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synced 2025-03-04 09:29:36 +00:00
- Copy feincms media to project so that we don't have to serve it separately. Also useful because we may want to customize it.
250 lines
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250 lines
6.5 KiB
/*! Copyright (c) 2008 Brandon Aaron (http://brandonaaron.net)
* Dual licensed under the MIT (http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php)
* and GPL (http://www.opensource.org/licenses/gpl-license.php) licenses.
* Version: 1.0.3
* Requires jQuery 1.1.3+
* Docs: http://docs.jquery.com/Plugins/livequery
(function($) {
$.extend($.fn, {
livequery: function(type, fn, fn2) {
var self = this, q;
// Handle different call patterns
if ($.isFunction(type))
fn2 = fn, fn = type, type = undefined;
// See if Live Query already exists
$.each( $.livequery.queries, function(i, query) {
if ( self.selector == query.selector && self.context == query.context &&
type == query.type && (!fn || fn.$lqguid == query.fn.$lqguid) && (!fn2 || fn2.$lqguid == query.fn2.$lqguid) )
// Found the query, exit the each loop
return (q = query) && false;
// Create new Live Query if it wasn't found
q = q || new $.livequery(this.selector, this.context, type, fn, fn2);
// Make sure it is running
q.stopped = false;
// Run it immediately for the first time
// Contnue the chain
return this;
expire: function(type, fn, fn2) {
var self = this;
// Handle different call patterns
if ($.isFunction(type))
fn2 = fn, fn = type, type = undefined;
// Find the Live Query based on arguments and stop it
$.each( $.livequery.queries, function(i, query) {
if ( self.selector == query.selector && self.context == query.context &&
(!type || type == query.type) && (!fn || fn.$lqguid == query.fn.$lqguid) && (!fn2 || fn2.$lqguid == query.fn2.$lqguid) && !this.stopped )
// Continue the chain
return this;
$.livequery = function(selector, context, type, fn, fn2) {
this.selector = selector;
this.context = context || document;
this.type = type;
this.fn = fn;
this.fn2 = fn2;
this.elements = [];
this.stopped = false;
// The id is the index of the Live Query in $.livequery.queries
this.id = $.livequery.queries.push(this)-1;
// Mark the functions for matching later on
fn.$lqguid = fn.$lqguid || $.livequery.guid++;
if (fn2) fn2.$lqguid = fn2.$lqguid || $.livequery.guid++;
// Return the Live Query
return this;
$.livequery.prototype = {
stop: function() {
var query = this;
if ( this.type )
// Unbind all bound events
this.elements.unbind(this.type, this.fn);
else if (this.fn2)
// Call the second function for all matched elements
this.elements.each(function(i, el) {
// Clear out matched elements
this.elements = [];
// Stop the Live Query from running until restarted
this.stopped = true;
run: function() {
// Short-circuit if stopped
if ( this.stopped ) return;
var query = this;
var oEls = this.elements,
els = $(this.selector, this.context),
nEls = els.not(oEls);
// Set elements to the latest set of matched elements
this.elements = els;
if (this.type) {
// Bind events to newly matched elements
nEls.bind(this.type, this.fn);
// Unbind events to elements no longer matched
if (oEls.length > 0)
$.each(oEls, function(i, el) {
if ( $.inArray(el, els) < 0 )
$.event.remove(el, query.type, query.fn);
else {
// Call the first function for newly matched elements
nEls.each(function() {
// Call the second function for elements no longer matched
if ( this.fn2 && oEls.length > 0 )
$.each(oEls, function(i, el) {
if ( $.inArray(el, els) < 0 )
$.extend($.livequery, {
guid: 0,
queries: [],
queue: [],
running: false,
timeout: null,
checkQueue: function() {
if ( $.livequery.running && $.livequery.queue.length ) {
var length = $.livequery.queue.length;
// Run each Live Query currently in the queue
while ( length-- )
$.livequery.queries[ $.livequery.queue.shift() ].run();
pause: function() {
// Don't run anymore Live Queries until restarted
$.livequery.running = false;
play: function() {
// Restart Live Queries
$.livequery.running = true;
// Request a run of the Live Queries
registerPlugin: function() {
$.each( arguments, function(i,n) {
// Short-circuit if the method doesn't exist
if (!$.fn[n]) return;
// Save a reference to the original method
var old = $.fn[n];
// Create a new method
$.fn[n] = function() {
// Call the original method
var r = old.apply(this, arguments);
// Request a run of the Live Queries
// Return the original methods result
return r;
run: function(id) {
if (id != undefined) {
// Put the particular Live Query in the queue if it doesn't already exist
if ( $.inArray(id, $.livequery.queue) < 0 )
$.livequery.queue.push( id );
// Put each Live Query in the queue if it doesn't already exist
$.each( $.livequery.queries, function(id) {
if ( $.inArray(id, $.livequery.queue) < 0 )
$.livequery.queue.push( id );
// Clear timeout if it already exists
if ($.livequery.timeout) clearTimeout($.livequery.timeout);
// Create a timeout to check the queue and actually run the Live Queries
$.livequery.timeout = setTimeout($.livequery.checkQueue, 20);
stop: function(id) {
if (id != undefined)
// Stop are particular Live Query
$.livequery.queries[ id ].stop();
// Stop all Live Queries
$.each( $.livequery.queries, function(id) {
$.livequery.queries[ id ].stop();
// Register core DOM manipulation methods
$.livequery.registerPlugin('append', 'prepend', 'after', 'before', 'wrap', 'attr', 'removeAttr', 'addClass', 'removeClass', 'toggleClass', 'empty', 'remove');
// Run Live Queries when the Document is ready
$(function() { $.livequery.play(); });
// Save a reference to the original init method
var init = $.prototype.init;
// Create a new init method that exposes two new properties: selector and context
$.prototype.init = function(a,c) {
// Call the original init and save the result
var r = init.apply(this, arguments);
// Copy over properties if they exist already
if (a && a.selector)
r.context = a.context, r.selector = a.selector;
// Set properties
if ( typeof a == 'string' )
r.context = c || document, r.selector = a;
// Return the result
return r;
// Give the init function the jQuery prototype for later instantiation (needed after Rev 4091)
$.prototype.init.prototype = $.prototype;
})(jQuery); |