QMs now have working url to survexfile & tick description

This commit is contained in:
Philip Sargent 2022-07-20 14:44:56 +03:00
parent 2a7f1506c9
commit 549c1649b4
6 changed files with 91 additions and 54 deletions

@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ import datetime
import re
import json
import subprocess
import operator
from collections import defaultdict
from pathlib import Path
@ -149,7 +150,21 @@ class Cave(TroggleModel):
return str(self.slug())
def get_QMs(self):
return QM.objects.filter(cave=self)
'''Searches for all QMs that reference this cave. Probably a better Django way to do this
qms = QM.objects.filter(cave=self).order_by('expoyear', 'block__date') # a QuerySet, see https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/4.0/ref/models/querysets/#order-by
return qms # a QuerySet
# undated = []
# dated = []
# qms = QM.objects.filter(cave=self) # a QuerySet
# for q in qms:
# if q.block:
# dated.append(q)
# else:
# undated.append(q)
# sortedqms = sorted(dated, key=operator.attrgetter('block.date')) # sort by date of survexblock the QM was defined in
# orderedqms = sorted(undated, key=operator.attrgetter('expoyear')) # sort by date of expoyear
# return orderedqms + sortedqms # a list, NOT a QuerySet
# def new_QM_number(self, year=datetime.date.today().year):
@ -456,8 +471,8 @@ class QM(TroggleModel):
blockname=models.TextField(blank=True,null=True) # NB truncated copy of survexblock name
expoyear = models.CharField(max_length=4,blank=True, null=True) # could change to datetime if logbooks similarly chnaged
found_by = models.ForeignKey(LogbookEntry, related_name='QMs_found',blank=True, null=True,on_delete=models.SET_NULL )
ticked = models.BooleanField(default=False) # for ticked QMs not atatched to a logbook entry
ticked_off_by = models.ForeignKey(LogbookEntry, related_name='QMs_ticked_off',blank=True, null=True,on_delete=models.SET_NULL)
ticked = models.BooleanField(default=False) # for ticked QMs not attached to a logbook entry, should imply completion_description has text
ticked_off_by = models.ForeignKey(LogbookEntry, related_name='QMs_ticked_off',blank=True, null=True,on_delete=models.SET_NULL) # unused, ever?!
number = models.IntegerField(help_text="this is the sequential number in the year, only unique for CSV imports", )
('A', 'A: Large obvious lead'),
@ -493,9 +508,20 @@ class QM(TroggleModel):
blocknamestr = ""
#return f'{self.cave.slug()[5:]}-{self.expoyear}-{self.blockname}{self.number}{self.grade}'
return f'{cavestr}-{expoyearstr}-{blocknamestr}{self.number}{self.grade}'
def newslug(self):
def get_completion_url(self):
'''assumes html file named is in same folder as cave description file
cd = None
if self.completion_description:
dir = Path(self.cave.url).parent
cd = dir / self.completion_description
cd = None
return cd
def newslug(self):
qmslug = f'{str(self.cave)}-{self.expoyear}-{self.blockname}{self.number}{self.grade}'
return qmslug

@ -272,14 +272,12 @@ def cavepage(request, karea, subpath):
r = rendercave(request, cave, cave.slug())
return r
except NoReverseMatch:
message = f'Failed to render cave: {kpath} (it does exist and is unique) because of a Django URL resolution error. Check urls.py.'
return render(request,'errors/generic.html', {'message': message})
# return rendercave(request, cave, cave.slug(), cave_id=cave_id)
# anything else is a new problem. Add in specific error messages here as we discover new types of error
def caveEntrance(request, slug):
cave = Cave.objects.get(caveslug__slug = slug)
@ -482,6 +480,7 @@ def qm(request,cave_id,qm_id,year,grade=None, blockname=None):
290 has several QMS with the same number, grade, year (2108) and first 8 chars of the survexblock. This crashes things.
if blockname == '':
@ -492,12 +491,13 @@ def qm(request,cave_id,qm_id,year,grade=None, blockname=None):
return render(request,'qm.html', {'qm': qm})
except QM.DoesNotExist:
return render(request,'errors/badslug.html', {'badslug': f'{cave_id=} {year=} {qm_id=} {blockname=}'})
qmslug = f'{cave_id}-{year}-{blockname=}{qm_id}{grade}'
qmqs=manyqms.filter(expoyear=year, blockname=blockname, number=qm_id, grade=grade)
@ -509,15 +509,16 @@ def qm(request,cave_id,qm_id,year,grade=None, blockname=None):
qm=qmqs.get(expoyear=year, blockname=blockname, number=qm_id, grade=grade)
if qm:
print(qm, f'{qmslug=}:{cave_id=} {year=} {qm_id=} {blockname=} {qm.expoyear=}')
print(qm, f'{qmslug=}:{cave_id=} {year=} {qm_id=} {blockname=} {qm.expoyear=} {qm.completion_description=}')
return render(request,'qm.html', {'qm': qm})
return render(request,'errors/badslug.html', {'badslug': f'{cave_id=} {year=} {qm_id=} {blockname=}'})
except MultipleObjectsReturned:
message = f'Multiple QMs with the same cave, year, number, grade AND first 8 chars of the survexblock name. (Could be caused by incomplete databasereset). Fix this in the survex file(s). {cave_id=} {year=} {qm_id=} {blockname=}'
return render(request,'errors/generic.html', {'message': message})
except QM.DoesNotExist:
return render(request,'errors/badslug.html', {'badslug': f'{cave_id=} {year=} {qm_id=} {blockname=}'})

