fixed serving expofiles from test server

This commit is contained in:
Philip Sargent 2021-03-28 03:48:04 +01:00
parent c4cd2178f7
commit a4c892b696
4 changed files with 137 additions and 137 deletions

@ -1,113 +1,56 @@
import os, stat
import re
import urllib.request, urllib.parse, urllib.error
from pathlib import Path
from urllib.parse import urljoin, unquote as urlunquote
from urllib.request import urlopen
from django.conf import settings
from django.shortcuts import render_to_response
from django.shortcuts import render
from django.http import HttpResponse, Http404
from troggle.core.models_survex import ScansFolder, SingleScan, SurvexBlock, TunnelFile
from troggle.flatpages import views as flatviews
import parsers.surveys
def fa_readFile(*path):
f = open(os.path.join(settings.FILES, *path))
f = urllib.request.urlopen(settings.FILES+"download/")
def upload(request, path):
def download(request, path):
return HttpResponse(fa_readFile(path), content_type=flatviews.getmimetype(path))
# raise Http404
def UniqueFile(fname):
while True:
if not os.path.exists(fname):
mname = re.match("(.*?)(?:-(\d+))?\.(png|jpg|jpeg)$(?i)", fname)
if mname:
fname = "%s-%d.%s" % (, int( or "0") + 1,
return fname
# join it all up and then split them off for the directories that don't exist
# anyway, this mkdir doesn't work
def SaveImageInDir(name, imgdir, project, fdata, bbinary):
print(("hihihihi", fdata, settings.SURVEYS))
fimgdir = os.path.join(settings.SURVEYS, imgdir)
if not os.path.isdir(fimgdir):
print("*** Making directory", fimgdir)
fprojdir = os.path.join(fimgdir, project)
if not os.path.isdir(fprojdir):
print("*** Making directory", fprojdir)
fname = os.path.join(fprojdir, name)
print(fname, "fff")
fname = UniqueFile(fname)
p2, p1 = os.path.split(fname)
p3, p2 = os.path.split(p2)
p4, p3 = os.path.split(p3)
res = os.path.join(p3, p2, p1)
print("saving file", fname)
fout = open(fname, (bbinary and "wb" or "w"))
res = os.path.join(imgdir, name)
return res.replace("\\", "/")
'''Some of these views serve files as binary blobs, and simply set the mime type based on the file extension,
as does the dispatcher which sends them here. Here they should actually have the filetype checked
by looking inside the file before being served.
def surveyscansfolder(request, path):
#print [ s.walletname for s in ScansFolder.objects.all() ]
scansfolder = ScansFolder.objects.get(walletname=urllib.parse.unquote(path))
return render_to_response('scansfolder.html', { 'scansfolder':scansfolder, 'settings': settings })
scansfolder = ScansFolder.objects.get(walletname=urlunquote(path))
return render(request, 'scansfolder.html', { 'scansfolder':scansfolder, 'settings': settings })
def surveyscansingle(request, path, file):
scansfolder = ScansFolder.objects.get(walletname=urllib.parse.unquote(path))
'''sends a single binary file to the user,
scansfolder = ScansFolder.objects.get(walletname=urlunquote(path))
singlescan = SingleScan.objects.get(scansfolder=scansfolder, name=file)
print("SSS {} {} :{}:".format(path, file, flatviews.getmimetype(file)))
return HttpResponse(content=open(singlescan.ffile,"rb"), content_type=flatviews.getmimetype(file))
