diff --git a/core/admin.py b/core/admin.py
index 71bbd61..e77eaea 100644
--- a/core/admin.py
+++ b/core/admin.py
@@ -124,18 +124,19 @@ admin.site.register(CaveAndEntrance)
 admin.site.register(Entrance, EntranceAdmin)
-admin.site.register(SurvexBlock, SurvexBlockAdmin)
 admin.site.register(LogbookEntry, LogbookEntryAdmin)
 admin.site.register(QM, QMAdmin)
 admin.site.register(Survey, SurveyAdmin)
diff --git a/core/models.py b/core/models.py
index f65efed..bbdaa0b 100644
--- a/core/models.py
+++ b/core/models.py
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ from django.db.models import Min, Max
 from django.conf import settings
 from decimal import Decimal, getcontext
 from django.core.urlresolvers import reverse
-from imagekit.models import ImageModel
+from imagekit.models import ProcessedImageField #ImageModel
 from django.template import Context, loader
 import settings
 getcontext().prec=2 #use 2 significant figures for decimal calculations
@@ -248,7 +248,7 @@ class LogbookEntry(TroggleModel):
         ("html", "Html style logbook")
-    date    = models.DateField()#MJG wants to turn this into a datetime such that multiple Logbook entries on the same day can be ordered.ld()
+    date    = models.DateTimeField()#MJG wants to turn this into a datetime such that multiple Logbook entries on the same day can be ordered.ld()
     expeditionday = models.ForeignKey("ExpeditionDay", null=True)#MJG wants to KILL THIS (redundant information)
     expedition  = models.ForeignKey(Expedition,blank=True,null=True)  # yes this is double-
     title      = models.CharField(max_length=settings.MAX_LOGBOOK_ENTRY_TITLE_LENGTH)
diff --git a/core/models_survex.py b/core/models_survex.py
index 3bae04c..897844e 100644
--- a/core/models_survex.py
+++ b/core/models_survex.py
@@ -29,6 +29,9 @@ class SurvexFile(models.Model):
     class Meta:
         ordering = ('id',)
+    def __unicode__(self):
+        return self.path + '.svx' or 'no file'
     def exists(self):
         fname = os.path.join(settings.SURVEX_DATA, self.path + ".svx")
@@ -66,6 +69,9 @@ class SurvexStation(models.Model):
     x = models.FloatField(blank=True, null=True)
     y = models.FloatField(blank=True, null=True)
     z = models.FloatField(blank=True, null=True)
+    def __unicode__(self):
+        return self.block.cave.slug() + '/' + self.block.name + '/' + self.name or 'No station name'
     def path(self):
         r = self.name
@@ -109,7 +115,7 @@ class SurvexBlock(models.Model):
     text       = models.TextField()
     cave       = models.ForeignKey('Cave', blank=True, null=True)
-    date       = models.DateField(blank=True, null=True)
+    date       = models.DateTimeField(blank=True, null=True)
     expeditionday = models.ForeignKey("ExpeditionDay", null=True)
     expedition = models.ForeignKey('Expedition', blank=True, null=True)
@@ -177,7 +183,7 @@ ROLE_CHOICES = (
 class SurvexPersonRole(models.Model):
     survexblock         = models.ForeignKey('SurvexBlock')
     nrole               = models.CharField(choices=ROLE_CHOICES, max_length=200, blank=True, null=True)
-        # increasing levels of precision
+    # increasing levels of precision
     personname          = models.CharField(max_length=100)
     person              = models.ForeignKey('Person', blank=True, null=True)
     personexpedition    = models.ForeignKey('PersonExpedition', blank=True, null=True)
