diff --git a/core/TESTS/test_imports.py b/core/TESTS/test_imports.py
index 52b1fd4..48e324e 100644
--- a/core/TESTS/test_imports.py
+++ b/core/TESTS/test_imports.py
@@ -152,22 +152,24 @@ class SubprocessTest(TestCase):
         TROGGLE_PATH = Path(settings.REPOS_ROOT_PATH) / "troggle"
         for cwd in [settings.SURVEX_DATA, settings.EXPOWEB, settings.DRAWINGS_DATA, TROGGLE_PATH]: 
             sp = subprocess.run([settings.GIT, "status"], cwd=cwd, capture_output=True, text=True)
-            scwd = str(cwd)
-            # print(scwd + ":\n\n#" + sp.stderr + '\n\n#' + sp.stdout  + '\n\n# return code: ' + str(sp.returncode))
+            print(f'git output: {cwd}:\n # {sp.stderr=}\n # {sp.stdout=} \n # return code: {str(sp.returncode)}')
             if sp.returncode != 0:
-                print(scwd + ":\n\n" + sp.stderr + '\n\n' + sp.stdout  + '\n\nreturn code: ' + str(sp.returncode))
-            self.assertTrue( sp.returncode == 0, f'{scwd} - git is unhappy')
+                print(f'git output: {cwd}:\n # {sp.stderr=}\n # {sp.stdout=} \n # return code: {str(sp.returncode)}')
+            self.assertTrue( sp.returncode == 0, f'{cwd} - git is unhappy')
             content = sp.stdout
             ph = r'Your branch is up[ -]to[ -]date'
             phmatch    = re.search(ph, content)
-            self.assertIsNotNone(phmatch, f"{scwd} - Failed to find expected git output: '" + ph +"'")
+            msg = f'{cwd} - Failed to find expected git output: "{ph}"'
+            self.assertIsNotNone(phmatch, msg)
             ph1 = r'no changes added to commit'
             phmatch1    = re.search(ph1, content)
             ph2 = r'nothing to commit'
             phmatch2    = re.search(ph2, content)
             phmatch = phmatch1 or phmatch2
-            self.assertIsNotNone(phmatch, f"{scwd} - Failed to find expected git output: {ph1} or {ph2}")
+            msg = f'{cwd} - Failed to find expected git output: "{ph1}" or "{ph2}"'
+            self.assertIsNotNone(phmatch, msg)