diff --git a/core/views/survex.py b/core/views/survex.py
index c80c76d..57a8d1a 100644
--- a/core/views/survex.py
+++ b/core/views/survex.py
@@ -223,10 +223,12 @@ class SvxForm(forms.Form):
             comment = f"Online survex edit: {self.data['filename']}.svx on dev machine '{socket.gethostname()}' "
         only_commit(fname, comment)
+        msg = "SAVED and committed to git (if there were differences)"
         # should only call this is something changed
-        parse_one_file(self.data["filename"]) 
-        return "SAVED and committed to git (if there were differences)"
+        if parse_one_file(self.data["filename"]):
+            return msg  
+        else:
+            return msg + "\nBUT PARSING failed. Do a completely new databaseReset."
     def Process(self):
diff --git a/parsers/survex.py b/parsers/survex.py
index 1e961c8..0156140 100644
--- a/parsers/survex.py
+++ b/parsers/survex.py
@@ -373,7 +373,7 @@ class LoadingSurvex:
         if self.inheritteam:
             message = (
-                f"- INHERITING ({survexblock.parent})>({survexblock}) {survexblock.survexfile.path} '{self.inheritteam}'"
+                f"- no *team INHERITING ({survexblock.parent})>({survexblock}) {survexblock.survexfile.path} '{self.inheritteam}'"
             print(self.insp + message)
             # stash_data_issue(
@@ -2315,85 +2315,31 @@ def parse_one_file(fpath): # --------------------------------------in progress--
     It gets overwritten, and then nullified, on repeated SAVE & import.
     I should learn how to step through with the debugger.
-    def parse_new_svx(fpath):
-        newfileroot = MakeFileRoot(fpath) 
-        survexblockparent = SurvexBlock(
-            name="adhoc_parent", survexpath="", survexfile=newfileroot, legsall=0, legslength=0.0
-        )
-        survexblockparent.save()
-        svx_load.survexdict[newfileroot.survexdirectory] = []
-        svx_load.survexdict[newfileroot.survexdirectory].append(newfileroot)
-        svx_load.svxdirs[""] = newfileroot.survexdirectory
-        # ----------------------------------------------------------------
-        svx_load.LinearLoad(survexblockparent, newfileroot.path, fname)
-        # ----------------------------------------------------------------
-    def reparse_existing_svx(svxs):
-        """If this SurvexFile object already exists in the database, we want to keep the parent survexblock
-        but replace everything else by parsing the file.
-        But we do not want to delete and recreate the object as other survex files may have this as the parent
-        and we are not processing any *include we find
-        """
-        svx = svxs[0] # first and only member of QuerySet
-        blocks = SurvexBlock.objects.filter(survexfile=svx)
-        if len(blocks) >= 1:
-            print(f"Blocks in '{svx}': {blocks}")
-            survexblockparent=blocks[0].parent # all should have same parent
-            # But may have been obliterated by previous error
-            # Stamp all over the accumulated lengths and legs in the parent block,
-            # This also obliterates survey lengths from all other 'sibling' survex files 
-            # to the one being re-parsed
-            if survexblockparent:
-                survexblockparent.legsall=0
-                survexblockparent.legslength=0.0
-                survexblockparent.save()
-            display_contents(blocks) 
-            print(f"ABORTING - UNSOLVED BUGS. Do a complete databaseReset")
-            return True
-            blocks.delete() # deletes all pre-existing SurvexBlocks attached to this SurvexFile
-            bafter = SurvexBlock.objects.filter(survexfile=svx)
-            display_contents(bafter)
-            # all these foreign keys should be recreated properly when the file is parsed.
-            # so why is  /expedition/1996 crashing in nasty template error?
-        else:
-            print(f"ABORTING - UNSOLVED BUGS. Do a complete databaseReset")
-            return True
+    def parse_new_svx(fpath, blockroot=None, svxfileroot=None):
+        if svxfileroot == None:
+            svxfileroot = MakeFileRoot(fpath)
+            svxfileroot.save()
+        if blockroot == None:
+            newname = "adhoc_" + str(Path(str(svxfileroot)).name)
             survexblockparent = SurvexBlock(
-                name="fresh_parent", survexpath="", survexfile=svx, legsall=0, legslength=0.0
+                name=newname, survexpath="", survexfile=svxfileroot, legsall=0, legslength=0.0
-        print(f"  - {survexblockparent=}")
+            blockroot = survexblockparent
+        svx_load.survexdict[svxfileroot.survexdirectory] = []
+        svx_load.survexdict[svxfileroot.survexdirectory].append(svxfileroot)
+        svx_load.svxdirs[""] = svxfileroot.survexdirectory
-        svx_load.survexdict[svx.survexdirectory] = []
-        svx_load.survexdict[svx.survexdirectory].append(svx)
-        svx_load.svxdirs[""] = svx.survexdirectory
         # ----------------------------------------------------------------
-        svx_load.LinearLoad(survexblockparent, fpath, fname)
+        svx_load.LinearLoad(blockroot, svxfileroot.path, fname)
         # ----------------------------------------------------------------
-        # For some reason I have not yet worked out, I am getting the parent block
-        # added in as one of the child blocks of the survexfile
-        # so explicitly remove it.
