    this",
+                            print("    this", end=' ')
                             # prints one place to the left of where you expect
-                            days = (r[i]-r[len(r)-1])/(24*60*60)
-                            print '%8.2f' % days,
+                            if r[len(r)-1]:
+                                s = r[i]-r[len(r)-1]
+                            else:
+                                s = 0
+                            days = (s)/(24*60*60)
+                            print('%8.2f' % days, end=' ')
                 elif r[i]: 
-                    print '%8.1f' % r[i],
+                    print('%8.1f' % r[i], end=' ')
                     if i == len(r)-1 and r[i-1]:
                         percen = 100* (r[i] - r[i-1])/r[i-1]
                         if abs(percen) >0.1:
-                            print '%8.1f%%' % percen,
+                            print('%8.1f%%' % percen, end=' ')
-                    print "      - ",
-            print ""
-        print "\n"
+                    print("      - ", end=' ')
+            print("")
+        print("\n")
         return True
@@ -438,13 +448,15 @@ if __name__ == "__main__":
     elif "dumplogbooks" in sys.argv: # untested in 2020
     elif "profile" in sys.argv: 
+        jq.loadprofiles()
+        exit()
     elif "help" in sys.argv:
-        print("%s not recognised as a command." % sys.argv[1])
+        print(("%s not recognised as a command." % sys.argv[1]))
diff --git a/parsers/survex.py b/parsers/survex.py
index 9725ce7..38cae62 100644
--- a/parsers/survex.py
+++ b/parsers/survex.py
@@ -27,6 +27,8 @@ def LoadSurvexLineLeg(survexblock, stardata, sline, comment, cave):
     ssto = survexblock.MakeSurvexStation(ls[stardata["to"]])
     survexleg = models.SurvexLeg(block=survexblock, stationfrom=ssfrom, stationto=ssto)
+    # this next fails for two surface survey svx files which use / for decimal point 
+    # e.g. '29/09' in the tape measurement, or use decimals but in brackets, e.g. (06.05)
     if stardata["type"] == "normal":
             survexleg.tape = float(ls[stardata["tape"]])
@@ -34,7 +36,7 @@ def LoadSurvexLineLeg(survexblock, stardata, sline, comment, cave):
             print("! Tape misread in", survexblock.survexfile.path)
             print("  Stardata:", stardata)
             print("  Line:", ls)
-            message = ' ! Value Error: line %s in %s' % (ls, survexblock.survexfile.path)
+            message = ' ! Value Error: Tape misread in line %s in %s' % (ls, survexblock.survexfile.path)
             models.DataIssue.objects.create(parser='survex', message=message)
             survexleg.tape = 1000
@@ -43,7 +45,7 @@ def LoadSurvexLineLeg(survexblock, stardata, sline, comment, cave):
             print("! Clino misread in", survexblock.survexfile.path)
             print("  Stardata:", stardata)
             print("  Line:", ls)
-            message = ' ! Value Error: line %s in %s' % (ls, survexblock.survexfile.path)
+            message = ' ! Value Error: Clino misread in line %s in %s' % (ls, survexblock.survexfile.path)
             models.DataIssue.objects.create(parser='survex', message=message)
             lclino = error
@@ -52,7 +54,7 @@ def LoadSurvexLineLeg(survexblock, stardata, sline, comment, cave):
             print("! Compass misread in", survexblock.survexfile.path)
             print("  Stardata:", stardata)
             print("  Line:", ls)
-            message = ' ! Value Error: line %s in %s' % (ls, survexblock.survexfile.path)
+            message = ' ! Value Error: Compass misread in line %s in %s' % (ls, survexblock.survexfile.path)
             models.DataIssue.objects.create(parser='survex', message=message)
             lcompass = error
         if lclino == "up":
diff --git a/parsers/surveys.py b/parsers/surveys.py
index ec6298c..942c0a5 100644
--- a/parsers/surveys.py
+++ b/parsers/surveys.py
@@ -82,14 +82,14 @@ def get_or_create_placeholder(year):
         # logging.info("added survey " + survey[header['Year']] + "#" + surveyobj.wallet_number + "\r")
 # dead
-def listdir(*directories):
-    try:
-        return os.listdir(os.path.join(settings.SURVEYS, *directories))
-    except:
-        import urllib.request, urllib.parse, urllib.error
-        url = settings.SURVEYS + reduce(lambda x, y: x + "/" + y, ["listdir"] + list(directories))
-        folders = urllib.request.urlopen(url.replace("#", "%23")).readlines()
-        return [folder.rstrip(r"/") for folder in folders]
+# def listdir(*directories):
+    # try:
+        # return os.listdir(os.path.join(settings.SURVEYS, *directories))
+    # except:
+        # import urllib.request, urllib.parse, urllib.error
+        # url = settings.SURVEYS + reduce(lambda x, y: x + "/" + y, ["listdir"] + list(directories))
+        # folders = urllib.request.urlopen(url.replace("#", "%23")).readlines()
+        # return [folder.rstrip(r"/") for folder in folders]
 # add survey scans
 # def parseSurveyScans(expedition, logfile=None):
@@ -171,13 +171,13 @@ def listdir(*directories):
         # parseSurveyScans(expedition)
 # dead
-def isInterlacedPNG(filePath): #We need to check for interlaced PNGs because the thumbnail engine can't handle them (uses PIL)
-    file=Image.open(filePath)
-    print(filePath)
-    if 'interlace' in file.info:
-        return file.info['interlace']
-    else:
-        return False
+# def isInterlacedPNG(filePath): #We need to check for interlaced PNGs because the thumbnail engine can't handle them (uses PIL)
+    # file=Image.open(filePath)
+    # print(filePath)
+    # if 'interlace' in file.info:
+        # return file.info['interlace']
+    # else:
+        # return False
 # handles url or file, so we can refer to a set of scans on another server