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synced 2025-03-22 18:21:50 +00:00
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433 lines
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#.-*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from django.conf import settings
import core.models as models
from parsers.people import GetPersonExpeditionNameLookup
from parsers.cavetab import GetCaveLookup
from django.template.defaultfilters import slugify
import csv
import re
import datetime
import os
from utils import save_carefully
# When we edit logbook entries, allow a "?" after any piece of data to say we've frigged it and
# it can be checked up later from the hard-copy if necessary; or it's not possible to determin (name, trip place, etc)
# the logbook loading section
def GetTripPersons(trippeople, expedition, logtime_underground):
res = [ ]
author = None
for tripperson in re.split(",|\+|&|&(?!\w+;)| and ", trippeople):
tripperson = tripperson.strip()
mul = re.match("<u>(.*?)</u>$(?i)", tripperson)
if mul:
tripperson = mul.group(1).strip()
if tripperson and tripperson[0] != '*':
#assert tripperson in personyearmap, "'%s' << %s\n\n %s" % (tripperson, trippeople, personyearmap)
personyear = GetPersonExpeditionNameLookup(expedition).get(tripperson.lower())
if not personyear:
print "NoMatchFor: '%s'" % tripperson
res.append((personyear, logtime_underground))
if mul:
author = personyear
if not author:
if not res:
return None, None
author = res[-1][0]
return res, author
def GetTripCave(place): #need to be fuzzier about matching here. Already a very slow function...
# print "Getting cave for " , place
except ValueError:
if len(tripCaveRes)==1:
# print "Place " , place , "entered as" , tripCaveRes[0]
return tripCaveRes[0]
elif models.OtherCaveName.objects.filter(name=place):
# print "Place " , place , "entered as" , tripCaveRes
return tripCaveRes
elif len(tripCaveRes)>1:
print "Ambiguous place " + str(place) + " entered. Choose from " + str(tripCaveRes)
correctIndex=input("type list index of correct cave")
return tripCaveRes[correctIndex]
print "No cave found for place " , place
noncaveplaces = [ "Journey", "Loser Plateau" ]
def EnterLogIntoDbase(date, place, title, text, trippeople, expedition, logtime_underground):
""" saves a logbook entry and related persontrips """
trippersons, author = GetTripPersons(trippeople, expedition, logtime_underground)
if not author:
print "skipping logentry", title
# tripCave = GetTripCave(place)
lplace = place.lower()
if lplace not in noncaveplaces:
#Check for an existing copy of the current entry, and save
expeditionday = expedition.get_expedition_day(date)
lookupAttribs={'date':date, 'title':title}
nonLookupAttribs={'place':place, 'text':text, 'expedition':expedition, 'cave':cave, 'slug':slugify(title)[:50]}
lbo, created=save_carefully(models.LogbookEntry, lookupAttribs, nonLookupAttribs)
for tripperson, time_underground in trippersons:
lookupAttribs={'personexpedition':tripperson, 'logbook_entry':lbo}
nonLookupAttribs={'time_underground':time_underground, 'is_logbook_entry_author':(tripperson == author)}
#print nonLookupAttribs
save_carefully(models.PersonTrip, lookupAttribs, nonLookupAttribs)
def ParseDate(tripdate, year):
