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{% extends "base.html" %}
{% block title %}Expedition {{expedition.name}}{% endblock %}
{% block related %}
{% endblock %}
{% block content %}
<p><b>Other years:</b>
{% for otherexpedition in expeditions %}
{% if otherexpedition == expedition %}
| <b>{{otherexpedition.year}}</b>
{% else %}
| <a href="{{otherexpedition.get_absolute_url}}">{{ otherexpedition.year }}</a>
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
<p>See also the <a href="/years/{{expedition.year}}/">documentation index</a> for this Expo
{% if logged_in %}
<p>Reparse and reload this year's logbook by clicking here: <a href="/expedition/{{expedition.year}}?reload">RELOAD</a>
{% endif %}
<p><b>At a single glance:</b> The table shows all expo cavers and their recorded trips.
The columns are the date in the month (July or August), with a "T" for a logbook entry, and
an "S" for a survey trip. The colours are the same for people on the same trip.</p>
<table class="expeditionpersonlist">
{% for expeditionday in expedition.expeditionday_set.all %}
{% endfor %}
{% for personexpeditionday in personexpeditiondays %}
<td><a href="{{ personexpeditionday.personexpedition.get_absolute_url }}">{{personexpeditionday.personexpedition.person|safe}}</a></td>
{% for persondayactivities in personexpeditionday.personrow %}
{% if persondayactivities.persontrips or persondayactivities.survexblocks %}
<td class="persondayactivity">
{% for persontrip in persondayactivities.persontrips %}
<a href="{{persontrip.logbook_entry.get_absolute_url}}" class="dayindexlog-1">T</a>
{% endfor %}
{% for survexblock in persondayactivities.survexblocks %}
<a href="{% url "svx" survexblock.survexfile.path %}" class="dayindexsurvex-{{survexblock.DayIndex}}">S</a>
{% endfor %}
{% else %}
<td class="persondayactivity-nothing">
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% endfor %}
{% if logged_in %}
<form action="" method="GET"><input type="submit" name="reload" value="Reload from logbook"></form>
{% endif %}
<h3>Logbooks and survey trips per day</h3>
<table class="expeditionlogbooks">
<tr><th>Date</th><th>Logged trips</th><th>Surveys</th><th>Wallets</th></tr>
{% regroup dateditems|dictsort:"date" by date as dates %}
{% for date in dates %}
<td>{{date.grouper|date:"D d M Y"}}</td>
<td>{% for item in date.list %}
{% if item.isLogbookEntry %}<a href="{{ item.get_absolute_url }}">{{item.title|safe}}</a><br/>{% endif %}
{% endfor %}</td>
<td>{% for item in date.list %}
{% if item.isSurvexBlock %}<a href="{% url "svx" item.survexfile.path %}">{{item.name}}</a><br/>{% endif %}
{% endfor %}</td>
<td>{% for item in date.list %}
{% if item.isSurvexBlock %}
<a href="{{item.scanswallet.get_absolute_url}}">{{item.scanswallet.walletname}}</a><br/>
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}</td></tr>
{% endfor %}
{% endblock %}