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synced 2024-12-05 16:12:18 +00:00
Major rework of how survex is processed
236 lines
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236 lines
8.8 KiB
from django.conf import settings
import fileAbstraction
from django.shortcuts import render
from django.http import HttpResponse, Http404
import os, stat
import re
from troggle.core.models import SurvexScansFolder, SurvexScanSingle, SurvexBlock, TunnelFile
import parsers.surveys
import urllib
# inline fileabstraction into here if it's not going to be useful anywhere else
# keep things simple and ignore exceptions everywhere for now
def getMimeType(extension):
return {"txt": "text/plain",
"html": "text/html",
print("unknown file type")
return "text/plain"
def listdir(request, path):
return HttpResponse(fileAbstraction.listdir(path), content_type="text/plain")
# raise Http404
def upload(request, path):
def download(request, path):
return HttpResponse(fileAbstraction.readFile(path), content_type=getMimeType(path.split(".")[-1]))
# raise Http404
# julian's quick hack for something that works
# could signal directories by ending with /, and forward cases where it's missing
extmimetypes = {".txt": "text/plain",
".html": "text/html",
".png": "image/png",
".jpg": "image/jpeg",
".jpeg": "image/jpeg",
# dead
def jgtfile(request, f):
fp = os.path.join(settings.SURVEYS, f)
# could also surf through SURVEX_DATA
# directory listing
if os.path.isdir(fp):
listdirfiles = [ ]
listdirdirs = [ ]
for lf in sorted(os.listdir(fp)):
hpath = os.path.join(f, lf) # not absolute path
if lf[0] == "." or lf[-1] == "~":
hpath = hpath.replace("\\", "/") # for windows users
href = hpath.replace("#", "%23") # '#' in file name annoyance
flf = os.path.join(fp, lf)
if os.path.isdir(flf):
nfiles = len([sf for sf in os.listdir(flf) if sf[0] != "."])
listdirdirs.append((href, hpath + "/", nfiles))
listdirfiles.append((href, hpath, os.path.getsize(flf)))
upperdirs = [ ]
lf = f
while lf:
hpath = lf.replace("\\", "/") # for windows users
if hpath[-1] != "/":
hpath += "/"
href = hpath.replace("#", "%23")
lf = os.path.split(lf)[0]
upperdirs.append((href, hpath))
upperdirs.append(("", "/"))
return render(request, 'listdir.html', {'file':f, 'listdirfiles':listdirfiles, 'listdirdirs':listdirdirs, 'upperdirs':upperdirs, 'settings': settings})
# flat output of file when loaded
if os.path.isfile(fp):
ext = os.path.splitext(fp)[1].lower()
mimetype = extmimetypes.get(ext, "text/plain")
fin = open(fp)
ftext = fin.read()
return HttpResponse(ftext, content_type=mimetype)
return HttpResponse("unknown file::%s::" % f, content_type = "text/plain")
def UniqueFile(fname):
while True:
if not os.path.exists(fname):
mname = re.match("(.*?)(?:-(\d+))?\.(png|jpg|jpeg)$(?i)", fname)
if mname:
fname = "%s-%d.%s" % (mname.group(1), int(mname.group(2) or "0") + 1, mname.group(3))
return fname
# join it all up and then split them off for the directories that don't exist
# anyway, this mkdir doesn't work
def SaveImageInDir(name, imgdir, project, fdata, bbinary):
print ("hihihihi", fdata, settings.SURVEYS)
fimgdir = os.path.join(settings.SURVEYS, imgdir)
if not os.path.isdir(fimgdir):
print "*** Making directory", fimgdir
fprojdir = os.path.join(fimgdir, project)
if not os.path.isdir(fprojdir):
print "*** Making directory", fprojdir
print "hhh"
fname = os.path.join(fprojdir, name)
print fname, "fff"
fname = UniqueFile(fname)
p2, p1 = os.path.split(fname)
p3, p2 = os.path.split(p2)
p4, p3 = os.path.split(p3)
res = os.path.join(p3, p2, p1)
print "saving file", fname
fout = open(fname, (bbinary and "wb" or "w"))
res = os.path.join(imgdir, name)
return res.replace("\\", "/")
# do we want to consider saving project/field rather than field/project
def jgtuploadfile(request):
