extract *ref, ;ref and ;QMs to functions

This commit is contained in:
Philip Sargent 2020-06-24 14:49:39 +01:00
parent bb69cc073a
commit 45bbfce4d3

View File

@ -147,6 +147,77 @@ class LoadSurvex():
# do not import this: *data passage.. data which is LRUD not tape/compass/clino
def LoadSurvexRef(self, insp, survexblock, mstar):
# *REF but also ; Ref
yr,letterx,wallet = mstar.groups()
if not letterx:
letterx = ""
letterx = "X"
if len(wallet)<2:
wallet = "0" + wallet
assert (int(yr)>1960 and int(yr)<2039), "Wallet year out of bounds: %s" % yr
assert (int(wallet)<100), "Wallet number more than 100: %s" % wallet
refscan = "%s#%s%s" % (yr, letterx, wallet)
manyscansfolders = models_survex.ScansFolder.objects.filter(walletname=refscan)
if manyscansfolders:
survexblock.scansfolder = manyscansfolders[0]
if len(manyscansfolders) > 1:
message = ' ! Wallet *REF {} - multiple scan folders found {}'.format(refscan, survexblock.survexfile.path)
models.DataIssue.objects.create(parser='survex', message=message)
message = ' ! Wallet *REF {} - NOT found in manyscansfolders {}'.format(refscan, survexblock.survexfile.path)
models.DataIssue.objects.create(parser='survex', message=message)
def LoadSurvexQM(self, insp, qmline):
qm_no = qmline.group(1)
qm_grade = qmline.group(2)
qm_from_section = qmline.group(3)
qm_from_station = qmline.group(4)
qm_resolve_section = qmline.group(6)
qm_resolve_station = qmline.group(7)
qm_notes = qmline.group(8)
# This whole section should be moved if we can have *QM become a proper survex command
# Spec of QM in SVX files, currently commented out need to add to survex
# needs to match self.rx_qm
# ;Serial number grade(A/B/C/D/X) nearest-station resolution-station description
# ;QM1 a hobnob_hallway_2.42 hobnob-hallway_3.42 junction of keyhole passage
# ;QM1 a hobnob_hallway_2.42 - junction of keyhole passage
# print(insp+'Cave - %s' % survexfile.cave)
# print(insp+'QM no %d' % int(qm_no))
# print(insp+'QM grade %s' % qm_grade)
# print(insp+'QM section %s' % qm_from_section)
# print(insp+'QM station %s' % qm_from_station)
# print(insp+'QM res section %s' % qm_resolve_section)
# print(insp+'QM res station %s' % qm_resolve_station)
# print(insp+'QM notes %s' % qm_notes)
# If the QM isn't resolved (has a resolving station) then load it
if not qm_resolve_section or qm_resolve_section != '-' or qm_resolve_section != 'None':
from_section = models_survex.SurvexBlock.objects.filter(name=qm_from_section)
# If we can find a section (survex note chunk, named)
if len(from_section) > 0:
from_station = models_survex.SurvexStation.objects.filter(block=from_section[0], name=qm_from_station)
# If we can find a from station then we have the nearest station and can import it
if len(from_station) > 0:
qm = models_caves.QM.objects.create(number=qm_no,
message = ' ! QM in svx file NOT resolved and NOT found {}'.format(qm_notes)
models.DataIssue.objects.create(parser='survex', message=message)
print(insp+' - QM found but resolved {}'.format(qm_notes))
def RecursiveLoad(self,survexblock, survexfile, fin):
"""Follows the *include links in all the survex files from the root file 1623.svx
and reads in the survex blocks, other data and the wallet references (scansfolder) as it
@ -188,63 +259,11 @@ class LoadSurvex():
# detect ref line pointing to the scans directory
mref = comment and self.rx_ref.match(comment)
if mref:
yr, letterx, wallet = mref.groups()
if not letterx:
letterx = ""
letterx = "X"
if len(wallet)<2:
wallet = "0" + wallet
