From dbba54cfd81506a20832aade85735bf4dc377b95 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Damjan 9000 <>
Date: Thu, 21 Mar 2024 20:47:55 +0100
Subject: [PATCH] README: wrap long lines (#784)

--- | 32 ++++++++++++++++++++++++--------
 1 file changed, 24 insertions(+), 8 deletions(-)

diff --git a/ b/
index 82ca52c..531c2fe 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -50,14 +50,20 @@ Neovim's configurations are located under the following paths, depending on your
 #### Recommended Step
-[Fork]( this repo so that you have your own copy that you can modify, then install by cloning the fork to your machine using one of the commands below, depending on your OS.
+[Fork]( this repo
+so that you have your own copy that you can modify, then install by cloning the
+fork to your machine using one of the commands below, depending on your OS.
 > **NOTE**
-> Your fork's url will be something like this: `<your_github_username>/kickstart.nvim.git`
+> Your fork's url will be something like this:
+> `<your_github_username>/kickstart.nvim.git`
 #### Clone kickstart.nvim
 > **NOTE**
-> If following the recommended step above (i.e., forking the repo), replace `nvim-lua` with `<your_github_username>` in the commands below
+> If following the recommended step above (i.e., forking the repo), replace
+> `nvim-lua` with `<your_github_username>` in the commands below
 <details><summary> Linux and Mac </summary>
@@ -105,7 +111,9 @@ NOTE: You'll need to uncomment the line in the init.lua that turns on loading cu
   <summary>Adding autopairs</summary>
-This will automatically install [windwp/nvim-autopairs]( and enable it on startup. For more information, see documentation for [lazy.nvim](
+This will automatically install [windwp/nvim-autopairs](
+and enable it on startup. For more information, see documentation for
 In the file: `lua/custom/plugins/autopairs.lua`, add:
@@ -133,7 +141,9 @@ return {
   <summary>Adding a file tree plugin</summary>
-This will install the tree plugin and add the command `:Neotree` for you. For more information, see the documentation at [neo-tree.nvim](
+This will install the tree plugin and add the command `:Neotree` for you.
+For more information, see the documentation at
 In the file: `lua/custom/plugins/filetree.lua`, add:
@@ -164,13 +174,19 @@ return {
 * What should I do if I already have a pre-existing neovim configuration?
   * You should back it up and then delete all associated files.
-  * This includes your existing init.lua and the neovim files in `~/.local` which can be deleted with `rm -rf ~/.local/share/nvim/`
+  * This includes your existing init.lua and the neovim files in `~/.local`
+    which can be deleted with `rm -rf ~/.local/share/nvim/`
 * Can I keep my existing configuration in parallel to kickstart?
-  * Yes! You can use [NVIM_APPNAME](`=nvim-NAME` to maintain multiple configurations. For example, you can install the kickstart configuration in `~/.config/nvim-kickstart` and create an alias:
+  * Yes! You can use [NVIM_APPNAME](`=nvim-NAME`
+    to maintain multiple configurations. For example, you can install the kickstart
+    configuration in `~/.config/nvim-kickstart` and create an alias:
     alias nvim-kickstart='NVIM_APPNAME="nvim-kickstart" nvim'
-    When you run Neovim using `nvim-kickstart` alias it will use the alternative config directory and the matching local directory `~/.local/share/nvim-kickstart`. You can apply this approach to any Neovim distribution that you would like to try out.
+    When you run Neovim using `nvim-kickstart` alias it will use the alternative
+    config directory and the matching local directory
+    `~/.local/share/nvim-kickstart`. You can apply this approach to any Neovim
+    distribution that you would like to try out.
 * What if I want to "uninstall" this configuration:
   * See [lazy.nvim uninstall]( information
 * Why is the kickstart `init.lua` a single file? Wouldn't it make sense to split it into multiple files?