forked from expo/troggle
Survex 1624, 1626, 1627 now displayed robustly
This commit is contained in:
@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ from django.shortcuts import render_to_response, render
from django.template.context_processors import csrf
from django.http import HttpResponse, Http404
from django.core.exceptions import ObjectDoesNotExist
from django.core.exceptions import ObjectDoesNotExist, MultipleObjectsReturned
import troggle.settings as settings
import parsers.survex
@ -298,49 +298,32 @@ def identifycavedircontents(gcavedir):
subsvx.insert(0, primesvx)
return subdirs, subsvx
def check_cave_registered(survex_cave):
'''Checks whether a cave has been properly registered when it is found in the Loser repo
This should be called by Databasereset not here in a view
Currently Caves are only registered if they are listed in :expoweb: settings.CAVEDESCRIPTIONS
so we need to add in any mroe here.
cave = Cave.objects.get(kataster_number=survex_cave)
return survex_cave
except ObjectDoesNotExist:
cave = Cave.objects.get(unofficial_number=survex_cave)
if cave.kataster_number:
return cave.kataster_number
return None
except ObjectDoesNotExist:
def get_survexareapath(area):
return survexdatasetpath / str("caves-" + area)
# direct local non-database browsing through the svx file repositories
# perhaps should use the database and have a reload button for it
# why is caves-1623 HARD CODED here ?! That must be wrong..
# every time the page is viewed! Should cache this.
def survexcaveslist(request):
'''This reads the entire list of caves in the Loser repo directory and produces a complete report.
It can find caves which have not yet been properly registered in the system by because
someone may have uploaded the survex files without doing the rest of the integration process.
cavesdir = survexdatasetpath / "caves-1623"
#cavesdircontents = { }
# TO DO - filter out the non-public caves from display UNLESS LOGGED INS
onefilecaves = [ ]
multifilecaves = [ ]
subdircaves = [ ]
fnumlist = [ ]
# first sort the file list
fnumlist = sorted([ (-int(re.match(r"\d*", f).group(0) or "0"), f) for f in os.listdir(cavesdir) ])
for area in ["1623", "1626", "1624", "1627"]:
cavesdir = get_survexareapath(area)
arealist = sorted([ (area, -int(re.match(r"\d*", f).group(0) or "0"), f) for f in os.listdir(cavesdir) ])
fnumlist += arealist
# go through the list and identify the contents of each cave directory
for num, cavedir in fnumlist:
for area, num, cavedir in fnumlist:
# these have sub dirs /cucc/ /arge/ /old/ but that is no reason to hide them in this webpage
# so these are now treated the same as 142 and 113 which also have a /cucc/ sub dir
@ -350,14 +333,15 @@ def survexcaveslist(request):
# This all assumes that the first .svx file has the same name as the cave name,
# which usually but not always true. e.g. caves-1623/78/allkaese.svx not caves-1623/78/78.svx
# which is why we now also pass through the cavedir
cavesdir = get_survexareapath(area)
gcavedir = os.path.join(cavesdir, cavedir)
if os.path.isdir(gcavedir) and cavedir[0] != ".":
subdirs, subsvx = identifycavedircontents(gcavedir)
katast = check_cave_registered(cavedir) # should do this only once per database load or it will be slow
caveid = check_cave_registered(area, cavedir) # should do this only once per database load or it will be slow
survdirobj = [ ]
for lsubsvx in subsvx:
survdirobj.append(("caves-1623/"+cavedir+"/"+lsubsvx, lsubsvx))
survdirobj.append(("caves-" +area+ "/" +cavedir+"/"+lsubsvx, lsubsvx))
# caves with subdirectories
if subdirs:
@ -367,7 +351,7 @@ def survexcaveslist(request):
# assert not dsubdirs # handle case of empty sub directory
lsurvdirobj = [ ]
for lsubsvx in dsubsvx:
lsurvdirobj.append(("caves-1623/"+cavedir+"/"+subdir+"/"+lsubsvx, lsubsvx))
lsurvdirobj.append(("caves-" +area+ "/" +cavedir+"/"+subdir+"/"+lsubsvx, lsubsvx))
if len(dsubsvx) >= 1:
subsurvdirs.append((subdir,lsurvdirobj[0], lsurvdirobj[0:])) # list now includes the first item too
subdircaves.append((cavedir, (survdirobj[0], survdirobj[1:]), subsurvdirs))
@ -384,24 +368,63 @@ def survexcaveslist(request):
def survexcavesingle(request, survex_cave):
'''parsing all the survex files of a single cave and showing that it's consistent and can find all
the files and people. Should explicity fix the kataster number thing.