refscan = "%s#%s%s" % (yr, letterx, wallet )
manyscansfolders = models_survex.ScansFolder.objects.filter(walletname=refscan)
if manyscansfolders:
survexblock.scansfolder = manyscansfolders[0]
message = ' ! Wallet ; ref {} - NOT found in manyscansfolders {}'.format(refscan, survexblock.survexfile.path)
models.DataIssue.objects.create(parser='survex', message=message)
self.LoadSurvexRef(insp, survexblock, mref)
# This whole section should be moved if we can have *QM become a proper survex command
# Spec of QM in SVX files, currently commented out need to add to survex
# needs to match self.rx_qm
# ;Serial number grade(A/B/C/D/X) nearest-station resolution-station description
# ;QM1 a hobnob_hallway_2.42 hobnob-hallway_3.42 junction of keyhole passage
# ;QM1 a hobnob_hallway_2.42 - junction of keyhole passage
qmline = comment and self.rx_qm.match(comment)
if qmline:
qm_no = qmline.group(1)
qm_grade = qmline.group(2)
qm_from_section = qmline.group(3)
qm_from_station = qmline.group(4)
qm_resolve_section = qmline.group(6)
qm_resolve_station = qmline.group(7)
qm_notes = qmline.group(8)
# print(insp+'Cave - %s' % survexfile.cave)
# print(insp+'QM no %d' % int(qm_no))
# print(insp+'QM grade %s' % qm_grade)
# print(insp+'QM section %s' % qm_from_section)
# print(insp+'QM station %s' % qm_from_station)
# print(insp+'QM res section %s' % qm_resolve_section)
# print(insp+'QM res station %s' % qm_resolve_station)
# print(insp+'QM notes %s' % qm_notes)
# If the QM isn't resolved (has a resolving station) then load it
if not qm_resolve_section or qm_resolve_section != '-' or qm_resolve_section != 'None':
from_section = models_survex.SurvexBlock.objects.filter(name=qm_from_section)
# If we can find a section (survex note chunck, named)
if len(from_section) > 0:
from_station = models_survex.SurvexStation.objects.filter(block=from_section[0], name=qm_from_station)
# If we can find a from station then we have the nearest station and can import it
if len(from_station) > 0:
qm = models_caves.QM.objects.create(number=qm_no,
# print(insp+' - QM found but resolved')
self.LoadSurvexQM(insp, qmline)
if not sline:
@ -252,25 +271,7 @@ class LoadSurvex():
# detect the star ref command
mstar = self.rx_starref.match(sline)
if mstar:
yr,letterx,wallet = mstar.groups()
if not letterx:
letterx = ""
letterx = "X"
if len(wallet)<2:
wallet = "0" + wallet
assert (int(yr)>1960 and int(yr)<2039), "Wallet year out of bounds: %s" % yr
assert (int(wallet)<100), "Wallet number more than 100: %s" % wallet
refscan = "%s#%s%s" % (yr, letterx, wallet)
manyscansfolders = models_survex.ScansFolder.objects.filter(walletname=refscan)
if manyscansfolders:
survexblock.scansfolder = manyscansfolders[0]
message = ' ! Wallet *REF {} - NOT found in manyscansfolders {}'.format(refscan, survexblock.survexfile.path)
models.DataIssue.objects.create(parser='survex', message=message)
self.LoadSurvexRef(insp, survexblock, mstar)
# detect the star command
mstar = self.rx_star.match(sline)
@ -495,7 +496,7 @@ def LoadAllSurvexBlocks():
memstart = models.get_process_memory()
survexlegsnumber, survexlegsalllength = FindAndLoadAllSurvex(survexblockroot, survexfileroot)
memend = models.get_process_memory()
print(" - MEMORY start:{:.3f} MB end:{:.3f} MB increase={:.3f} MB",format(memstart,memend,memend-memstart))
print(" - MEMORY start:{:.3f} MB end:{:.3f} MB increase={:.3f} MB".format(memstart,memend, memend-memstart))
survexblockroot.totalleglength = survexlegsalllength
survexblockroot.legsall = survexlegsnumber