#return render_to_response('scansfolder.html', { 'scansfolder':scansfolder, 'settings': settings })
# print(" - surveyscansingle {}:{}:{}:".format(path, file, flatviews.getmimetype(file)))
return HttpResponse(content=open(singlescan.ffile,"rb"), content_type=flatviews.getmimetype(file)) # any type of image
def expofilessingle(request, filepath):
# defaults to content_type="text/pain" needs fixing for PDFs
return HttpResponse(content=open(settings.EXPOFILES+fn,"rb"))
def cssfilessingle(request, filepath):
return HttpResponse(content=open(settings.MEDIA_ROOT+fn,"r"),content_type="text/css")
def surveyscansfolders(request):
manyscansfolders = ScansFolder.objects.all()
return render_to_response('manyscansfolders.html', { 'manyscansfolders':manyscansfolders, 'settings': settings })
return render(request, 'manyscansfolders.html', { 'manyscansfolders':manyscansfolders, 'settings': settings })
def tunneldata(request):
tunnelfiles = TunnelFile.objects.all()
return render_to_response('tunnelfiles.html', { 'tunnelfiles':tunnelfiles, 'settings': settings })
return render(request, 'tunnelfiles.html', { 'tunnelfiles':tunnelfiles, 'settings': settings })
def tunnelfile(request, path):
tunnelfile = TunnelFile.objects.get(tunnelpath=urllib.parse.unquote(path))
tfile = os.path.join(settings.TUNNEL_DATA, tunnelfile.tunnelpath)
return HttpResponse(content=open(tfile), content_type="text/plain")
def tunnelfilesingle(request, path):
'''sends a single binary file to the user, We should have a renderer that syntax-colours this Tunnel xml
tunnelfile = TunnelFile.objects.get(tunnelpath=urlunquote(path))
tfile = Path(settings.TUNNEL_DATA, tunnelfile.tunnelpath)
return HttpResponse(content=open(tfile), content_type="text/xhtml") # for display not download
def tunnelfileupload(request, path):
tunnelfile = TunnelFile.objects.get(tunnelpath=urllib.parse.unquote(path))
tfile = os.path.join(settings.TUNNEL_DATA, tunnelfile.tunnelpath)
tunnelfile = TunnelFile.objects.get(tunnelpath=urlunquote(path))
tfile = Path(settings.TUNNEL_DATA, tunnelfile.tunnelpath)
project, user, password, tunnelversion = request.POST["tunnelproject"], request.POST["tunneluser"], request.POST["tunnelpassword"], request.POST["tunnelversion"]
print((project, user, tunnelversion))

@ -1,6 +1,8 @@
import os
import re
from pathlib import Path
from urllib.parse import urljoin, unquote as urlunquote
from urllib.request import urlopen
from django.shortcuts import render, redirect
from django.http import HttpResponse, HttpResponseRedirect, Http404
@ -19,16 +21,44 @@ import troggle.settings as settings
def expofiles_redirect(request, path):
'''This is used only when running as a test system without a local copy of /expofiles/
return redirect('' + path)
return redirect(urljoin('', path))
def expofilessingle(request, filepath):
'''sends a single binary file to the user,
fn = Path(settings.EXPOFILES,filepath)
if fn.is_dir():
return expofilesdir(request, Path(fn), Path(filepath))
print(" - expofilessingle {}:{}:{}:".format(filepath, fn, getmimetype(fn)))
return HttpResponse(content=open(fn, "rb"),content_type=getmimetype(filepath)) # any file
def expofilesdir(request, dirpath, filepath):
'''does a directory display. If there is an index.html file we should display that.