filesuploaded = [ ]
project, user, password, tunnelversion = request.POST["tunnelproject"], request.POST["tunneluser"], request.POST["tunnelpassword"], request.POST["tunnelversion"]
print (project, user, tunnelversion)
for uploadedfile in request.FILES.values():
if uploadedfile.field_name in ["tileimage", "backgroundimage"] and \
uploadedfile.content_type in ["image/png", "image/jpeg"]:
fname = user + "_" + re.sub("[\\\\/]", "-", uploadedfile.name) # very escaped \
print fname
fileuploaded = SaveImageInDir(fname, uploadedfile.field_name, project, uploadedfile, True)
filesuploaded.append(settings.URL_ROOT + "/jgtfile/" + fileuploaded)
if uploadedfile.field_name in ["sketch"] and \
uploadedfile.content_type in ["text/plain"]:
fname = user + "_" + re.sub("[\\\\/]", "-", uploadedfile.name) # very escaped \
print fname
fileuploaded = SaveImageInDir(fname, uploadedfile.field_name, project, uploadedfile, False)
filesuploaded.append(settings.URL_ROOT + "/jgtfile/" + fileuploaded)
#print "FF", request.FILES
#print ("FFF", request.FILES.values())
message = ""
print "gothere"
return render(request, 'fileupload.html', {'message':message, 'filesuploaded':filesuploaded, 'settings': settings})
def surveyscansfolder(request, path):
#print [ s.walletname for s in SurvexScansFolder.objects.all() ]
survexscansfolder = SurvexScansFolder.objects.get(walletname=urllib.unquote(path))
return render(request, 'survexscansfolder.html', { 'survexscansfolder':survexscansfolder, 'settings': settings })
def surveyscansingle(request, path, file):
survexscansfolder = SurvexScansFolder.objects.get(walletname=urllib.unquote(path))
survexscansingle = SurvexScanSingle.objects.get(survexscansfolder=survexscansfolder, name=file)
return HttpResponse(content=open(survexscansingle.ffile), content_type=getMimeType(path.split(".")[-1]))
#return render(request, 'survexscansfolder.html', { 'survexscansfolder':survexscansfolder, 'settings': settings })
def surveyscansfolders(request):
survexscansfolders = SurvexScansFolder.objects.all()
return render(request, 'survexscansfolders.html', { 'survexscansfolders':survexscansfolders, 'settings': settings })
def tunneldata(request):
tunnelfiles = TunnelFile.objects.all()
return render(request, 'tunnelfiles.html', { 'tunnelfiles':tunnelfiles, 'settings': settings })
def tunnelfile(request, path):
tunnelfile = TunnelFile.objects.get(tunnelpath=urllib.unquote(path))
tfile = os.path.join(settings.TUNNEL_DATA, tunnelfile.tunnelpath)
return HttpResponse(content=open(tfile), content_type="text/plain")
def tunnelfileupload(request, path):
tunnelfile = TunnelFile.objects.get(tunnelpath=urllib.unquote(path))
tfile = os.path.join(settings.TUNNEL_DATA, tunnelfile.tunnelpath)
project, user, password, tunnelversion = request.POST["tunnelproject"], request.POST["tunneluser"], request.POST["tunnelpassword"], request.POST["tunnelversion"]
print (project, user, tunnelversion)
assert len(request.FILES.values()) == 1, "only one file to upload"
uploadedfile = request.FILES.values()[0]
if uploadedfile.field_name != "sketch":
return HttpResponse(content="Error: non-sketch file uploaded", content_type="text/plain")
if uploadedfile.content_type != "text/plain":
return HttpResponse(content="Error: non-plain content type", content_type="text/plain")
# could use this to add new files
if os.path.split(path)[1] != uploadedfile.name:
return HttpResponse(content="Error: name disagrees", content_type="text/plain")
orgsize = tunnelfile.filesize # = os.stat(tfile)[stat.ST_SIZE]
ttext = uploadedfile.read()
# could check that the user and projects agree here
fout = open(tfile, "w")
# redo its settings of
message = "File size %d overwritten with size %d" % (orgsize, tunnelfile.filesize)
return HttpResponse(content=message, content_type="text/plain")