@ -9,14 +9,16 @@ from troggle.core.models.troggle import DataIssue
from troggle.core.models.caves import QM, Cave, LogbookEntry
from troggle.core.utils import save_carefully
'''Reads the CSV files containg QMs for a select few caves'''
'''Reads the CSV files containg QMs for a select few caves
See parsers/survex.py for the parser which extracts QMs from the survex files
def deleteQMs():
def parseCaveQMs(cave,inputFile):
def parseCaveQMs(cave, inputFile, ticked=False):
"""Runs through the CSV file at inputFile (which is a relative path from expoweb) and
saves each QM as a QM instance.
This is creating and linking a Placeholder logbookentry dated 1st Jan. in the relevant
@ -59,7 +61,7 @@ def parseCaveQMs(cave,inputFile):
message = f' ! - {qmPath} KH is not in the database. Please run cave parser'
DataIssue.objects.create(parser='QMs', message=message)
nqms = parse_KH_QMs(kh, inputFile=inputFile)
nqms = parse_KH_QMs(kh, inputFile=inputFile, ticked=ticked)
return nqms
#qmPath = settings.EXPOWEB+inputFile
@ -77,16 +79,6 @@ def parseCaveQMs(cave,inputFile):
n += 1
logslug = f'PH_{int(year)}_{int(n):02d}'
# logbook placeholder code was previously here. No longer needed.
#check if placeholder exists for given year, create it if not
# message = " ! - "+ str(year) + " logbook: placeholder entry for '" + cave + "' created. DUMMY EXPEDITION ID. Should be re-attached to the actual trip."
# if cave=='204-steinBH':
# placeholder, hadToCreate = LogbookEntry.objects.get_or_create(date__year=year, place="204", title="placeholder for QMs in 204", text=message, entry_type="DUMMY", expedition_id=1, defaults={"date": date(year, 1, 1),"cave_slug":str(steinBr), "slug": logslug})
# elif cave=='234-Hauch':
# placeholder, hadToCreate = LogbookEntry.objects.get_or_create(date__year=year, place="234", title="placeholder for QMs in 234", text=message, entry_type="DUMMY", expedition_id=1, defaults={"date": date(year, 1, 1),"cave_slug":str(hauchHl)})
# # if hadToCreate:
# # print(message)
# # DataIssue.objects.create(parser='QMs', message=message)
newQM = QM()
# newQM.found_by=placeholder
@ -100,12 +92,13 @@ def parseCaveQMs(cave,inputFile):
# Troggle will in future (?! - written in 2006) check if QMs are completed by checking if they have a ticked_off_by trip.
# In the table, completion is indicated by the presence of a completion discription.
# In the table, completion is indicated by the presence of a completion discription.
# if newQM.completion_description:
# newQM.ticked_off_by=placeholder
if newQM.completion_description:
newQM.ticked = True
newQM.ticked = False
@ -134,7 +127,7 @@ def parseCaveQMs(cave,inputFile):
return nqms
def parse_KH_QMs(kh, inputFile):
def parse_KH_QMs(kh, inputFile, ticked):
"""import QMs from the 1623-161 (Kaninchenhohle) html pages, different format
khQMs=open(os.path.join(settings.EXPOWEB, inputFile),'r')
@ -161,12 +154,13 @@ def parse_KH_QMs(kh, inputFile):
'ticked': ticked,
instance, created = save_carefully(QM,lookupArgs,nonLookupArgs)
# if created:
# message = " ! - "+ instance.code() + " QM entry for '161 KH' created. "
# message = f" ! - {instance.code()} QM entry for '161 KH' created. ticked: {ticked}"
# print(message)
# DataIssue.objects.create(parser='QMs', message=message)
nqms += 1
@ -177,8 +171,9 @@ def Load_QMs():
n204 = parseCaveQMs(cave='204-steinBH',inputFile=r"1623/204/qm.csv")
n234 = parseCaveQMs(cave='234-Hauch',inputFile=r"1623/234/qm.csv")
n161 = parseCaveQMs(cave='161-KH', inputFile="1623/161/qmtodo.htm")
n161 = parseCaveQMs(cave='161-KH', inputFile="1623/161/qmtodo.htm", ticked=False)
t161 = parseCaveQMs(cave='161-KH', inputFile="1623/161/qmdone.htm", ticked=True)
print(f" - Imported: {n204} QMs for 204, {n234} QMs for 234, {n161} QMs for 161.")
print(f" - Imported: {n204} QMs for 204, {n234} QMs for 234, {t161} QMs for 161 done, {n161} QMs for 161 not done.")
print ()