@@ -194,6 +200,9 @@ class SurvexScansFolder(models.Model):
     class Meta:
         ordering = ('walletname',)
+    def __unicode__(self):
+        return self.walletname or 'no wallet'
     def get_absolute_url(self):
         return urlparse.urljoin(settings.URL_ROOT, reverse('surveyscansfolder', kwargs={"path":re.sub("#", "%23", self.walletname)}))
@@ -205,6 +214,9 @@ class SurvexScanSingle(models.Model):
     class Meta:
         ordering = ('name',)
+    def __unicode__(self):
+        return self.survexscansfolder.walletname + '/' + self.name
     def get_absolute_url(self):
         return urlparse.urljoin(settings.URL_ROOT, reverse('surveyscansingle', kwargs={"path":re.sub("#", "%23", self.survexscansfolder.walletname), "file":self.name}))
diff --git a/core/views_caves.py b/core/views_caves.py
index af76b1e..bc5aa1a 100644
--- a/core/views_caves.py
+++ b/core/views_caves.py
@@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ def caveCmp(x, y):
         return numericalcmp(x.unofficial_number, y.unofficial_number)
 def caveindex(request):
-    caves = Cave.objects.all()
+    #caves = Cave.objects.all()
     notablecavehrefs = settings.NOTABLECAVESHREFS
     notablecaves = [Cave.objects.get(kataster_number=kataster_number)  for kataster_number in notablecavehrefs ]
     caves1623 = list(Cave.objects.filter(area__short_name = "1623"))
@@ -240,7 +240,7 @@ def entranceSlug(request, slug):
 def survexblock(request, survexpath):
     survexpath = re.sub("/", ".", survexpath)
-    print "jjjjjj", survexpath
+    print("jjjjjj", survexpath)
     survexblock = models.SurvexBlock.objects.get(survexpath=survexpath)
     #ftext = survexblock.filecontents()
     ftext = survexblock.text
@@ -277,30 +277,30 @@ def get_qms(request, caveslug):
     return render(request,'options.html', {"items": [(e.entrance.slug(), e.entrance.slug()) for e in cave.entrances()]})
 areanames = [
-	#('',     'Location unclear'),
-	('1a',   '1a – Plateau: around Top Camp'),
-	('1b',   '1b – Western plateau near 182'),
-	('1c',   '1c – Eastern plateau near 204 walk-in path'),
-	('1d',   '1d – Further plateau around 76'),
-	('2a',   '2a – Southern Schwarzmooskogel near 201 path and the Nipple'),
-	('2b',   '2b – Eishöhle area'),
-	('2b or 4 (unclear)', '2b or 4 (unclear)'),
-	('2c',   '2c – Kaninchenhöhle area'),
-	('2d',   '2d – Steinbrückenhöhle area'),
-	('3',    '3 – Bräuning Alm'),
-	('4',	'4 – Kratzer valley'),
-	('5',	'5 – Schwarzmoos-Wildensee'),
-	('6',	'6 – Far plateau'),
-	('1626 or 6 (borderline)', '1626 or 6 (borderline)'),
-	('7',	'7 – Egglgrube'),
-	('8a',	'8a – Loser south face'),
-	('8b',	'8b – Loser below Dimmelwand'),
-	('8c',	'8c – Augst See'),
-	('8d',	'8d – Loser-Hochganger ridge'),
-	('9',	'9 – Gschwandt Alm'),
-	('10',	'10 – Altaussee'),
-	('11',	'11 – Augstbach')
-	]
+    #('',     'Location unclear'),
+    ('1a',   '1a – Plateau: around Top Camp'),
+    ('1b',   '1b – Western plateau near 182'),
+    ('1c',   '1c – Eastern plateau near 204 walk-in path'),
+    ('1d',   '1d – Further plateau around 76'),
+    ('2a',   '2a – Southern Schwarzmooskogel near 201 path and the Nipple'),
+    ('2b',   '2b – Eishöhle area'),
+    ('2b or 4 (unclear)', '2b or 4 (unclear)'),
+    ('2c',   '2c – Kaninchenhöhle area'),
+    ('2d',   '2d – Steinbrückenhöhle area'),
+    ('3',    '3 – Bräuning Alm'),
