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# footled lots to make this work with python 3.10 & 3.11 and WSL1 and WSL2 on Ubuntu 22.04
# Run this in a terminal in the troggle directory: 'bash venv-trog.sh'
echo '-- Run this in a terminal in the real troggle directory: "bash venv-trog.sh"'
# Expects an Ubuntu 22.04 relatively clean install.
# If you have not already installed these on your clean Ubuntu install DO THIS FIRST
# use the script os-trog.sh
# If you are using Debian, then stick with the default version of python
# If you are using Ubuntu, then it is easy to use a later version of python, e.g. 3.10 or 3.11
# NOW we set up troggle
VENAME=p10d5 # python3.x and django 3.2
echo "** You are logged in as `id -u -n`"
echo "The 50MB pip cache will be in /home/`id -u -n`/.cache/"
echo "The 150MB venv will created in /home/`id -u -n`/$VENAME/"
TROGDIR=$(cd $(dirname $0) && pwd)
echo "-- Troggle folder (this script location): ${TROGDIR}"
if [ -d requirements.txt ]; then
echo "-- No requirements.txt found. Copy it from your most recent installation."
exit 1
echo ## Using requirements.txt :
cat requirements.txt
echo ##
$PYTHON --version
# NOTE that when using a later or earlier verison of python, you MUST also
# use the allowed version of Pillow, see https://pillow.readthedocs.io/en/latest/installation.html
# NOW set up link from expo user folder
# needed for WSL2
echo Creating links from Linux filesystem user
# These links only need making once, for many venv
cd ~
if [ ! -d $VENAME ]; then
echo "## Creating venv $VENAME. (If this fails with a pip error, you need to ensure you have python3.11-venv installed and/or use a Ubuntu window)"
echo "## /$VENAME/ already exists ! Delete it first."
exit 1
# Activate the virtual env and see what the default packages are
echo "### Activating $VENAME"
echo "-- now in: ${PWD}"
source bin/activate
echo "### Activated."
# update local version of pip, more recent than OS version
# debian bullseye installs pip 20.3.4 which barfs, we want >22.0.3
# update local version of setuptools, more recent than OS version, needed for packages without wheels
echo "### installing later version of pip inside $VENAME"
$PYTHON -m pip install --upgrade pip
$PYTHON -m pip install --upgrade setuptools
$PIP list > original-pip.list
$PIP freeze >original.txt
# we are in /home/$USER/$VENAME/
ln -s ${TROGDIR} troggle
ln -s ${TROGDIR}/../expoweb expoweb
ln -s ${TROGDIR}/../loser loser
ln -s ${TROGDIR}/../drawings drawings
# fudge for philip's machine
if [ -d ${TROGDIR}/../expofiles ]; then
ln -s ${TROGDIR}/../expofiles expofiles
ln -s /mnt/f/expofiles expofiles
echo "### links to expoweb, troggle etc. complete:"
ls -tla
echo "###"
echo "### now installing ${TROGDIR}/requirements.txt"
echo "###"
$PIP install -r ${TROGDIR}/requirements.txt
echo '### install from requirements.txt completed.'
echo '### '
$PIP freeze > requirements.txt
# so that we can track requirements more easily with git
# because we do not install these with pip, but they are listed by the freeze command
# Now find out what we actually installed by subtracting the stuff venv installed anyway
sort original.txt > 1
sort requirements.txt >2
comm -3 1 2 --check-order | awk '{ print $1}'>fresh-requirements.txt
rm 1
rm 2
cp requirements.txt requirements-$VENAME.txt
cp requirements-$VENAME.txt troggle/requirements-$VENAME.txt
$PIP list > installed-pip.list
$PIP list -o > installed-pip-o.list
mkdir $REQ
mv requirements-$VENAME.txt $REQ
mv original.txt $REQ
mv requirements.txt $REQ
mv original-pip.list $REQ
mv installed-pip.list $REQ
mv installed-pip-o.list $REQ
cp fresh-requirements.txt ../requirements.txt
mv fresh-requirements.txt $REQ
cp troggle/`basename "$0"` $REQ
$PYTHON --version
python --version
echo "Django version:`django-admin --version`"
echo "### Now do
'[sudo service mysql start]'
'[sudo service mariadb restart]'
'[sudo mysql_secure_installation]'
'cd ~/$VENAME'
'source bin/activate'
'cd troggle'
'python manage.py check'
'python manage.py test -v 2'
'python databaseReset.py reset $VENAME'
'python manage.py runserver (and allow access when the firewall window pops up)'