@ -545,8 +545,8 @@ class LoadingSurvex():
caveslug = survexblock.survexfile.cave.slug()
place = survexblock.survexfile.cave
caveslug = "ugh"
place = "oops"
caveslug = None
place = None
# message = f' ! - logbook dummy "{logslug}" {str(survexblock.date)[:11]} for cave "{caveslug}" created.'
@ -568,6 +568,7 @@ class LoadingSurvex():
block = survexblock, # only set for survex-imported QMs
blockname = blockname, # only set for survex-imported QMs
# found_by = placeholder,
expoyear = str(survexblock.date.year),

@ -7,8 +7,8 @@
<p>Note that QMs loaded for 1623-161, 1623-204 and 1623-234 are imported from CSV files .
<li><a href="{% url 'caveQMs' '1623-161' %}">1623-161 QMs</a>
<li><a href="{% url 'caveQMs' '1623-204' %}">1623-204 QMs</a>
<li><a href="{% url 'caveQMs' '1623-161' %}">1623-161 QMs</a> Maybe OUT OF DATE. See <a href="/1623/161/qmdone.htm">the manually curated list <b>instead</b></a>
<li><a href="{% url 'caveQMs' '1623-204' %}">1623-204 QMs</a> Maybe OUT OF DATE. See <a href=" /1623/204/qm.html">the manually curated list <b>instead</b></a>
<li><a href="{% url 'caveQMs' '1623-234' %}">1623-234 QMs</a>
<p>QMs are also loaded directly from the survex files, e.g. see
@ -24,20 +24,29 @@
{% block content %}
<p>{% if cave.get_QMs %}
<ul id="cavelist">
{% for QM in cave.get_QMs %}
{% if QM.ticked_off_by %}
{% if QM.ticked %}
{% else %}
<li><a href="{{QM.get_absolute_url}}">{{QM}}</a> :: {{QM.nearest_station_description}} {{QM.location_description}} <b>{{QM.grade}}</b></li>
<li><a href="{{QM.get_absolute_url}}">{{QM}}</a> :: {{QM.nearest_station_description}} {{QM.location_description}} <b>{{QM.grade}}</b>
{% if QM.block %} <a href="/survexfile/{{QM.block.survexfile.path}}.svx">{{QM.block}}.svx</a> {{QM.block.date}} {% endif %}</li>
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
<h3>Ticked off</h3>
{% for QM in cave.get_QMs %}
{% if QM.ticked_off_by %}
<li><a href="{{QM.get_absolute_url}}">{{QM}}</a> :: {{QM.nearest_station_description}} {{QM.location_description}} <b>{{QM.grade}}</b></li>
{% if QM.ticked %}
<li><a href="{{QM.get_absolute_url}}">{{QM}}</a> :: {{QM.nearest_station_description}} {{QM.location_description}} <b>{{QM.grade}}</b>
{% if QM.block %} <a href="/survexfile/{{QM.block.survexfile.path}}.svx">{{QM.block}}.svx</a> {{QM.block.date}} {% endif %}
{% if QM.completion_description %}
Completion page: <a href="/{{QM.get_completion_url}}">{{QM.completion_description}}</a>
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}</p>

@ -4,8 +4,8 @@
{% block contentheader %}
<h3>QMs available for these caves from CSV import</h3>
<li><a href="{% url 'caveQMs' '1623-161' %}">1623-161 QMs</a>
<li><a href="{% url 'caveQMs' '1623-204' %}">1623-204 QMs</a>
<li><a href="{% url 'caveQMs' '1623-161' %}">1623-161 QMs</a> Maybe OUT OF DATE. See <a href="/1623/161/qmdone.htm">the curated list <b>instead</b></a>
<li><a href="{% url 'caveQMs' '1623-204' %}">1623-204 QMs</a> Maybe OUT OF DATE. See <a href=" /1623/204/qm.html">the curated list <b>instead</b></a>
<li><a href="{% url 'caveQMs' '1623-234' %}">1623-234 QMs</a>
<p>QMs are also loaded directly from the survex files, e.g. see
@ -42,6 +42,11 @@
<a href="/{{ qm.cave.url }}">{{ qm.cave|safe }} cave description</a>
{% if qm.block %}
{{qm.block.date}} <a href="/survexfile/{{qm.block.survexfile.path}}.svx">{{qm.block}}.svx</a>
{% endif %}
@ -56,12 +61,12 @@ Found by <a href="{{qm.found_by.get_absolute_url}}">{{qm.found_by}}</a> on {{qm.
{% endif %}
{% if ticked_off_by %}
Ticked off by: <a href="{{qm.ticked_off_by.get_absolute_url}}">{{qm.ticked_off_by}}</a><br />
Description: {{qm.completion_description}}
{% if qm.ticked %}
Ticked off log entry: <a href="{{qm.ticked_off_by.get_absolute_url}}">{{qm.ticked_off_by}}</a><br />
Ticked off Description Page: <a href="/{{qm.get_completion_url}}">{{qm.get_completion_url}}</a>
{% else %}
No completion description yet- STILL EXTANT.
{% endif %}