+    ('4',   '4 – Kratzer valley'),
+    ('5',   '5 – Schwarzmoos-Wildensee'),
+    ('6',   '6 – Far plateau'),
+    ('1626 or 6 (borderline)', '1626 or 6 (borderline)'),
+    ('7',   '7 – Egglgrube'),
+    ('8a',  '8a – Loser south face'),
+    ('8b',  '8b – Loser below Dimmelwand'),
+    ('8c',  '8c – Augst See'),
+    ('8d',  '8d – Loser-Hochganger ridge'),
+    ('9',   '9 – Gschwandt Alm'),
+    ('10',  '10 – Altaussee'),
+    ('11',  '11 – Augstbach')
+    ]
 def prospecting(request):
@@ -318,21 +318,21 @@ def prospecting(request):
 # big map first (zoom factor ignored)
 maps = {
-# id	left		top			right		bottom		zoom
-#		G&K			G&K			G&K			G&K			factor
-"all": [33810.4,	85436.5,	38192.0,		81048.2,	0.35,
-		"All"],
-"40":  [36275.6,	82392.5,	36780.3,	81800.0,	3.0,
-		"Eishöhle"],
-"76":  [35440.0,	83220.0,	36090.0,	82670.0,	1.3,
-		"Eislufthöhle"],
-"204": [36354.1,	84154.5,	37047.4,	83300,	3.0,
-		"Steinbrückenhöhle"],
-"tc":  [35230.0,	82690.0,	36110.0,	82100.0,	3.0,
-		"Near Top Camp"],
+# id    left        top         right       bottom      zoom
+#       G&K         G&K         G&K         G&K         factor
+"all": [33810.4,    85436.5,    38192.0,    81048.2,    0.35,
+        "All"],
+"40":  [36275.6,    82392.5,    36780.3,    81800.0,    3.0,
+        "Eishöhle"],
+"76":  [35440.0,    83220.0,    36090.0,    82670.0,    1.3,
+        "Eislufthöhle"],
+"204": [36354.1,    84154.5,    37047.4,    83300,  3.0,
+        "Steinbrückenhöhle"],
+"tc":  [35230.0,    82690.0,    36110.0,    82100.0,    3.0,
+        "Near Top Camp"],
-       [36000.0,	86300.0,	38320.0,	84400.0,	4.0,
-		"Grießkogel Area"],
+       [36000.0,    86300.0,    38320.0,    84400.0,    4.0,
+        "Grießkogel Area"],
 for n in maps.keys():
@@ -353,50 +353,50 @@ ZOOM = 4
 DESC = 5
 areacolours = {
-	'1a' : '#00ffff',
-	'1b' : '#ff00ff',
-	'1c' : '#ffff00',
-	'1d' : '#ffffff',
-	'2a' : '#ff0000',
-	'2b' : '#00ff00',
-	'2c' : '#008800',
-	'2d' : '#ff9900',
-	'3'  : '#880000',
-	'4'  : '#0000ff',
-	'6'  : '#000000', # doubles for surface fixed pts, and anything else
-	'7'  : '#808080'
-	}
+    '1a' : '#00ffff',
+    '1b' : '#ff00ff',
+    '1c' : '#ffff00',
+    '1d' : '#ffffff',
+    '2a' : '#ff0000',
+    '2b' : '#00ff00',
+    '2c' : '#008800',
+    '2d' : '#ff9900',
+    '3'  : '#880000',
+    '4'  : '#0000ff',
+    '6'  : '#000000', # doubles for surface fixed pts, and anything else
+    '7'  : '#808080'
+    }
 for FONT in [
-		"/usr/share/fonts/truetype/freefont/FreeSans.ttf",
-		"/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/truetype/arial.ttf",
-		]:
-	if os.path.isfile(FONT): break
+        "/usr/share/fonts/truetype/freefont/FreeSans.ttf",
+        "/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/truetype/arial.ttf",
+        "C:\WINNT\Fonts\ARIAL.TTF"
+        ]:
+    if os.path.isfile(FONT): break
 myFont = ImageFont.truetype(FONT, TEXTSIZE)
 def mungecoord(x, y, mapcode, img):
-	# Top of Zinken is 73 1201 = dataset 34542 81967
-	# Top of Hinter is 1073 562 = dataset 36670 83317
-	# image is 1417 by 2201
-	# FACTOR1 = 1000.0 / (36670.0-34542.0)
-	# FACTOR2 = (1201.0-562.0) / (83317 - 81967)
-	# The factors aren't the same as the scanned map's at a slight angle. I
-	# can't be bothered to fix this.  Since we zero on the Hinter it makes
-	# very little difference for caves in the areas round 76 or 204.