- dirpath is a Path() and it does not have /expofiles/ in it
print(" - expofilesdir {}".format(dirpath))
urlpath = 'expofiles' / Path(filepath)
fileitems = []
diritems = []
for f in dirpath.iterdir():
if f.is_dir():
diritems.append((urlpath /[-1], str([-1])))
# if[-1].lower() == 'index.htm' or[-1].lower() == 'index.html': # css cwd problem
# return HttpResponse(content=open(f, "rb"),content_type=getmimetype(filepath)) # any file
# return expofilessingle(request, str(Path(filepath /[-1])))
fileitems.append((Path(urlpath) /[-1], str([-1]), getmimetype(f)))
return render(request, 'dirdisplay.html', { 'filepath': urlpath, 'fileitems':fileitems, 'diritems': diritems,'settings': settings })
def flatpage(request, path):
#print(" - FLATPAGES delivering the file: {} as MIME type: {}".format(path,getmimetype(path)))
# try:
# r = Redirect.objects.get(originalURL = path)
# #print(" - FLATPAGES REDIRECT the file: {} as: {}".format(path,r))
# return HttpResponseRedirect(r.newURL) # Redirect after POST
# except Redirect.DoesNotExist:
# pass
'''Either renders an HTML page from expoweb with all the menus,
or serves an unadorned binary file with mime type'''
print(" - FLATPAGES delivering the file: {} as MIME type: {}".format(path,getmimetype(path)),flush=True)
if path.startswith("noinfo") and settings.PUBLIC_SITE and not request.user.is_authenticated():
print((" - FLATPAGES redirect to logon: flat path noinfo", path))
return HttpResponseRedirect(urljoin(reverse("auth_login"),'?next={}'.format(request.path)))
r = Cave.objects.get(url = path)
@ -37,6 +67,7 @@ def flatpage(request, path):
#print(" ! FAILED to get only one cave per slug for: "+path)
# we should do this proper;ly, not this hack that returns the first cave that matches
caves = Cave.objects.all().filter(url = path)
for c in caves:
print(path, c.slug())
@ -44,20 +75,9 @@ def flatpage(request, path):
return troggle.core.views_caves.caveSlug(request, c.slug())
# try:
# r = EntranceRedirect.objects.get(originalURL = path)
# return troggle.core.views_caves.entranceSlug(request, r.entrance.slug())
# except EntranceRedirect.DoesNotExist:
# pass
if path.startswith("noinfo") and settings.PUBLIC_SITE and not request.user.is_authenticated():
print(("flat path noinfo", path))
return HttpResponseRedirect(reverse("auth_login") + '?next=%s' % request.path)
expowebpath = Path(settings.EXPOWEB)
if path.endswith("/") or path == "":
#print(" - FLATPAGES the file: {} ENDSWITH ...".format(path))
print(" - FLATPAGES the file: {} ENDSWITH ...".format(path))
o = open(os.path.normpath(expowebpath / path / "index.html"), "rb")
@ -69,29 +89,33 @@ def flatpage(request, path):
except IOError:
return render(request, 'pagenotfound.html', {'path': path})
#print(" - FLATPAGES the file: '{}' ...".format(path))
#print(" - FLATPAGES MEDIA_ROOT: '{}' ...".format(settings.MEDIA_ROOT))
if path.startswith('site_media'):
#print(" - MEDIA_ROOT: {} ...".format(settings.MEDIA_ROOT))
path = path.replace("site_media", settings.MEDIA_ROOT)
filetobeopened = os.path.normpath(path)
elif path.startswith("static"):
#print(" - STATIC_ROOT: {} ...".format(settings.MEDIA_ROOT))
path = path.replace("static", settings.MEDIA_ROOT)
filetobeopened = os.path.normpath(path)
#print(" - NO _ROOT: {} ...".format(expowebpath))
filetobeopened = os.path.normpath(expowebpath / path)
print(" - FLATPAGES the file: '{}' ...".format(path))
if path.startswith('site_media'):
print(" - MEDIA_ROOT: {} ...{}".format(settings.MEDIA_ROOT, path))
path = path.replace("site_media", settings.MEDIA_ROOT)
filetobeopened = os.path.normpath(path)
elif path.startswith("static"):
print(" - STATIC_ROOT: {} ...{}".format(settings.MEDIA_ROOT, path))
path = path.replace("static", settings.MEDIA_ROOT)
filetobeopened = os.path.normpath(path)
print(" - NO _ROOT: {} ...".format(expowebpath))
filetobeopened = os.path.normpath(expowebpath / path)
#print(" - FLATPAGES full path : {} ...".format(filetobeopened))
print(" - FLATPAGES full path : {} ...".format(filetobeopened))
o = open(filetobeopened, "rb")
#print(" - FLATPAGES full path no error: {} ...".format(filetobeopened))
print(" - FLATPAGES full path no error: {} ...".format(filetobeopened))
except IOError:
#print(" - FLATPAGES ERROR: {} ...".format(filetobeopened))
print(" - FLATPAGES ERROR: {} ...".format(filetobeopened))
return render(request, 'pagenotfound.html', {'path': path})
if path.endswith(".htm") or path.endswith(".html"):
