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{% extends "base.html" %}
{% block title %}Log Report {{year}} for {{expedition.name}}{% endblock %}
{% block related %}
{% endblock %}
{% block content %}
<!-- templates/logreport.html - this text visible because this template has been included -->
<h2>Logbook report for {{expedition.name}}</h2>
<p><b>Other years:</b>
{% for otherexpedition in expeditions %}
{% if otherexpedition == expedition %}
| <b>{{otherexpedition.year}}</b>
{% else %}
| <a href="/logreport/{{otherexpedition.year}}">{{ otherexpedition.year }}</a>
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
<p>(Hover mouse over the date to see the slug for the entry.)
{% if logged_in %}<font color="red">Logged in as expoadmin</font>{% endif %}
<table class="expeditionlogbooks">
<tr><th>Date</th><th>Logged trips and diary entries</th><th>Cave</th><th>Text..</th><th>Words</th><th>Author</th><th>Who else</th>
{% if logged_in %}<th><font color="red">Admin</font></th>{% endif %}
{% regroup dateditems|dictsort:"date" by date as dates %}
{% for date in dates %}
{% for entry in date.list %}
<td title="{{entry.slug}}">{{date.grouper|date:"D d M Y"}}</td>
<a href="{{ entry.get_absolute_url }}">{{entry.title|truncatechars:30|safe|striptags}}</a>&nbsp;
{% if entry.cave %}
<a href="/{{ entry.cave.url }}">{{entry.cave|safe}}</a><br/>
{% else %}
{% endif %}
<div align="right">{{entry.text|wordcount}}</div>
<a href="/personexpedition/{{entry.author.personexpedition.person}}/{{year}}">{{entry.author.nickname_used}}</a>
{% if entry.who %}
{% for w in entry.who %}
<a href="/personexpedition/{{w.personexpedition.person}}/{{year}}">{{w.nickname_used}}</a>,
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
{% if logged_in %}
<form name="import" method="post" action="/logentrydelete/{{year}}">{% csrf_token %}
<td><input type="hidden" value="{{entry.slug}}" name="entry_slug">
<input type="submit" value="delete"></td>
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% endfor %}
<p>See also:
<li> <a href="/expedition/{{expedition.year}}">full calendar page</a> for this Expo (slow page)
<li> <a href="/years/{{expedition.year}}/">documentation index</a> for this Expo
<li> <a href="/wallets/year/{{expedition.year}}">wallet completion status</a> for this Expo
<li> <a href="/aliases/{{expedition.year}}">alias names</a> for this Expo
<li> <a href="/years/{{expedition.year}}/{{expedition.logbookfile}}">full logbook</a> for this Expo
<li> <a href="/logbookedit/">new logbook entry</a> for this Expo
{% endblock %}