""" Interprets dates in the expo logbooks and returns a correct datetime.date object """
mdatestandard = re.match("(\d\d\d\d)-(\d\d)-(\d\d)", tripdate)
mdategoof = re.match("(\d\d?)/0?(\d)/(20|19)?(\d\d)", tripdate)
if mdatestandard:
assert mdatestandard.group(1) == year, (tripdate, year)
year, month, day = int(mdatestandard.group(1)), int(mdatestandard.group(2)), int(mdatestandard.group(3))
elif mdategoof:
assert not mdategoof.group(3) or mdategoof.group(3) == year[:2], mdategoof.groups()
yadd = int(year[:2]) * 100
day, month, year = int(mdategoof.group(1)), int(mdategoof.group(2)), int(mdategoof.group(4)) + yadd
assert False, tripdate
return datetime.date(year, month, day)
# 2007, 2008, 2006
def Parselogwikitxt(year, expedition, txt):
trippara = re.findall("===(.*?)===([\s\S]*?)(?====)", txt)
for triphead, triptext in trippara:
tripheadp = triphead.split("|")
#print "ttt", tripheadp
assert len(tripheadp) == 3, (tripheadp, triptext)
tripdate, tripplace, trippeople = tripheadp
tripsplace = tripplace.split(" - ")
tripcave = tripsplace[0].strip()
tul = re.findall("T/?U:?\s*(\d+(?:\.\d*)?|unknown)\s*(hrs|hours)?", triptext)
if tul:
#assert len(tul) <= 1, (triphead, triptext)
#assert tul[0][1] in ["hrs", "hours"], (triphead, triptext)
tu = tul[0][0]
tu = ""
#assert tripcave == "Journey", (triphead, triptext)
#print tripdate
ldate = ParseDate(tripdate.strip(), year)
#print "\n", tripcave, "--- ppp", trippeople, len(triptext)
EnterLogIntoDbase(date = ldate, place = tripcave, title = tripplace, text = triptext, trippeople=trippeople, expedition=expedition, logtime_underground=0)
# 2002, 2004, 2005
def Parseloghtmltxt(year, expedition, txt):
tripparas = re.findall("<hr\s*/>([\s\S]*?)(?=<hr)", txt)
for trippara in tripparas:
s = re.match('''(?x)(?:\s*<div\sclass="tripdate"\sid=".*?">.*?</div>\s*<p>)? # second date
''', trippara)
if not s:
if not re.search("Rigging Guide", trippara):
print "can't parse: ", trippara # this is 2007 which needs editing
#assert s, trippara
tripid, tripid1, tripdate, trippeople, triptitle, triptext, tu = s.groups()
ldate = ParseDate(tripdate.strip(), year)
#assert tripid[:-1] == "t" + tripdate, (tripid, tripdate)
trippeople = re.sub("Ol(?!l)", "Olly", trippeople)
trippeople = re.sub("Wook(?!e)", "Wookey", trippeople)
triptitles = triptitle.split(" - ")
if len(triptitles) >= 2:
tripcave = triptitles[0]
tripcave = "UNKNOWN"
#print "\n", tripcave, "--- ppp", trippeople, len(triptext)
ltriptext = re.sub("</p>", "", triptext)
ltriptext = re.sub("\s*?\n\s*", " ", ltriptext)
ltriptext = re.sub("<p>", "\n\n", ltriptext).strip()
EnterLogIntoDbase(date = ldate, place = tripcave, title = triptitle, text = ltriptext, trippeople=trippeople, expedition=expedition, logtime_underground=0)
# main parser for pre-2001. simpler because the data has been hacked so much to fit it
def Parseloghtml01(year, expedition, txt):
tripparas = re.findall("<hr[\s/]*>([\s\S]*?)(?=<hr)", txt)
for trippara in tripparas:
s = re.match(u"(?s)\s*(?:<p>)?(.*?)</?p>(.*)$(?i)", trippara)
assert s, trippara[:300]
tripheader, triptext = s.group(1), s.group(2)
mtripid = re.search('<a id="(.*?)"', tripheader)
tripid = mtripid and mtripid.group(1) or ""
tripheader = re.sub("</?(?:[ab]|span)[^>]*>", "", tripheader)
#print " ", [tripheader]
tripdate, triptitle, trippeople = tripheader.split("|")