-	# xoffset = (x - 36670)*FACTOR
-	# yoffset = (y - 83317)*FACTOR
-	# return (1073 + xoffset, 562 - yoffset)
+    # Top of Zinken is 73 1201 = dataset 34542 81967
+    # Top of Hinter is 1073 562 = dataset 36670 83317
+    # image is 1417 by 2201
+    # FACTOR1 = 1000.0 / (36670.0-34542.0)
+    # FACTOR2 = (1201.0-562.0) / (83317 - 81967)
+    # FACTOR = (FACTOR1 + FACTOR2)/2 
+    # The factors aren't the same as the scanned map's at a slight angle. I
+    # can't be bothered to fix this.  Since we zero on the Hinter it makes
+    # very little difference for caves in the areas round 76 or 204.
+    # xoffset = (x - 36670)*FACTOR
+    # yoffset = (y - 83317)*FACTOR
+    # return (1073 + xoffset, 562 - yoffset)
+    m = maps[mapcode]
+    factorX, factorY = img.size[0] / (m[R] - m[L]), img.size[1] / (m[T] - m[B])
+    return ((x - m[L]) * factorX, (m[T] - y) * factorY)
-	m = maps[mapcode]
-	factorX, factorY = img.size[0] / (m[R] - m[L]), img.size[1] / (m[T] - m[B])
-	return ((x - m[L]) * factorX, (m[T] - y) * factorY)
 COL_TYPES = {True: "red",
              False: "#dddddd",
              "Reference": "#dddddd"}
@@ -422,40 +422,40 @@ def prospecting_image(request, name):
     m = maps[name]
     #imgmaps = []
     if name == "all":
-		img = mainImage
+        img = mainImage
-		M = maps['all']
-		W, H = mainImage.size
-		l = int((m[L] - M[L]) / (M[R] - M[L]) * W)
-		t = int((m[T] - M[T]) / (M[B] - M[T]) * H)
-		r = int((m[R] - M[L]) / (M[R] - M[L]) * W)
-		b = int((m[B] - M[T]) / (M[B] - M[T]) * H)
-		img = mainImage.crop((l, t, r, b))
-		w = int(round(m[ZOOM] * (m[R] - m[L]) / (M[R] - M[L]) * W))
-		h = int(round(m[ZOOM] * (m[B] - m[T]) / (M[B] - M[T]) * H))
-		img = img.resize((w, h), Image.BICUBIC)
+        M = maps['all']
+        W, H = mainImage.size
+        l = int((m[L] - M[L]) / (M[R] - M[L]) * W)
+        t = int((m[T] - M[T]) / (M[B] - M[T]) * H)
+        r = int((m[R] - M[L]) / (M[R] - M[L]) * W)
+        b = int((m[B] - M[T]) / (M[B] - M[T]) * H)
+        img = mainImage.crop((l, t, r, b))
+        w = int(round(m[ZOOM] * (m[R] - m[L]) / (M[R] - M[L]) * W))
+        h = int(round(m[ZOOM] * (m[B] - m[T]) / (M[B] - M[T]) * H))
+        img = img.resize((w, h), Image.BICUBIC)
     draw = ImageDraw.Draw(img)
     if name == "all":
         for maparea in maps.keys():
-			if maparea == "all":
-				continue
-			localm = maps[maparea]
-			l,t = mungecoord(localm[L], localm[T], "all", img)
-			r,b = mungecoord(localm[R], localm[B], "all", img)
-			text = maparea + " map"
-			textlen = draw.textsize(text)[0] + 3
-			draw.rectangle([l, t, l+textlen, t+TEXTSIZE+2], fill='#ffffff')
-			draw.text((l+2, t+1), text, fill="#000000")
-			#imgmaps.append( [l, t, l+textlen, t+SIZE+2, "submap" + maparea, maparea + " subarea map"] )
-			draw.line([l, t, r, t], fill='#777777', width=LINEWIDTH)
-			draw.line([l, b, r, b], fill='#777777', width=LINEWIDTH)
-			draw.line([l, t, l, b], fill='#777777', width=LINEWIDTH)
-			draw.line([r, t, r, b], fill='#777777', width=LINEWIDTH)
-			draw.line([l, t, l+textlen, t], fill='#777777', width=LINEWIDTH)
-			draw.line([l, t+TEXTSIZE+2, l+textlen, t+TEXTSIZE+2], fill='#777777', width=LINEWIDTH)
-			draw.line([l, t, l, t+TEXTSIZE+2], fill='#777777', width=LINEWIDTH)
-			draw.line([l+textlen, t, l+textlen, t+TEXTSIZE+2], fill='#777777', width=LINEWIDTH)
+            if maparea == "all":
