mirror of https://expo.survex.com/repositories/troggle/.git synced 2025-03-27 20:51:53 +00:00
Sam Wenham 768ec83037 Updating caves and entrances is no longer nuclear!
Big overhaul of people processing, fullname added to the model
lastname is now names -1 unless you only have one (yes you Wookey)
this allows for Jon Arne Toft and Wookey to live it the same DB
names can now have html chars in them, this should be real unicode but that can
only happen when we go to Python 3!
2019-04-19 22:52:54 +01:00

170 lines
7.3 KiB

#.-*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from django.conf import settings
import troggle.core.models as models
import csv, re, datetime, os, shutil
from utils import save_carefully
def saveMugShot(mugShotPath, mugShotFilename, person):
if mugShotFilename.startswith(r'i/'): #if filename in cell has the directory attached (I think they all do), remove it
mugShotFilename=mugShotFilename # just in case one doesn't
#Put a copy of the file in the right place. mugShotObj.file.path is determined by the django filesystemstorage specified in models.py
if not os.path.exists(dummyObj.file.path):
shutil.copy(mugShotPath, dummyObj.file.path)
mugShotObj, created = save_carefully(
lookupAttribs={'is_mugshot':True, 'file':mugShotFilename},
nonLookupAttribs={'caption':"Mugshot for "+person.first_name+" "+person.last_name}
if created:
def parseMugShotAndBlurb(personline, header, person):
"""create mugshot Photo instance"""
mugShotPath = os.path.join(settings.EXPOWEB, "folk", mugShotFilename)
if mugShotPath[-3:]=='jpg': #if person just has an image, add it
saveMugShot(mugShotPath=mugShotPath, mugShotFilename=mugShotFilename, person=person)
elif mugShotPath[-3:]=='htm': #if person has an html page, find the image(s) and add it. Also, add the text from the html page to the "blurb" field in his model instance.
if not person.blurb:
person.blurb=re.search('<body>.*<hr',personPageOld,re.DOTALL).group() #this needs to be refined, take care of the HTML and make sure it doesn't match beyond the blurb
for mugShotFilename in re.findall('i/.*?jpg',personPageOld,re.DOTALL):
mugShotPath = os.path.join(settings.EXPOWEB, "folk", mugShotFilename)
saveMugShot(mugShotPath=mugShotPath, mugShotFilename=mugShotFilename, person=person)
def LoadPersonsExpos():
persontab = open(os.path.join(settings.EXPOWEB, "folk", "folk.csv"))
personreader = csv.reader(persontab)
headers = personreader.next()
header = dict(zip(headers, range(len(headers))))
# make expeditions
print("Loading expeditions")
years = headers[5:]
for year in years:
lookupAttribs = {'year':year}
nonLookupAttribs = {'name':"CUCC expo %s" % year}
save_carefully(models.Expedition, lookupAttribs, nonLookupAttribs)
# make persons
print("Loading personexpeditions")
for personline in personreader:
name = personline[header["Name"]]
name = re.sub(r"<.*?>", "", name)
firstname = ""
nickname = ""
rawlastname = personline[header["Lastname"]].strip()
matchlastname = re.match(r"^([\w&;\s]+)(?:\(([^)]*)\))?", rawlastname)
lastname = matchlastname.group(1).strip()
splitnick = re.match(r"^([\w&;\s]+)(?:\(([^)]*)\))?", name)
fullname = splitnick.group(1)
nickname = splitnick.group(2) or ""
fullname = fullname.strip()
names = fullname.split(' ')
firstname = names[0]
if len(names) == 1:
lastname = ""
lookupAttribs={'first_name':firstname, 'last_name':(lastname or "")}
nonLookupAttribs={'is_vfho':personline[header["VfHO member"]], 'fullname':fullname}
person, created = save_carefully(models.Person, lookupAttribs, nonLookupAttribs)
parseMugShotAndBlurb(personline=personline, header=header, person=person)
# make person expedition from table
for year, attended in zip(headers, personline)[5:]:
expedition = models.Expedition.objects.get(year=year)
if attended == "1" or attended == "-1":
lookupAttribs = {'person':person, 'expedition':expedition}
nonLookupAttribs = {'nickname':nickname, 'is_guest':(personline[header["Guest"]] == "1")}
save_carefully(models.PersonExpedition, lookupAttribs, nonLookupAttribs)
# this fills in those people for whom 2008 was their first expo
#print "Loading personexpeditions 2008"
#expoers2008 = """Edvin Deadman,Kathryn Hopkins,Djuke Veldhuis,Becka Lawson,Julian Todd,Natalie Uomini,Aaron Curtis,Tony Rooke,Ollie Stevens,Frank Tully,Martin Jahnke,Mark Shinwell,Jess Stirrups,Nial Peters,Serena Povia,Olly Madge,Steve Jones,Pete Harley,Eeva Makiranta,Keith Curtis""".split(",")
#expomissing = set(expoers2008)
#for name in expomissing:
# firstname, lastname = name.split()
# is_guest = name in ["Eeva Makiranta", "Keith Curtis"]
# print "2008:", name
# persons = list(models.Person.objects.filter(first_name=firstname, last_name=lastname))
# if not persons:
# person = models.Person(first_name=firstname, last_name = lastname, is_vfho = False, mug_shot = "")
# #person.Sethref()
# person.save()
# else:
# person = persons[0]
# expedition = models.Expedition.objects.get(year="2008")
# personexpedition = models.PersonExpedition(person=person, expedition=expedition, nickname="", is_guest=is_guest)
# personexpedition.save()
# used in other referencing parser functions
# expedition name lookup cached for speed (it's a very big list)
Gpersonexpeditionnamelookup = { }
def GetPersonExpeditionNameLookup(expedition):
global Gpersonexpeditionnamelookup
res = Gpersonexpeditionnamelookup.get(expedition.name)
if res:
return res
res = { }
duplicates = set()
print("Calculating GetPersonExpeditionNameLookup for " + expedition.year)
personexpeditions = models.PersonExpedition.objects.filter(expedition=expedition)
for personexpedition in personexpeditions:
possnames = [ ]
f = personexpedition.person.first_name.lower()
l = personexpedition.person.last_name.lower()
full = personexpedition.person.fullname.lower()
if l:
possnames.append(f + " " + l)
possnames.append(f + " " + l[0])
possnames.append(f + l[0])
possnames.append(f[0] + " " + l)
if full not in possnames:
if personexpedition.nickname not in possnames:
if l:
# This allows for nickname to be used for short name eg Phil
# adding Phil Sargent to the list
if str(personexpedition.nickname.lower() + " " + l) not in possnames:
possnames.append(personexpedition.nickname.lower() + " " + l)
if str(personexpedition.nickname.lower() + " " + l[0]) not in possnames:
possnames.append(personexpedition.nickname.lower() + " " + l[0])
for possname in possnames:
if possname in res:
res[possname] = personexpedition
for possname in duplicates:
del res[possname]
Gpersonexpeditionnamelookup[expedition.name] = res
return res