ldate = ParseDate(tripdate.strip(), year)
mtu = re.search('<p[^>]*>(T/?U.*)', triptext)
if mtu:
tu = mtu.group(1)
triptext = triptext[:mtu.start(0)] + triptext[mtu.end():]
tu = ""
triptitles = triptitle.split(" - ")
tripcave = triptitles[0].strip()
ltriptext = triptext
mtail = re.search('(?:<a href="[^"]*">[^<]*</a>|\s|/|-|&|</?p>|\((?:same day|\d+)\))*$', ltriptext)
if mtail:
#print mtail.group(0)
ltriptext = ltriptext[:mtail.start(0)]
ltriptext = re.sub("</p>", "", ltriptext)
ltriptext = re.sub("\s*?\n\s*", " ", ltriptext)
ltriptext = re.sub("<p>|<br>", "\n\n", ltriptext).strip()
#ltriptext = re.sub("[^\s0-9a-zA-Z\-.,:;'!]", "NONASCII", ltriptext)
ltriptext = re.sub("</?u>", "_", ltriptext)
ltriptext = re.sub("</?i>", "''", ltriptext)
ltriptext = re.sub("</?b>", "'''", ltriptext)
#print ldate, trippeople.strip()
# could includ the tripid (url link for cross referencing)
EnterLogIntoDbase(date=ldate, place=tripcave, title=triptitle, text=ltriptext, trippeople=trippeople, expedition=expedition, logtime_underground=0)
def Parseloghtml03(year, expedition, txt):
tripparas = re.findall("<hr\s*/>([\s\S]*?)(?=<hr)", txt)
for trippara in tripparas:
s = re.match(u"(?s)\s*<p>(.*?)</p>(.*)$", trippara)
assert s, trippara
tripheader, triptext = s.group(1), s.group(2)
tripheader = re.sub(" ", " ", tripheader)
tripheader = re.sub("\s+", " ", tripheader).strip()
sheader = tripheader.split(" -- ")
tu = ""
if re.match("T/U|Time underwater", sheader[-1]):
tu = sheader.pop()
if len(sheader) != 3:
print "header not three pieces", sheader
tripdate, triptitle, trippeople = sheader
ldate = ParseDate(tripdate.strip(), year)
triptitles = triptitle.split(" , ")
if len(triptitles) >= 2:
tripcave = triptitles[0]
tripcave = "UNKNOWN"
#print tripcave, "--- ppp", triptitle, trippeople, len(triptext)
ltriptext = re.sub("</p>", "", triptext)
ltriptext = re.sub("\s*?\n\s*", " ", ltriptext)
ltriptext = re.sub("<p>", "\n\n", ltriptext).strip()
ltriptext = re.sub("[^\s0-9a-zA-Z\-.,:;'!&()\[\]<>?=+*%]", "_NONASCII_", ltriptext)
EnterLogIntoDbase(date = ldate, place = tripcave, title = triptitle, text = ltriptext, trippeople=trippeople, expedition=expedition, logtime_underground=0)
yearlinks = [
("2009", "2009/2009logbook.txt", Parselogwikitxt),
("2008", "2008/2008logbook.txt", Parselogwikitxt),
("2007", "2007/logbook.html", Parseloghtmltxt),
("2006", "2006/logbook/logbook_06.txt", Parselogwikitxt),
("2005", "2005/logbook.html", Parseloghtmltxt),
("2004", "2004/logbook.html", Parseloghtmltxt),
("2003", "2003/logbook.html", Parseloghtml03),
("2002", "2002/logbook.html", Parseloghtmltxt),
("2001", "2001/log.htm", Parseloghtml01),
("2000", "2000/log.htm", Parseloghtml01),
("1999", "1999/log.htm", Parseloghtml01),
("1998", "1998/log.htm", Parseloghtml01),
("1997", "1997/log.htm", Parseloghtml01),
("1996", "1996/log.htm", Parseloghtml01),
("1995", "1995/log.htm", Parseloghtml01),
("1994", "1994/log.htm", Parseloghtml01),
("1993", "1993/log.htm", Parseloghtml01),
("1992", "1992/log.htm", Parseloghtml01),
("1991", "1991/log.htm", Parseloghtml01),
def SetDatesFromLogbookEntries(expedition):
Sets the date_from and date_to field for an expedition based on persontrips.
Then sets the expedition date_from and date_to based on the personexpeditions.