+                continue
+            localm = maps[maparea]
+            l,t = mungecoord(localm[L], localm[T], "all", img)
+            r,b = mungecoord(localm[R], localm[B], "all", img)
+            text = maparea + " map"
+            textlen = draw.textsize(text)[0] + 3
+            draw.rectangle([l, t, l+textlen, t+TEXTSIZE+2], fill='#ffffff')
+            draw.text((l+2, t+1), text, fill="#000000")
+            #imgmaps.append( [l, t, l+textlen, t+SIZE+2, "submap" + maparea, maparea + " subarea map"] )
+            draw.line([l, t, r, t], fill='#777777', width=LINEWIDTH)
+            draw.line([l, b, r, b], fill='#777777', width=LINEWIDTH)
+            draw.line([l, t, l, b], fill='#777777', width=LINEWIDTH)
+            draw.line([r, t, r, b], fill='#777777', width=LINEWIDTH)
+            draw.line([l, t, l+textlen, t], fill='#777777', width=LINEWIDTH)
+            draw.line([l, t+TEXTSIZE+2, l+textlen, t+TEXTSIZE+2], fill='#777777', width=LINEWIDTH)
+            draw.line([l, t, l, t+TEXTSIZE+2], fill='#777777', width=LINEWIDTH)
+            draw.line([l+textlen, t, l+textlen, t+TEXTSIZE+2], fill='#777777', width=LINEWIDTH)
     #imgmaps[maparea] = []
     # Draw scale bar
     m100 = int(100 / (m[R] - m[L]) * img.size[0])
@@ -477,14 +477,15 @@ def prospecting_image(request, name):
     plot("laser.0_5", "LSR5", "Reference", "Laser Point 0/5", name, draw, img)
     plot("225-96", "BAlm", "Reference", "Bräuning Alm trig point", name, draw, img)
     for entrance in Entrance.objects.all():
-		station = entrance.best_station()
-		if station:
-			#try:
-				areaName = entrance.caveandentrance_set.all()[0].cave.getArea().short_name
-				plot(station, "%s-%s" % (areaName, str(entrance)[5:]), entrance.needs_surface_work(), str(entrance), name, draw, img)
-			#except:
-			#	pass
+        station = entrance.best_station()
+        if station:
+            #try:
+                areaName = entrance.caveandentrance_set.all()[0].cave.getArea().short_name
+                plot(station, "%s-%s" % (areaName, str(entrance)
+                                    [5:]), entrance.needs_surface_work(), str(entrance), name, draw, img)
+            #except:
+            #	pass
     for (N, E, D, num) in [(35975.37,	83018.21,	100,"177"),	# Calculated from bearings
                            (35350.00,	81630.00,	50,	"71"),	# From Auer map
                            (36025.00,	82475.00,	50,	"146"),	# From mystery map
diff --git a/databaseReset.py b/databaseReset.py
index fd9b83a..4b4d7ef 100644
--- a/databaseReset.py
+++ b/databaseReset.py
@@ -90,9 +90,11 @@ def reset():
-    import_survex()
+    import_survex()
diff --git a/docker/requirements.txt.dj-1.7.11 b/docker/requirements.txt.dj-1.7.11
index ae0a7ad..7e0f0d7 100644
--- a/docker/requirements.txt.dj-1.7.11
+++ b/docker/requirements.txt.dj-1.7.11
@@ -6,3 +6,4 @@ django-imagekit
diff --git a/parsers/logbooks.py b/parsers/logbooks.py
index ee9a18d..12124ca 100644
--- a/parsers/logbooks.py
+++ b/parsers/logbooks.py
@@ -172,8 +172,8 @@ def Parseloghtmltxt(year, expedition, txt):
         tripid, tripid1, tripdate, trippeople, triptitle, triptext, tu = s.groups()
         ldate = ParseDate(tripdate.strip(), year)
         #assert tripid[:-1] == "t" + tripdate, (tripid, tripdate)
-        trippeople = re.sub(r"Ol(?!l)", "Olly", trippeople)        
-        trippeople = re.sub(r"Wook(?!e)", "Wookey", trippeople)        
