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synced 2025-03-07 02:49:36 +00:00
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import os
import folium
from pathlib import Path
from PIL import Image, ExifTags
from itertools import chain
"""To do
- create gpx file for adding in to existing GPSprune maps
- omit all the thumbs
- include *.jpeg
- can we also do other formats than JPG ?
- we want popup that hotlinks to URL of the photo of course
def get_coordinates(photo_path):
"""Extracting EXIF data from jpg files requires an external package because the EXIF standard
is interpreted differently by the many different implementations of the JPG file format
# Read EXIF data from photo
img = Image.open(photo_path)
exif_data = img._getexif()
# Extract latitude and longitude from EXIF data
gps_info = exif_data.get(34853) #'GPSInfo is a dict
# This does not mean that all the GPS fields are populated.
lat = gps_info.get(2, None)
lon = gps_info.get(4, None)
isn = gps_info.get(1, None)
ise = gps_info.get(3, None)
if isn and isn != "N":
print(f"{photo_path} WRONG hemisphere N/S {isn}")
if ise and ise != "E":
print(f"{photo_path} WRONG hemisphere E/W")
point = gps_info.get(17, None) # direction the camera is point towards
pointref = gps_info.get(16, None) # "M" for magnetic
taken = gps_info.get(29, None) # GPS datestamp
#print(f"{photo_path} - lat/lon exception")
# for key, value in gps_info.items():
# print(key, value, value.type())
return None, None
# Convert coordinates to decimal format
if lat and lon:
# lat and lon are tuples e.g. (47.0, 35.0, 5.77)
latitude = float(lat[0] + lat[1] / 60 + lat[2] / 3600)
longitude = float(lon[0] + lon[1] / 60 + lon[2] / 3600)
# Reverse geocode coordinates to get address
#address = geolocator.reverse((latitude, longitude))
return latitude, longitude
# print(f"{photo_path} - lat/lon conversion exception {lat=} {lon=}")
# for key, value in gps_info.items():
# print(key, value, type(value))
return None, None
# Specify the folder containing the photos
#photo_folder = Path("../../expoweb")
photo_folder = Path("/mnt/d/EXPO/PHOTOS")
#photo_folder = Path("/mnt/d/EXPO/PHOTOS/2019")
#photo_folder = Path("/mnt/d/EXPO/PHOTOS/2022/JonoL") # jpeg
save_gpx = "photos_jpg.gpx"
# these are generators, not lists
photosjpg = photo_folder.rglob("*.jpg")
photosjpeg = photo_folder.rglob("*.jpeg")
photos = chain(photosjpg, photosjpeg)
# Initialize a Folium map centered at an initial location
map = folium.Map(location=[47.691036, 13.821314], zoom_start=13)
photoset = []
# Iterate through photos in the folder
for photo_path in photos:
if photo_path.stem.startswith("slide_"):
#print(f" - abort slide")
if photo_path.stem.startswith("thumb_"):
#print(f" - abort thumb")
# Extract latitude, longitude, and address from photo
latitude, longitude = get_coordinates(photo_path)
if latitude and longitude:
print(f"{photo_path} {latitude:.6f} {longitude:.6f}")
# Create a marker for each photo with its location and address
location=[latitude, longitude],
icon=folium.Icon(color="red", icon="camera"),
photoset.append((photo_path, latitude, longitude))
# Save the folium map as an HTML file
print(f"Found {len(photoset)} GPS located photos in '{photo_folder}' and subdirectories.")
header = """<?xml version="1.0" encoding="windows-1252"?>
<gpx version="1.0" creator="troggle pmap"
xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.topografix.com/GPX/1/0 http://www.topografix.com/GPX/1/0/gpx.xsd">
<name>pmap photo GPS</name>
<desc>Troggle photos archive</desc>
with open(save_gpx, "w") as f:
for p in photoset:
photo_path, latitude, longitude = p
# add ele=
f.write(f'<wpt lat="{latitude:.6f}" lon="{longitude:.6f}"> <name>[{photo_path.stem}]</name><type>photo</type><desc>{str(photo_path).replace(str(photo_folder),"")}</desc></wpt>\n')