for personexpedition in expedition.personexpedition_set.all():
persontrips = personexpedition.persontrip_set.order_by('logbook_entry__date')
# sequencing is difficult to do
lprevpersontrip = None
for persontrip in persontrips:
persontrip.persontrip_prev = lprevpersontrip
if lprevpersontrip:
lprevpersontrip.persontrip_next = persontrip
persontrip.persontrip_next = None
lprevpersontrip = persontrip
def LoadLogbookForExpedition(expedition):
""" Parses all logbook entries for one expedition """
expowebbase = os.path.join(settings.EXPOWEB, "years")
year = str(expedition.year)
for lyear, lloc, parsefunc in yearlinks:
if lyear == year:
fin = open(os.path.join(expowebbase, lloc))
print "opennning", lloc
txt = fin.read().decode("latin1")
parsefunc(year, expedition, txt)
return "TOLOAD: " + year + " " + str(expedition.personexpedition_set.all()[1].logbookentry_set.count()) + " " + str(models.PersonTrip.objects.filter(personexpedition__expedition=expedition).count())
def LoadLogbooks():
""" This is the master function for parsing all logbooks into the Troggle database. Requires yearlinks, which is a list of tuples for each expedition with expedition year, logbook path, and parsing function. """
#Deletion has been moved to a seperate function to enable the non-destructive importing
expowebbase = os.path.join(settings.EXPOWEB, "years")
#yearlinks = [ ("2001", "2001/log.htm", Parseloghtml01), ] #overwrite
#yearlinks = [ ("1996", "1996/log.htm", Parseloghtml01),] # overwrite
for year, lloc, parsefunc in yearlinks:
expedition = models.Expedition.objects.filter(year = year)[0]
fin = open(os.path.join(expowebbase, lloc))
txt = fin.read().decode("latin1")
parsefunc(year, expedition, txt)
dateRegex = re.compile('<span\s+class="date">(\d\d\d\d)-(\d\d)-(\d\d)</span>', re.S)
expeditionYearRegex = re.compile('<span\s+class="expeditionyear">(.*?)</span>', re.S)
titleRegex = re.compile('<H1>(.*?)</H1>', re.S)
reportRegex = re.compile('<div\s+class="report">(.*)</div>\s*</body>', re.S)
personRegex = re.compile('<div\s+class="person">(.*?)</div>', re.S)
nameAuthorRegex = re.compile('<span\s+class="name(,author|)">(.*?)</span>', re.S)
TURegex = re.compile('<span\s+class="TU">([0-9]*\.?[0-9]+)</span>', re.S)
locationRegex = re.compile('<span\s+class="location">(.*?)</span>', re.S)
caveRegex = re.compile('<span\s+class="cave">(.*?)</span>', re.S)
def parseAutoLogBookEntry(filename):
errors = []
f = open(filename, "r")
contents = f.read()
dateMatch = dateRegex.search(contents)
if dateMatch:
year, month, day = [int(x) for x in dateMatch.groups()]
date = datetime.date(year, month, day)
errors.append("Date could not be found")
expeditionYearMatch = expeditionYearRegex.search(contents)
if expeditionYearMatch:
expedition = models.Expedition.objects.get(year = expeditionYearMatch.groups()[0])
personExpeditionNameLookup = GetPersonExpeditionNameLookup(expedition)
except models.Expedition.DoesNotExist:
errors.append("Expedition not in database")
errors.append("Expediton Year could not be parsed")
titleMatch = titleRegex.search(contents)
if titleMatch:
title, = titleMatch.groups()
if len(title) > settings.MAX_LOGBOOK_ENTRY_TITLE_LENGTH:
errors.append("Title too long")
errors.append("Title could not be found")
caveMatch = caveRegex.search(contents)
if caveMatch:
caveRef, = caveMatch.groups()
cave = models.getCaveByReference(caveRef)
except AssertionError:
cave = None
errors.append("Cave not found in database")
cave = None
locationMatch = locationRegex.search(contents)
if locationMatch:
location, = locationMatch.groups()
location = None
if cave is None and location is None:
errors.append("Location nor cave could not be found")
reportMatch = reportRegex.search(contents)
if reportMatch:
report, = reportMatch.groups()
errors.append("Contents could not be found")
if errors:
return errors # Easiest to bail out at this point as we need to make sure that we know which expedition to look for people from.
people = []
for personMatch in personRegex.findall(contents):
nameAuthorMatch = nameAuthorRegex.search(contents)
if nameAuthorMatch:
author, name = nameAuthorMatch.groups()
if name.lower() in personExpeditionNameLookup:
personExpo = personExpeditionNameLookup[name.lower()]
errors.append("Person could not be found in database")
author = bool(author)
errors.append("Persons name could not be found")
TUMatch = TURegex.search(contents)
if TUMatch:
TU, = TUMatch.groups()
errors.append("TU could not be found")
if not errors:
people.append((name, author, TU))
if errors:
return errors # Bail out before commiting to the database
logbookEntry = models.LogbookEntry(date = date,
expedition = expedition,
title = title, cave = cave, place = location,
text = report, slug = slugify(title)[:50],
filename = filename)
for name, author, TU in people:
models.PersonTrip(personexpedition = personExpo,
time_underground = TU,
logbook_entry = logbookEntry,
is_logbook_entry_author = author).save()
print logbookEntry