kataster numbers are not unique across areas. Fix this.
sc = survex_cave
cave = Cave.objects.get(kataster_number=sc)
cave = Cave.objects.get(kataster_number=sc) # This may not be unique.
return render_to_response('svxcavesingle.html', {'settings': settings, "cave":cave })
except ObjectDoesNotExist:
# can get here if the survex file is in a directory labelled with unofficial number not kataster number.
# maybe - and _ mixed up, or CUCC-2017- instead of 2017-CUCC-, or CUCC2015DL01 . Let's not get carried away..
for unoff in [sc, sc.replace('-','_'), sc.replace('_','-')]:
for unoff in [sc, sc.replace('-','_'), sc.replace('_','-'), sc.replace('-',''), sc.replace('_','')]:
cave = Cave.objects.get(unofficial_number=unoff)
cave = Cave.objects.get(unofficial_number=unoff) # return on first one we find
return render_to_response('svxcavesingle.html', {'settings': settings, "cave":cave })
except ObjectDoesNotExist:
continue # next attempt in for loop
return render_to_response('svxcavesingle404.html', {'settings': settings, "cave":sc })
except MultipleObjectsReturned:
caves = Cave.objects.filter(kataster_number=survex_cave)
return render_to_response('svxcaveseveral.html', {'settings': settings, "caves":caves })
return render_to_response('svxcavesingle404.html', {'settings': settings, "cave":sc })
def check_cave_registered(area, survex_cave):
'''Checks whether a cave has been properly registered when it is found in the Loser repo
This should be called by Databasereset not here in a view
Currently Caves are only registered if they are listed in :expoweb: settings.CAVEDESCRIPTIONS
so we need to add in any more here.
This function runs but does not seem to be used?!
cave = Cave.objects.get(kataster_number=survex_cave)
return str(cave)
except MultipleObjectsReturned:
caves = Cave.objects.filter(kataster_number=survex_cave)
for c in caves:
if str(c) == area + "-" + survex_cave :
return str(c) # just get the first that matches
return None # many returned but none in correct area
except ObjectDoesNotExist:
cave = Cave.objects.get(unofficial_number=survex_cave) # should be unique!
if cave.kataster_number:
return str(cave)
return None
except ObjectDoesNotExist:
return None
@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ print(MEDIA_ROOT)
# --------------------- MEDIA redirections END ---------------------
DEBUG = True # Always keep this, even when on public server. Otherwise NO ERROR MESSAGES !
DEBUG = True # Always keep this True, even when on public server. Otherwise NO USEFUL ERROR MESSAGES !
# executables:
CAVERN = 'cavern'
@ -79,8 +79,8 @@ DATABASES = {
'PORT' : '', # Set to empty string for default. Not used with sqlite3.
# add in 290, 291, 358 when they don't make it crash horribly
NOTABLECAVESHREFS = [ "264", "258", "204", "76", "107"]
# add in 358 when they don't make it crash horribly
NOTABLECAVESHREFS = [ "290", "291", "359", "264", "258", "204", "76", "107"]
@ -110,7 +110,7 @@ TEMPLATES = [
'loaders': [
# insert your TEMPLATE_LOADERS here
# insert your own TEMPLATE_LOADERS here
@ -140,5 +140,15 @@ EXPOWEB_URL = ''
SURVEYS_URL = '/survey_scans/'
EXPOFILES ='/mnt/f/expofiles/'
