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synced 2025-03-03 00:49:40 +00:00
Copied from http://cucc@cucc.survex.com/svn/trunk/expoweb/troggle/, rev. 8169 by julian @ 1/17/2009 7:46 PM
189 lines
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189 lines
7.1 KiB
{% extends "base.html" %}
{% load wiki_markup %}
{% block title %}CUCC Virtual Survey Binder: {{ current_expedition }}{{ current_survey }}{%endblock%}
{% block javascript %}
<script language="javascript">
blankColor = "rgb(153, 153, 153)"
highlightedColor = "rgb(125, 125, 125)"
chosenColor = "rgb(102, 102, 102)"
function highlight(div){
for (var i = 0, divIter; divIter = mnuItmLst[i]; i++) {
if (divIter.style.backgroundColor!="rgb(102, 102, 102)"){
if (div.style.backgroundColor!="rgb(102, 102, 102)"){
function unhighlight(div){
if (div.style.backgroundColor!=blankColor){
function choose(div){
for (var i = 0, divIter; divIter = mnuItmLst[i]; i++) {
for (var i = 0, divIter; divIter = mnuItmLst[i]; i++) {
function redirectSurvey(){
window.location = "{{ settings.URL_ROOT }}survey/" + document.getElementById("expeditionChooser").value + "%23" + document.getElementById("surveyChooser").value;
function redirectYear(){
window.location = "{{ settings.URL_ROOT }}survey/" + document.getElementById("expeditionChooser").value + "%23"
{% endblock %}
<body class="twoColHybLtHdr">
<div id="currentLocation">
CUCC Expo virtual survey binder:
{% if current_survey %}
{% else %}
{{current_year }}
{% endif %}
{% block nav %}
<div id="sidebar1">
<br />
<select id="expeditionChooser" onchange="redirectYear()">
{% for expedition in expeditions.reverse %}
<option label="{{ expedition }}" value="{{ expedition }}"
{% ifequal expedition current_expedition %}
{% endifequal %} >
{{ expedition }}
{% endfor %}
<select id="surveyChooser" onchange="redirectSurvey()">
<option label="show all" value=""> {% for survey in current_expedition.survey_set.all %}
<option label="{{ survey }}" value="{{ survey.wallet_number }}"
{% ifequal survey current_survey %}
{% endifequal %} >
{{ survey }} </option>
{% endfor %}
<option label="add" value="add">
<div id="status">
<div id="notes" class="menuBarItem" onmouseover="highlight(this)" onmouseout="unhighlight(this)" onclick="choose(this)"> {% if notes %}✓{% endif %}
scanned notes </div>
<div id="survexFile" class="menuBarItem" onmouseover="highlight(this)" onmouseout="unhighlight(this)" onclick="choose(this)"> {% if current_survey.survex_file %}✓{% endif %}
survex file </div>
<div id="printedCentreline" class="menuBarItem" onmouseover="highlight(this)" onmouseout="unhighlight(this)" onclick="choose(this)"> {% if current_survey.centreline_printed_on %}✓{% endif %}
printed centreline </div>
<div id="scannedPassageSketch" class="menuBarItem" onmouseover="highlight(this)" onmouseout="unhighlight(this)" onclick="choose(this)"> {% if planSketches %}✓{% endif %}
scanned passage sketch </div>
<div id="tunnelXMLfile" class="menuBarItem" onmouseover="highlight(this)" onmouseout="unhighlight(this)" onclick="choose(this)">tunnel xml file</div>
<div id="mainSketchIntegration" class="menuBarItem" onmouseover="highlight(this)" onmouseout="unhighlight(this)" onclick="choose(this)">add to main sketch</div>
{% endblock %}
{% block content %}
<div id="mainContent">
<div id="progressTableContent" class="behind" style="display:block;">
<th> </th>
{% for survey in current_expedition.survey_set.all %}
<th> {{ survey.wallet_number }} </th>
{% endfor %} </tr>
<td> Notes </td>
{% for survey in current_expedition.survey_set.all %}
<td> {% if survey.notes %}
{% endif %} </td>
{% endfor %} </tr>
<td> Survex file </td>
{% for survey in current_expedition.survey_set.all %}
<td> {% if survey.survex_file %}
{% endif %} </td>
{% endfor %} </tr>
<td> Plans </td>
{% for survey in current_expedition.survey_set.all %}
<td> {% if survey.plans %}
{% endif %} </td>
{% endfor %} </tr>
<td> Elevations </td>
{% for survey in current_expedition.survey_set.all %}
<td> {% if survey.elevations %}
{% endif %} </td>
{% endfor %} </tr>
<div id="notesContent" class="behind">
<h3>Scanned notes for {{ current_survey }}.</h3>
{% for noteItem in notes %}
<div class="figure">
<p> <img src="{{ noteItem.correctURL }}" class="thumbnail">
<p> File at: <a href="{{ noteItem.correctURL }}"> {{ noteItem.file.name }} </a> <br />
Scanned by: {{ noteItem.scanned_by }} <br />
On: {{ noteItem.scanned_on }} <br />
{% endfor %}
<div class="figure"> <a href="{{ settings.URL_ROOT }}admin/expo/scannedimage/add/"> <img src="{{ settings.URL_ROOT }}{{ settings.ADMIN_MEDIA_PREFIX }}img/admin/icon_addlink.gif" /> Add a new scanned notes page. </a> (to be improved) </div>
<div id="survexFileContent" class="behind"> survex file editor, keeping file in original structure <br />
who entered by </div>
<div id="printedCentrelineContent" class="behind"> centreline </div>
<div id="scannedPassageSketchContent" class="behind">
<h3>Scanned plan sketch files for {{ current_survey }}.</h3>
{% for sketchItem in planSketches %}
<div class="figure">
<p> <img src="{{ sketchItem.correctURL }}" class="thumbnail" />
<p> File at: <a href="{{ sketchItem.correctUrl }}"> {{ sketchItem.file.name }} </a> <br />
Scanned by: {{ sketchItem.scanned_by }} <br />
On: {{ sketchItem.scanned_on }} <br />
{% endfor %}
<div class="figure"> <a href="{{ settings.URL_ROOT }}admin/expo/scannedimage/add/"> <img src="{{ settings.URL_ROOT }}{{ settings.ADMIN_MEDIA_PREFIX }}img/admin/icon_addlink.gif" /> Add a new scanned notes page. </a> (to be improved) </div>
<div id="tunnelXMLfileContent" class="behind"> link to tunnel xml file. potentially instance of tunnel applet... </div>
<div id="mainSketchIntegrationContent" class="behind"> link to main sketch file </div>
<!-- end #mainContent -->
<br class="clearfloat" />
{% endblock %}