diff --git a/core/models_survex.py b/core/models_survex.py
index 448cea9..c65cf2d 100644
--- a/core/models_survex.py
+++ b/core/models_survex.py
@@ -147,7 +147,7 @@ class SurvexBlock(models.Model):
             return ssl[0]
         #print name
         ss = SurvexStation(name=name, block=self)
-        ss.save()
+        #ss.save()
         return ss
     def DayIndex(self):
diff --git a/core/views_caves.py b/core/views_caves.py
index 1f9b91e..ddce62f 100644
--- a/core/views_caves.py
+++ b/core/views_caves.py
@@ -21,8 +21,30 @@ from django.shortcuts import get_object_or_404, render
 import settings
-from PIL import Image, ImageDraw, ImageFont
-import string, os, sys, subprocess
+class MapLocations(object):
+    p = [
+        ("laser.0_7", "BNase", "Reference", "Bräuning Nase laser point"),
+        ("226-96", "BZkn", "Reference", "Bräuning Zinken trig point"),
+        ("vd1","VD1","Reference", "VD1 survey point"),
+        ("laser.kt114_96","HSK","Reference", "Hinterer Schwarzmooskogel trig point"), 
+        ("2000","Nipple","Reference", "Nipple (Weiße Warze)"),
+        ("3000","VSK","Reference", "Vorderer Schwarzmooskogel summit"),
+        ("topcamp", "OTC", "Reference", "Old Top Camp"),
+        ("laser.0", "LSR0", "Reference", "Laser Point 0"),
+        ("laser.0_1", "LSR1", "Reference", "Laser Point 0/1"),
+        ("laser.0_3", "LSR3", "Reference", "Laser Point 0/3"),
+        ("laser.0_5", "LSR5", "Reference", "Laser Point 0/5"),
+        ("225-96", "BAlm", "Reference", "Bräuning Alm trig point")
+    ]
+    def points(self):
+        for ent in Entrance.objects.all():
+            if ent.best_station():
+                areaName = ent.caveandentrance_set.all()[0].cave.getArea().short_name
+                self.p.append((ent.best_station(), "%s-%s" % (areaName, str(ent)[5:]), ent.needs_surface_work(), str(ent)))
+        return self.p
+    def __str__(self):
+        return "{} map locations".format(len(self.p))
 def getCave(cave_id):
     """Returns a cave object when given a cave name or number. It is used by views including cavehref, ent, and qm."""
diff --git a/databaseReset.py b/databaseReset.py
index 38c20f1..f98ded9 100755
--- a/databaseReset.py
+++ b/databaseReset.py
@@ -95,7 +95,7 @@ def import_survexblks():
 def import_survexpos(): 
-    import troggle.parsers.survex
+    import troggle.parsers.survex 
     print("Importing Survex x/y/z Positions")
@@ -380,7 +380,7 @@ def usage():
              QMs       - read in the QM csv files (older caves only)
              scans     - the survey scans in all the wallets (must run before survex)
              survex    - read in the survex files - all the survex blocks but not the x/y/z positions
-             survexpos - just the x/y/z Pos out of the survex files - Never used.
+             survexpos - set the x/y/z positions for entrances and fixed points
              tunnel    - read in the Tunnel files - which scans the survey scans too
@@ -435,9 +435,9 @@ if __name__ == "__main__":
-        #jq.enq("survexblks",import_survexblks) restore when prospecting_guide fixed
-        #jq.enq("survexpos",import_survexpos)
+        jq.enq("survexblks",import_survexblks)
+        jq.enq("survexpos",import_survexpos)
     elif "scans" in sys.argv:
     elif "survex" in sys.argv:
diff --git a/parsers/survex.py b/parsers/survex.py
index a3c1fe0..529ac13 100755
--- a/parsers/survex.py
+++ b/parsers/survex.py
@@ -20,6 +20,7 @@ A 'survexscansfolder' is what we today call a "survey scans folder" or a "wallet
 line_leg_regex = re.compile(r"[\d\-+.]+$")
 survexlegsalllength = 0.0
 survexlegsnumber = 0
+survexblockroot = None
 def LoadSurvexLineLeg(survexblock, stardata, sline, comment, cave):
     global survexlegsalllength
@@ -566,6 +567,8 @@ def LoadPos():
     posfile = open("%s.pos" % (topdata))
     posfile.readline() #Drop header
+    survexblockroot = models_survex.SurvexBlock.objects.get(id=1)
     for line in posfile.readlines():
         r = poslineregex.match(line)
         if r:
@@ -573,26 +576,57 @@ def LoadPos():
             if name in notfoundbefore:
                 skip[name] = 1
-                try:
-                    ss = models.SurvexStation.objects.lookup(name)
-                    ss.x = float(x)
-                    ss.y = float(y)
-                    ss.z = float(z) 
-                    ss.save()
-                    found += 1
-                except:
-                    notfoundnow.append(name)
-    print(" - %s stations not found in lookup of SurvexStation.objects. %s found. %s skipped." % (len(notfoundnow),found, len(skip)))
+                for sid in mappoints:
+                    if id.endswith(sid):
+                        notfoundnow.append(id)
+                        # Now that we don't import any stations, we create it rather than look it up
+                        # ss = models_survex.SurvexStation.objects.lookup(id)
+                        # need to set block_id which means doing a search on all the survex blocks..
+                        # remove dot at end and add one at beginning
+                        blockpath = "." + id[:-len(sid)].strip(".")
+                        try:
+                            sbqs = models_survex.SurvexBlock.objects.filter(survexpath=blockpath)
+                            if len(sbqs)==1:
+                                sb = sbqs[0]
+                            if len(sbqs)>1:
+                                message = ' ! MULTIPLE SurvexBlocks matching Entrance point {} {}'.format(blockpath, sid)
+                                print(message)
+                                models.DataIssue.objects.create(parser='survex', message=message)
+                                sb = sbqs[0]
+                            elif len(sbqs)<=0:
+                                message = ' ! ZERO SurvexBlocks matching Entrance point {} {}'.format(blockpath, sid)
+                                print(message)
+                                models.DataIssue.objects.create(parser='survex', message=message)
+                                sb = survexblockroot
+                        except:
+                            message = ' ! FAIL in getting SurvexBlock matching Entrance point {} {}'.format(blockpath, sid)
+                            print(message)
+                            models.DataIssue.objects.create(parser='survex', message=message)
+                        try:
+                            ss = models_survex.SurvexStation(name=id, block=sb)
+                            ss.x = float(x)
+                            ss.y = float(y)
+                            ss.z = float(z) 
+                            ss.save()
+                            found += 1
+                        except:
+                            message = ' ! FAIL to create SurvexStation Entrance point {} {}'.format(blockpath, sid)
+                            print(message)
+                            models.DataIssue.objects.create(parser='survex', message=message)
+                            raise
+    #print(" - %s failed lookups of SurvexStation.objects. %s found. %s skipped." % (len(notfoundnow),found, len(skip)))
     if found > 10: # i.e. a previous cave import has been done
             with open(cachefile, "w") as f:
                 c = len(notfoundnow)+len(skip)
                 for i in notfoundnow:
-                    f.write("%s\n" % i)
+                    pass #f.write("%s\n" % i)
                 for j in skip:
-                    f.write("%s\n" % j) # NB skip not notfoundbefore
-                print('   Not-found cache file written: %s entries' % c)
+                    pass #f.write("%s\n" % j) # NB skip not notfoundbefore
+                print(('   Not-found cache file written: %s entries' % c))
             print("   FAILURE WRITE opening cache file %s" % (cachefile))