diff --git a/databaseReset.py b/databaseReset.py
index d714d9f..1066d80 100644
--- a/databaseReset.py
+++ b/databaseReset.py
@@ -81,6 +81,15 @@ def import_tunnelfiles():
+def rebuild():
+    """ Wipe the troggle database and sets up structure but imports nothing
+    """
+    reload_db()
+    make_dirs()
+    pageredirects()
 def reset():
     """ Wipe the troggle database and import everything from legacy data
@@ -162,6 +171,7 @@ def pageredirects():
 def usage():
     print("""Usage is 'python databaseReset.py <command>'
              where command is:
+             rebuild  - this reloads database and set up directories & redirects only
              reset    - this is normal usage, clear database and reread everything from files - time-consuming
              desc     - NOT WORKING: function resetdesc() missing
              caves    - read in the caves