html =
# add the menus etc.
with open(os.path.normpath(expowebpath / path), "rb") as o:
html =
m ='(.*)<\s*head([^>]*)>(.*)<\s*/head\s*>(.*)<\s*body([^>]*)>(.*)<\s*/body\s*>(.*)', html, re.DOTALL + re.IGNORECASE)
if m:
@ -123,21 +147,24 @@ def flatpage(request, path):
return render(request, 'flatpage.html', {'editable': editable, 'path': path, 'title': title,
'body': body, 'homepage': (path == "index.htm"), 'has_menu': has_menu})
#print(" - FLATPAGES delivering the file: {} as MIME type: {}".format(path,getmimetype(path)))
return HttpResponse(, content_type=getmimetype(path))
print(" - FLATPAGES delivering the file: {} as MIME type: {}".format(path,getmimetype(path)))
return HttpResponse(content=open(filetobeopened, "rb"), content_type=getmimetype(path))
#return HttpResponse(content=open(singlescan.ffile,"rb"), content_type=getmimetype(path))
def getmimetype(path):
path = str(path)
if path.lower().endswith(".css"): return "text/css"
if path.lower().endswith(".txt"): return "text/css"
if path.lower().endswith(".js"): return "application/javascript"
if path.lower().endswith(".json"): return "application/javascript"
if path.lower().endswith(".ico"): return "image/"
if path.lower().endswith(".png"): return "image/png"
if path.lower().endswith(".tif"): return "image/tif"
if path.lower().endswith(".gif"): return "image/gif"
if path.lower().endswith(".jpeg"): return "image/jpeg"
if path.lower().endswith(".jpg"): return "image/jpeg"
if path.lower().endswith("svg"): return "image/svg+xml"
if path.lower().endswith("xml"): return "image/xml"
if path.lower().endswith("xml"): return "application/xml" # we use "text/xhtml" for tunnel files
if path.lower().endswith(".pdf"): return "application/pdf"
if path.lower().endswith(".ps"): return "application/postscript"
if path.lower().endswith(".svx"): return "application/x-survex-svx"
@ -146,6 +173,11 @@ def getmimetype(path):
if path.lower().endswith(".err"): return "application/x-survex-err"
if path.lower().endswith(".odt"): return "application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.text"
if path.lower().endswith(".ods"): return "application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.spreadsheet"
if path.lower().endswith(".docx"): return "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document"
if path.lower().endswith(".xslx"): return "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet"
if path.lower().endswith(".gz"): return "application/x-7z-compressed"
if path.lower().endswith(".7z"): return "application/x-7z-compressed"
if path.lower().endswith(".zip"): return "application/zip"
return ""

templates/dirdisplay.html Normal file

@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
{% extends "base.html" %}
{% block title %}Cambridge Expeditions to Austria{% endblock %}
{% block content %}
<div id="col1">
{% for f in fileitems %}
<a href="/{{ f.0 }}">{{ f.1 }}</a><br />
{% endfor %}
{% for d in diritems %}
<a href="/{{ d.0 }}">/{{ d.1 }}/<br />
{% empty %}
<p>&lt;No subdirectories&gt;
{% endfor %}
{% endblock content %}
{% block margins %}
<img src="{{ settings.MEDIA_URL }}eieshole.jpg">
<img src="{{ settings.MEDIA_URL }}goesser.jpg">
{% endblock margins %}


@ -33,16 +33,16 @@ The API urls return TSV or JSON and are new in July 2020.
expofilesurls = [
url(r'^(?P<path>.*)$', flatviews.expofiles_redirect, name="expofiles_redirect"), # to
url(r'^/*(?P<path>.*)$', flatviews.expofiles_redirect, name="expofiles_redirect"), # to
expofilesurls = [
url(r'^(?P<filepath>.*)$',view_surveys.expofilessingle, name="single"), # local copy of EXPOFILES
url(r'^/*(?P<filepath>.*)$',flatviews.expofilessingle, name="single"), # local copy of EXPOFILES
actualurlpatterns = [
url(r'^expofiles/', include(expofilesurls)),
url(r'^expofiles', include(expofilesurls)),
url(r'^troggle$', views_other.frontpage, name="frontpage"), # control panel. Shows recent actions.