-        blocks = SurvexBlock.objects.filter(survexfile=svx)
-        print(f"\nAfter import. {svx=}")
-        display_contents(blocks)
-        #survexblockparent.survexfile = MakeFileRoot("")
-        survexblockparent.delete()
-        blocks = SurvexBlock.objects.filter(survexfile=svx)
-        print(f"\nAfter import, specific removal. {svx=}")
-        display_contents(blocks)
     print(f"\n  - Loading One Survex file '{fpath}'", file=sys.stderr)
     svx_load = LoadingSurvex()
+    svx_load.survexdict = {}
     fname = Path(settings.SURVEX_DATA, (fpath + ".svx"))
     # print(f"  - {fname=}")
@@ -2403,9 +2349,54 @@ def parse_one_file(fpath): # --------------------------------------in progress--
         if len(svxs)>1:
             print(f"  ! Mistake? More than one survex file object in database with the same file-path {svxs}")
             print(f"  - Aborting file parsing & import into database.")
-            return True
+            return False
         print(f"  - Pre-existing survexfile {svxs}.")
-        reparse_existing_svx(svxs)
+        # reparse_existing_svx(svxs)
+        existingsvx = SurvexFile.objects.get(path=fpath)
+        existingcave = existingsvx.cave
+        print(f"  - survexfile is  {existingsvx} id={existingsvx.id} {existingcave}")
+        sbs = existingsvx.survexblock_set.all()
+        existingparent = None
+        parents =set()
+        if sbs:
+            for sb in sbs:
+                print(f"    - cleaning survex block {sb=}")
+                try:
+                    if sb.parent:
+                        parents.add(sb.parent)
+                except:
+                    print(f"    ! FAILURE to access sb.parent {sb=}")
+                sb.delete()
+        if parents:
+            print(f"   - set of parent blocks {parents}")
+            if len(parents) > 1:
+                print(f"   - WARNING more than one parent survex block!")
+            existingparent = parents.pop()
+        # print(f"   - deleting survex file {existingsvx=}")
+        # existingsvx.delete()
+        print(f"  - Reloading and parsing this survexfile '{fpath}' Loading...")
+        parse_new_svx(fpath, blockroot=existingparent, svxfileroot=existingsvx)
+        svxs = SurvexFile.objects.filter(path=fpath)
+        if len(svxs)>1:
+            print(f"  ! Mistake? More than one survex file object in database with the same file-path {svxs}")
+            print(f"  - Aborting file parsing & import into database.")
+            return False        
+        replacesvx = SurvexFile.objects.get(path=fpath)
+        replacesvx.cave = existingcave
+        print(f"  - new/replacement survexfile {svxs}. id={replacesvx.id}")
+        replacesvx.save()
+        if parents:
+            sbs = replacesvx.survexblock_set.all()
+            for sb in sbs:
+                print(f"    - re-setting survex block parent{sb=}")
+                sb.parent = existingparent # should be all the same
+                sb.save()
         print(f"  - Not seen this survexfile before '{fpath}' Loading...")
@@ -2420,9 +2411,10 @@ def parse_one_file(fpath): # --------------------------------------in progress--
         tf += len(svx_load.survexdict[d])
     print(f"  - Number of SurvexFiles: {tf:,}")
     print(f"  - Number of Survex legs: {legsnumber:,}")
-    print(f"  - Length of Survex legs: {svx_load.slength:.2f}")
+    print(f"  - Length of Survex legs: {svx_load.slength:.2f} m")
     svx_load = None
+    return True
 def MakeSurvexFileRoot():
     """Returns a file_object.path = SURVEX_TOPNAME associated with directory_object.path = SURVEX_DATA"""
@@ -2445,6 +2437,7 @@ def MakeFileRoot(fn):
     CHANGE THIS to just use the same block root as for SURVEX_TOPNAME ?
+    print(f"  - making a new root survexfile for this import: {fn}")
     fileroot = SurvexFile(path=fn, cave=None)
     fileroot.survexdirectory = SurvexDirectory.objects.get(id=1) # just re-use the first thing we made
diff --git a/templates/svxfile.html b/templates/svxfile.html
index ae0e20d..428d143 100644
--- a/templates/svxfile.html
+++ b/templates/svxfile.html
@@ -81,7 +81,7 @@ LOGMESSAGES
 {% endif %}
 underground survey length: {{svxlength|floatformat:2}} metres<br />
-parent survex file <a href="/survexfile/{{ survexfile.cave.survex_file }}">{{survexfile.cave.survex_file}}</a> for this cave <br /> 
+parent survex file <a href="/survexfile/{{ survexfile.cave.survex_file }}">{{survexfile.cave.survex_file}}</a> for this cave {{survexfile.cave}} <br /> 
 {% for sb in svxblocks %}
 block:({{sb}}) has parent block:<a href="{{sb.parent.path}}">({{sb.parent}})</a>
 {% empty %}