function fish_prompt and set retc blue or set retc red tty | string match -q -r tty and set tty tty or set tty pts set_color $retc if [ $tty = tty ] echo -n .- else echo -n '┬─' end set_color -o blue echo -n [ if test "$USER" = root -o "$USER" = toor set_color -o red else set_color -o red end echo -n $USER set_color -o white echo -n @ if [ -z "$SSH_CLIENT" ] set_color -o blue else set_color -o cyan end echo -n (prompt_hostname) set_color -o white #echo -n :(prompt_pwd) echo -n :(pwd|sed "s=$HOME=~=") set_color -o blue echo -n ']' set_color normal set_color $retc if [ $tty = tty ] echo -n '-' else echo -n '─' end set_color -o blue echo -n '[' set_color normal set_color $retc echo -n (date +%X) set_color -o blue echo -n ] if type -q acpi if [ (acpi -a 2> /dev/null | string match -r off) ] echo -n '─[' set_color -o red echo -n (acpi -b|cut -d' ' -f 4-) set_color -o blue echo -n ']' end end echo set_color normal for job in (jobs) set_color $retc if [ $tty = tty ] echo -n '; ' else echo -n '│ ' end set_color brown echo $job end set_color normal set_color $retc if [ $tty = tty ] echo -n "'->" else echo -n '╰─>' end set_color -o red echo -n '$ ' set_color normal end