url(r'^caves$', views_caves.caveindex, name="caveindex"),
@ -110,7 +110,6 @@ actualurlpatterns = [
url(r'^cave/(?P<cave_id>[^/]+)/qm\.csv/?$', views_other.downloadQMs, name="downloadqms"),
url(r'^downloadqms$', views_other.downloadQMs),
# url(r'^map/', .........), # Intercepted by Apache. Yields OpenStreetMap. Redirects to expoweb/map
url(r'^survexfile/(?P<survex_file>.*?)\.svx$', views_survex.svx, name="svx"),
@ -121,22 +120,20 @@ actualurlpatterns = [
url(r'^survexfile/caves/$', views_survex.survexcaveslist, name="survexcaveslist"),
url(r'^survexfile/(?P<survex_cave>.*)$', views_survex.survexcavesingle, name="survexcavessingle"),
# url(r'^survey_files/download/(?P<path>.*)$',, # needs rewriting
url(r'^survey_scans/$', view_surveys.surveyscansfolders, name="surveyscansfolders"),
url(r'^survey_scans/(?P<path>[^/]+)/$', view_surveys.surveyscansfolder, name="surveyscansfolder"),
view_surveys.surveyscansingle, name="surveyscansingle"),
url(r'^tunneldata/$', view_surveys.tunneldata, name="tunneldata"),
url(r'^tunneldataraw/(?P<path>.+?\.xml)$', view_surveys.tunnelfile, name="tunnelfile"),
url(r'^tunneldataraw/(?P<path>.+?\.xml)$', view_surveys.tunnelfilesingle, name="tunnelfile"),
# url(r'^tunneldatainfo/(?P<path>.+?\.xml)$', view_surveys.tunnelfileinfo, name="tunnelfileinfo"),
url(r'^tunneldataraw/(?P<path>.+?\.xml)/upload$', view_surveys.tunnelfileupload, name="tunnelfileupload"),
url(r'^prospecting/(?P<name>[^.]+).png$', prospecting_image, name="prospecting_image"),
# url(r'^javascript/(?P<filepath>.*)$', view_surveys.cssfilessingle, name="single"), # JSLIB_URL - Apache: Alias /javascript /usr/share/javascript
# url(r'^javascript/(?P<filepath>.*)$', view_surveys.expofilessingle, name="single"), # JSLIB_URL - Apache: Alias /javascript /usr/share/javascript
# static views not working, removed as a plugin. Use apache instead to serve these:
# url(r'^photos/(?P<path>.*)$', staticviews.serve,
@ -144,17 +141,17 @@ actualurlpatterns = [
# url(r'^gallery/(?P<path>.*)$', staticviews.serve,
# {'document_root': settings.PHOTOS_ROOT, 'show_indexes':True}),
# url(r'^site_media/(?P<filepath>.*)$', view_surveys.cssfilessingle, name="single"), # MEDIA_ROOT: CSS and JS
# url(r'^site_media/(?P<filepath>.*)$', view_surveys.expofilessingle, name="single"), # MEDIA_ROOT: CSS and JS
url(r'^(site_media/.*)$', flatviews.flatpage, name="flatpage"), # MEDIA_ROOT: CSS and JS
# url(r'^static/(?P<filepath>.*)$', view_surveys.cssfilessingle, name="single"), # MEDIA_ROOT: CSS and JS
# url(r'^static/(?P<filepath>.*)$', view_surveys.expofilessingle, name="single"), # MEDIA_ROOT: CSS and JS
url(r'^(static/.*)$', flatviews.flatpage, name="flatpage"), # STATIC: CSS and JS
url(r'^(.*)_edit$', flatviews.editflatpage, name="editflatpage"),
url(r'^(.*)$', flatviews.flatpage, name="flatpage"), # files assumed relative to EXPOWEB
url(r'^(.*)$', flatviews.flatpage, name="flatpage"), # CATCHALL assumed relative to EXPOWEB, some expofiles getting here..
#Allow prefix to all urls
#Allow DIR_ROOT prefix to all urls
urlpatterns = [
url('^%s' % settings.DIR_ROOT, include(actualurlpatterns))