+        #trippeople = re.sub(r"Ol(?!l)", "Olly", trippeople)        
+        #trippeople = re.sub(r"Wook(?!e)", "Wookey", trippeople)        
         triptitles = triptitle.split(" - ")
         if len(triptitles) >= 2:
             tripcave = triptitles[0]
diff --git a/parsers/survex.py b/parsers/survex.py
index 294de73..4d342d8 100644
--- a/parsers/survex.py
+++ b/parsers/survex.py
@@ -5,9 +5,14 @@ import troggle.settings as settings
 from subprocess import call, Popen, PIPE
 from troggle.parsers.people import GetPersonExpeditionNameLookup
+from django.utils.timezone import get_current_timezone
+from django.utils.timezone import make_aware
 import re
 import os
+from datetime import datetime
+line_leg_regex = re.compile(r"[\d\-+.]+$")
 def LoadSurvexLineLeg(survexblock, stardata, sline, comment):
     ls = sline.lower().split()
@@ -53,8 +58,8 @@ def LoadSurvexLineLeg(survexblock, stardata, sline, comment):
                 survexleg.compass = 1000
             survexleg.clino = -90.0
-            assert re.match(r"[\d\-+.]+$", lcompass), ls
-            assert re.match(r"[\d\-+.]+$", lclino) and lclino != "-", ls
+            assert line_leg_regex.match(lcompass), ls
+            assert line_leg_regex.match(lclino) and lclino != "-", ls
             survexleg.compass = float(lcompass)
             survexleg.clino = float(lclino)
@@ -85,6 +90,12 @@ def LoadSurvexLinePassage(survexblock, stardata, sline, comment):
 stardatadefault = {"type":"normal", "t":"leg", "from":0, "to":1, "tape":2, "compass":3, "clino":4}
 stardataparamconvert = {"length":"tape", "bearing":"compass", "gradient":"clino"}
+regex_comment = re.compile(r"([^;]*?)\s*(?:;\s*(.*))?\n?$")
+regex_ref     = re.compile(r'.*?ref.*?(\d+)\s*#\s*(\d+)')
+regex_star    = re.compile(r'\s*\*[\s,]*(\w+)\s*(.*?)\s*(?:;.*)?$')
+regex_team    = re.compile(r"(Insts|Notes|Tape|Dog|Useless|Pics|Helper|Disto|Consultant)\s+(.*)$(?i)")
+regex_team_member        = re.compile(r" and | / |, | & | \+ |^both$|^none$(?i)")
 def RecursiveLoad(survexblock, survexfile, fin, textlines):
     iblankbegins = 0
     text = [ ]
@@ -92,18 +103,25 @@ def RecursiveLoad(survexblock, survexfile, fin, textlines):
     teammembers = [ ]
 # uncomment to print out all files during parsing 
-    print("Reading file: " + survexblock.survexfile.path)
+    print("  - Reading file: " + survexblock.survexfile.path)
+    stamp = datetime.now()
+    lineno = 0
     while True:
         svxline = fin.readline().decode("latin1")
         if not svxline:
+            print('   - Not survex')
+        lineno += 1
+        print('   - Line: %d' % lineno)
         # break the line at the comment
-        sline, comment = re.match(r"([^;]*?)\s*(?:;\s*(.*))?\n?$", svxline.strip()).groups()
+        sline, comment = regex_comment.match(svxline.strip()).groups()
         # detect ref line pointing to the scans directory
-        mref = comment and re.match(r'.*?ref.*?(\d+)\s*#\s*(\d+)', comment)
+        mref = comment and regex_ref.match(comment)
         if mref:
             refscan = "%s#%s" % (mref.group(1), mref.group(2))
             survexscansfolders = models.SurvexScansFolder.objects.filter(walletname=refscan)
@@ -117,12 +135,15 @@ def RecursiveLoad(survexblock, survexfile, fin, textlines):
         # detect the star command
-        mstar = re.match(r'\s*\*[\s,]*(\w+)\s*(.*?)\s*(?:;.*)?$', sline)
