deleted old parser code

This commit is contained in:
Philip Sargent 2023-01-26 21:33:17 +00:00
parent 733765802e
commit 0c4ce6dc3c

@ -395,137 +395,6 @@ def parser_html(year, expedition, txt, seq=""):
# main parser for 1991 - 2001. simpler because the data has been hacked so much to fit it
# def parser_html_01(year, expedition, txt, seq=""):
# global logentries
# global logdataissues
# errorcount = 0
# # extract front material and stash for later use when rebuilding from list of entries
# headmatch = re.match(r"(?i)(?s).*<body[^>]*>(.*?)<hr.*", txt)
# headpara = headmatch.groups()[0].strip()
# # print(f" - headpara:\n'{headpara}'")
# if len(headpara) > 0:
# frontpath = Path(settings.EXPOWEB, "years", year, "frontmatter.html")
# with open(frontpath, "w") as front:
# front.write(headpara + "\n")
# # extract END material and stash for later use when rebuilding from list of entries
# endmatch = re.match(r"(?i)(?s).*<hr\s*/>([\s\S]*?)(?=</body)", txt)
# if endmatch:
# endpara = endmatch.groups()[0].strip()
# else:
# print(f" ! - {year} NO endmatch")
# endpara = ""
# # print(f" - endpara:\n'{endpara}'")
# if len(endpara) > 0:
# endpath = Path(settings.EXPOWEB, "years", year, "endmatter.html")
# with open(endpath, "w") as end:
# end.write(endpara + "\n")
# tripparas = re.findall(r"<hr[\s/]*>([\s\S]*?)(?=<hr)", txt)
# logbook_entry_count = 0
# for trippara in tripparas:
# logbook_entry_count += 1
# tid = set_trip_id(year, logbook_entry_count)
# # print(f" #0 - tid: {tid}")
# try:
# # print(f" #1 - tid: {tid}")
# s = re.match(r"(?i)(?s)\s*(?:<p>)?(.*?)</?p>(.*)$", trippara)
# if not s:
# message = " ! - Skipping logentry {year} failure to parse header: " + tid + trippara[:300] + "..."
# DataIssue.objects.create(parser="logbooks", message=message)
# logdataissues[tid] = message
# print(message)
# break
# try:
# tripheader, triptext =,
# except:
# message = f" ! - Fail to set tripheader, triptext. trip:<{tid}> s:'{s}'"
# DataIssue.objects.create(parser="logbooks", message=message)
# logdataissues[tid] = message
# print(message)
# # mtripid ='<a id="(.*?)"', tripheader)
# # if not mtripid:
# # message = f" ! - A tag id not found. Never mind. Not needed. trip:<{tid}> header:'{tripheader}'"
# # DataIssue.objects.create(parser='logbooks', message=message)
# # logdataissues[tid]=message
# # print(message)
# # tripid = mtripid and or ""
# # print(f" # - mtripid: {mtripid}")
# tripheader = re.sub(r"</?(?:[ab]|span)[^>]*>", "", tripheader)
# # print(f" #2 - tid: {tid}")
# try:
# tripdate, triptitle, trippeople = tripheader.split("|")
# except:
# message = f" ! - Fail 3 to split out date|title|people. trip:<{tid}> '{tripheader.split('|')}'"
# DataIssue.objects.create(parser="logbooks", message=message)
# logdataissues[tid] = message
# print(message)
# try:
# tripdate, triptitle = tripheader.split("|")
# trippeople = "GUESS ANON"
# except:
# message = f" ! - Skipping logentry {year} Fail 2 to split out date|title (anon). trip:<{tid}> '{tripheader.split('|')}' CRASHES MySQL !"
# DataIssue.objects.create(parser="logbooks", message=message)
# logdataissues[tid] = message
# print(message)
# break
# # print(f" #3 - tid: {tid}")
# ldate = ParseDate(tripdate.strip(), year)
# # print(f" # - tid: {tid} <{tripdate}> <{triptitle}> <{trippeople}>")
# # print(f" #4 - tid: {tid}")
# mtu ="<p[^>]*>(T/?U.*)", triptext)
# if mtu:
# tu =
# triptext = triptext[: mtu.start(0)] + triptext[mtu.end() :]
# else:
# tu = ""
# triptitles = triptitle.split(" - ")
# tripcave = triptitles[0].strip()
# ltriptext = triptext
# mtail ='(?:<a href="[^"]*">[^<]*</a>|\s|/|-|&amp;|</?p>|\((?:same day|\d+)\))*$', ltriptext)
# if mtail:
# ltriptext = ltriptext[: mtail.start(0)]
# ltriptext = re.sub(r"</p>", "", ltriptext)
# ltriptext = re.sub(r"\s*?\n\s*", " ", ltriptext)
# ltriptext = re.sub(r"</?u>", "_", ltriptext)
# ltriptext = re.sub(r"</?i>", "''", ltriptext)
# ltriptext = re.sub(r"</?b>", "'''", ltriptext)
# ltriptext = re.sub(r"<p>", "<br /><br />", ltriptext).strip()
# if ltriptext == "":
# message = " ! - Zero content for logbook entry!: " + tid
# DataIssue.objects.create(parser="logbooks", message=message)
# logdataissues[tid] = message
# print(message)
# entrytuple = (ldate, tripcave, triptitle, ltriptext, trippeople, expedition, tu, tid)
# logentries.append(entrytuple)
# except:
# message = f" ! - Skipping logentry {year} due to exception in: {tid}"
# DataIssue.objects.create(parser="logbooks", message=message)
# logdataissues[tid] = message
# print(message)
# errorcount += 1
# raise
# if errorcount > 5:
# message = f" !!- TOO MANY ERRORS - aborting at '{tid}' logbook: {year}"
# DataIssue.objects.create(parser="logbooks", message=message)
# logdataissues[tid] = message
# print(message)
# return
def parser_blog(year, expedition, txt, sq=""):
"""Parses the format of web pages collected as 'Save As HTML" from the UK Caving blog website.
Note that the entries have dates and authors, but no titles.