# Sanitise these to be strings as all other code is expecting strings
# and we have not made the chnage to pathlib Path type in the other localsettings-* variants yet.
LOGFILE = os.fspath(LOGFILE)
SURVEYS = os.fspath(SURVEYS)
EXPOWEB = os.fspath(EXPOWEB)
print(" + finished importing troggle/")
@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ DATABASES = {
EXPOUSER = 'expo'
EXPOUSERPASS = 'nnn:gggggg'
EXPOUSERPASS = "nnn:gggggg"
REPOS_ROOT_PATH = '/home/expo/'
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,97 @@
{% extends "base.html" %}
{% load wiki_markup %}
{% load link %}
{% block title %}List of survex files{% endblock %}
{% block content %}
{% for cave in caves %}
{% autoescape off %}
<h1>Surveys for <a href="/{{cave.url}}">{{cave.official_name}}</a> - kataster:{{cave}}</h1>
{% endautoescape %}
<!-- the only thing passed into this temnplate is the object identifier for a cave.
All the processing to extract the survex subdriectories and survex files is done in this template -->
<p>Cave description: <a href="/{{cave.url}}">{{cave.url}}</a>
{% for survexdirectory in cave.survexdirectory_set.all %}
<a href="#T_{{survexdirectory.primarysurvexfile.path}}">{{survexdirectory.path}}</a>
{% empty %}
<p>If you were expecting to see a list of survex files here and a summary table of who did what and when, perhaps
because you followed a link from <a href="/survexfile/caves/">the master caves' survex list</a> page which showed that such survex files clearly existed, and yet there is nothing here but a blank; then this will be because the survex (.svx) files have been stored on the server in the
<a href="/handbook/computing/repos.html"><var>:loser:</var></a> repository
but whoever was
responsible has not yet created the appropriate entries in the XML file in the
<a href="/handbook/computing/repos.html"><var>:expoweb:</var></a> repository.
It is the XML file which registers the cave description and ties together
the survex files with everything else.
<p>The process for registering a new cave is documented in
<a href="/handbook/survey/caveentry.html">this part of the survey handbook</a>.
{% endfor %}
{% for survexdirectory in cave.survexdirectory_set.all %}
<h3 id="T_{{survexdirectory.primarysurvexfile.path}}">{{survexdirectory.path}}</h3>
<tr><th>Survex file</th><th>Block</th><th>Date</th><th>Explorers</th><th>length</th><th>Titles</th><th>Scans</th></tr>
{% for survexfile in survexdirectory.survexfile_set.all %}
{% if survexfile.exists %}
<td rowspan="{{survexfile.survexblock_set.all|length|plusone}}">
{% else %}
<td class="survexnewfile" rowspan="{{survexfile.survexblock_set.all|length|plusone}}">
{% endif %}
{% ifequal survexfile survexdirectory.primarysurvexfile %}
<a href="{% url "svx" survexfile.path %}"><b>{% url "svx" survexfile.path %}</b></a>
{% else %}
<a href="{% url "svx" survexfile.path %}"><i><small>{% url "svx" survexfile.path %}</small></i></a><!-- would like to extract only the last bit. Some javascript useful ?-->
{% endifequal %}
{% for survexblock in survexfile.survexblock_set.all %}
<!-- Block -->
<td style="width:10 em"><a href="{% url "svx" survexfile.path %}">{{}}</a></td>
<!-- Date -->
<td style="white-space:nowrap">
{% if survexblock.expedition %}
<a href="{{survexblock.expedition.get_absolute_url}}">{{|date:"D d M Y"}}</a>
{% else %}
{% endif %}
<!-- Explorers -->
{% for personrole in survexblock.survexpersonrole_set.all %}
{% if personrole.personexpedition %}
<a href="{{personrole.personexpedition.get_absolute_url}}">{{personrole.personname}}</a>
{% else %}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
<!-- length -->
<td style="padding-right: 3px; text-align:right">{{survexblock.legslength|stringformat:".1f"}}</td>
<!-- Titles -->
<td style="padding-left: 3px;">
<!-- Scans -->
{% if survexblock.scansfolder %}
<b><a href="{{survexblock.scansfolder.get_absolute_url}}">{{survexblock.scansfolder.walletname}}</a></b>
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% endfor %}
{% endfor %}
{% endfor %}
{% endblock %}
@ -17,7 +17,18 @@ All the processing to extract the survex subdriectories and survex files is done
{% for survexdirectory in cave.survexdirectory_set.all %}
<a href="#T_{{survexdirectory.primarysurvexfile.path}}">{{survexdirectory.path}}</a>
{% endfor %}
{% empty %}
<p>If you were expecting to see a list of survex files here and a summary table of who did what and when, perhaps
because you followed a link from <a href="/survexfile/caves/">the master caves' survex list</a> page which showed that such survex files clearly existed, and yet there is nothing here but a blank; then this will be because the survex (.svx) files have been stored on the server in the
<a href="/handbook/computing/repos.html"><var>:loser:</var></a> repository
but whoever was
responsible has not yet created the appropriate entries in the XML file in the
<a href="/handbook/computing/repos.html"><var>:expoweb:</var></a> repository.