+        mstar = regex_star.match(sline)
         if not mstar:
             if "from" in stardata:
                 LoadSurvexLineLeg(survexblock, stardata, sline, comment)
+                print('   - From: ')
+                #print(stardata)
             elif stardata["type"] == "passage":
                 LoadSurvexLinePassage(survexblock, stardata, sline, comment)
+                print('   - Pasage: ')
             #Missing "station" in stardata.
@@ -131,6 +152,7 @@ def RecursiveLoad(survexblock, survexfile, fin, textlines):
         cmd = cmd.lower()
         if re.match("include$(?i)", cmd):
             includepath = os.path.join(os.path.split(survexfile.path)[0], re.sub(r"\.svx$", "", line))
+            print('   - Include file found including - ' + includepath)
             includesurvexfile = models.SurvexFile(path=includepath, cave=survexfile.cave)
@@ -141,6 +163,7 @@ def RecursiveLoad(survexblock, survexfile, fin, textlines):
         elif re.match("begin$(?i)", cmd):
             if line: 
                 name = line.lower()
+                #print('   - Begin found for: ' + name)
                 survexblockdown = models.SurvexBlock(name=name, begin_char=fin.tell(), parent=survexblock, survexpath=survexblock.survexpath+"."+name, cave=survexblock.cave, survexfile=survexfile, totalleglength=0.0)
                 textlinesdown = [ ]
@@ -154,11 +177,16 @@ def RecursiveLoad(survexblock, survexfile, fin, textlines):
                 survexblock.text = "".join(textlines)
+                print('   - End found: ')
+                endstamp = datetime.now()
+                timetaken = endstamp - stamp
+                print('   - Time to process: ' + str(timetaken))
         elif re.match("date$(?i)", cmd):
             if len(line) == 10:
-                survexblock.date = re.sub(r"\.", "-", line)
+                #print('   - Date found: ' + line)
+                survexblock.date = make_aware(datetime.strptime(re.sub(r"\.", "-", line), '%Y-%m-%d'), get_current_timezone())
                 expeditions = models.Expedition.objects.filter(year=line[:4])
                 if expeditions:
                     assert len(expeditions) == 1
@@ -167,9 +195,11 @@ def RecursiveLoad(survexblock, survexfile, fin, textlines):
         elif re.match("team$(?i)", cmd):
-            mteammember = re.match(r"(Insts|Notes|Tape|Dog|Useless|Pics|Helper|Disto|Consultant)\s+(.*)$(?i)", line)
+            pass
+            print('   - Team found: ')
+            mteammember = regex_team.match(line)
             if mteammember:
-                for tm in re.split(r" and | / |, | & | \+ |^both$|^none$(?i)", mteammember.group(2)):
+                for tm in regex_team_member.split(mteammember.group(2)):
                     if tm:
                         personexpedition = survexblock.expedition and GetPersonExpeditionNameLookup(survexblock.expedition).get(tm.lower())
                         if (personexpedition, tm) not in teammembers:
@@ -181,6 +211,7 @@ def RecursiveLoad(survexblock, survexfile, fin, textlines):
         elif cmd == "title":
+            #print('   - Title found: ')
             survextitle = models.SurvexTitle(survexblock=survexblock, title=line.strip('"'), cave=survexblock.cave)
@@ -189,8 +220,11 @@ def RecursiveLoad(survexblock, survexfile, fin, textlines):
         elif cmd == "data":
+            #print('   - Data found: ')
             ls = line.lower().split()
             stardata = { "type":ls[0] }
+            #print('    - Star data: ', stardata)
+            #print(ls)
             for i in range(0, len(ls)):
                 stardata[stardataparamconvert.get(ls[i], ls[i])] = i - 1
             if ls[0] in ["normal", "cartesian", "nosurvey"]:
@@ -201,26 +235,32 @@ def RecursiveLoad(survexblock, survexfile, fin, textlines):
                 assert ls[0] == "passage", line
         elif cmd == "equate":
+            #print('   - Equate found: ')
             LoadSurvexEquate(survexblock, line)
         elif cmd == "fix":
+            #print('   - Fix found: ')
+            #print('   - Stuff')
             if cmd not in ["sd", "include", "units", "entrance", "data", "flags", "title", "export", "instrument",
                            "calibrate", "set", "infer", "alias", "ref", "cs", "declination", "case"]:
                 print("Unrecognised command in line:", cmd, line, survexblock, survexblock.survexfile.path)
+        endstamp = datetime.now()
+        timetaken = endstamp - stamp
+        print('   - Time to process: ' + str(timetaken))
 def ReloadSurvexCave(survex_cave, area):
-    print(survex_cave, area)
+    print(' - Area: ' + str(area) + ' Cave: ' + str(survex_cave))
     cave = models.Cave.objects.get(kataster_number=survex_cave, area__short_name=area)
-    print(cave)
-    #cave = models.Cave.objects.get(kataster_number=survex_cave)
+    print(' - ' + str(cave))
+    file_stamp_start = datetime.now()
     survexfile = models.SurvexFile(path="caves-" + cave.kat_area() + "/" + survex_cave + "/" + survex_cave, cave=cave)
@@ -228,6 +268,9 @@ def ReloadSurvexCave(survex_cave, area):
     survexblockroot = models.SurvexBlock(name="root", survexpath="caves-" + cave.kat_area(), begin_char=0, cave=cave, survexfile=survexfile, totalleglength=0.0)
     fin = survexfile.OpenFile()
+    file_stamp_end = datetime.now()
+    file_time = file_stamp_end - file_stamp_start
+    print(' - Files time to process: ' + str(file_time))
     textlines = [ ]
     RecursiveLoad(survexblockroot, survexfile, fin, textlines)
     survexblockroot.text = "".join(textlines)
@@ -268,10 +311,15 @@ def LoadAllSurvexBlocks():
     print(" - Reloading all caves")
     caves = models.Cave.objects.all()
     for cave in caves:
+        rec_stamp_start = datetime.now()
         if cave.kataster_number and os.path.isdir(os.path.join(settings.SURVEX_DATA, "caves-" + cave.kat_area(), cave.kataster_number)):
             if cave.kataster_number not in ['40']:
-                print("loading", cave, cave.kat_area())
+                print(" - Loading " + str(cave) + " " + cave.kat_area())
                 ReloadSurvexCave(cave.kataster_number, cave.kat_area())
+                rec_stamp_end = datetime.now()
+        timetaken = rec_stamp_end - rec_stamp_start
+        print(' - Time to process: ' + str(timetaken))
+        print('--------')
 poslineregex = re.compile(r"^\(\s*([+-]?\d*\.\d*),\s*([+-]?\d*\.\d*),\s*([+-]?\d*\.\d*)\s*\)\s*([^\s]+)$")
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--- a/settings.py
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@@ -129,7 +129,7 @@ INSTALLED_APPS = (
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+    'imagekit', 
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