It is the XML file which registers the cave description and ties together
the survex files with everything else.
<p>The process for registering a new cave is documented in
<a href="/handbook/survey/caveentry.html">this part of the survey handbook</a>.
{% endfor %}
{% for survexdirectory in cave.survexdirectory_set.all %}
<h3 id="T_{{survexdirectory.primarysurvexfile.path}}">{{survexdirectory.path}}</h3>
@ -6,78 +6,26 @@
{% block content %}
<h1>Surveys for cave - Cave not found</h1>
<h1>Cave not found in database</h1>
<h3>Cave number looked for: '{{cave}}'</h3>
<h3>kataster number like this not found</h3>
<h3>unofficial number like this not found</h3>
<li>- unofficial number like this not found</li>
<li>- kataster number like this not found</li>
<h3>You probably got here because a survex (.svx) file has been stored on the server in the
<a href="/handbook/computing/repos.html"><var>:loser:</var></a> repository
but whoever was
responsible has not yet created the appropriate XML file the
<a href="/handbook/computing/repos.html"><var>:expoweb:</var></a> repository
which registers the cave description and ties together
the survex files with everything else.
<p>The process for registering a new cave is documented in
<a href="/handbook/survey/caveentry.html">this part of the survey handbook</a>.
{% for survexdirectory in cave.survexdirectory_set.all %}
<a href="#T_{{survexdirectory.primarysurvexfile.path}}">{{survexdirectory.path}}</a>
{% endfor %}
{% for survexdirectory in cave.survexdirectory_set.all %}
<h3 id="T_{{survexdirectory.primarysurvexfile.path}}">{{survexdirectory.path}}</h3>
<tr><th>Survex file</th><th>Block</th><th>Date</th><th>Explorers</th><th>length</th><th>Titles</th><th>Scans</th></tr>
{% for survexfile in survexdirectory.survexfile_set.all %}
{% if survexfile.exists %}
<td rowspan="{{survexfile.survexblock_set.all|length|plusone}}">
{% else %}
<td class="survexnewfile" rowspan="{{survexfile.survexblock_set.all|length|plusone}}">
{% endif %}
{% ifequal survexfile survexdirectory.primarysurvexfile %}
<a href="{% url "svx" survexfile.path %}"><b>{{survexfile.path}}</b></a>
{% else %}
<a href="{% url "svx" survexfile.path %}">{{survexfile.path}}</a>
{% endifequal %}
{% for survexblock in survexfile.survexblock_set.all %}
<td style="width:10 em">{{}}</td>
<td style="white-space:nowrap">
{% if survexblock.expedition %}
<a href="{{survexblock.expedition.get_absolute_url}}">{{|date:"D d M Y"}}</a>
{% else %}
{% endif %}
{% for personrole in survexblock.survexpersonrole_set.all %}
{% if personrole.personexpedition %}
<a href="{{personrole.personexpedition.get_absolute_url}}">{{personrole.personname}}</a>
{% else %}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
<td style="padding-right: 3px; text-align:right">{{survexblock.legslength|stringformat:".1f"}}</td>
<td style="padding-left: 3px;">
{% if survexblock.scansfolder %}
<b><a href="{{survexblock.scansfolder.get_absolute_url}}">{{survexblock.scansfolder.walletname}}</a></b>
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% endfor %}
{% endfor %}
{% endblock %}
Reference in New Issue
Block a user