mirror of https://expo.survex.com/repositories/troggle/.git synced 2025-03-03 00:49:40 +00:00
wookey e49e22b37c Removed asserts which meant that if any 'odd' .svx files, or directories
with no obvious 'controlling' svx file, were added to the dataset then the
survex viewer code exploded and the website didn't work.

It's wrong that adding a new cave with an oddly-named .svx file can break
the website in this way, so these asserts are wrong.
2013-06-24 23:32:12 +01:00

330 lines
12 KiB

from django import forms
from django.http import HttpResponseRedirect, HttpResponse
from django.shortcuts import render_to_response
from django.http import HttpResponse, Http404
import re
import os
import datetime
import difflib
from troggle.core.models import Expedition, Person, PersonExpedition, PersonTrip, LogbookEntry, Cave
from troggle.core.models import SurvexBlock, SurvexPersonRole, SurvexFile, SurvexDirectory, SurvexTitle
from parsers.people import GetPersonExpeditionNameLookup
import troggle.settings as settings
import parsers.survex
survextemplatefile = """; Locn: Totes Gebirge, Austria - Loser/Augst-Eck Plateau (kataster group 1623)
; Cave:
*begin [surveyname]
*export [connecting stations]
*title "area title"
*date 2999.99.99
*team Insts [Caver]
*team Insts [Caver]
*team Notes [Caver]
*instrument [set number]
;ref.: 2009#NN
*calibrate tape +0.0 ; +ve if tape was too short, -ve if too long
*data normal from to tape compass clino
1 2 3.90 298 -20
*data passage station left right up down ignoreall
1 [L] [R] [U] [D] comment
*end [surveyname]"""
def ReplaceTabs(stext):
res = [ ]
nsl = 0
for s in re.split("(\t|\n)", stext):
if s == "\t":
res.append(" " * (4 - (nsl % 4)))
nsl = 0
if s == "\n":
nsl = 0
nsl += len(s)
return "".join(res)
class SvxForm(forms.Form):
dirname = forms.CharField(widget=forms.TextInput(attrs={"readonly":True}))
filename = forms.CharField(widget=forms.TextInput(attrs={"readonly":True}))
datetime = forms.DateTimeField(widget=forms.TextInput(attrs={"readonly":True}))
outputtype = forms.CharField(widget=forms.TextInput(attrs={"readonly":True}))
code = forms.CharField(widget=forms.Textarea(attrs={"cols":150, "rows":18}))
def GetDiscCode(self):
fname = settings.SURVEX_DATA + self.data['filename'] + ".svx"
if not os.path.isfile(fname):
return survextemplatefile
fin = open(fname, "rb")
svxtext = fin.read().decode("latin1") # unicode(a, "latin1")
svxtext = ReplaceTabs(svxtext).strip()
return svxtext
def DiffCode(self, rcode):
code = self.GetDiscCode()
difftext = difflib.unified_diff(code.splitlines(), rcode.splitlines())
difflist = [ diffline.strip() for diffline in difftext if not re.match("\s*$", diffline) ]
return difflist
def SaveCode(self, rcode):
fname = settings.SURVEX_DATA + self.data['filename'] + ".svx"
if not os.path.isfile(fname):
# only save if appears valid
if re.search("\[|\]", rcode):
return "Error: clean up all []s from the text"
mbeginend = re.search("(?s)\*begin\s+(\w+).*?\*end\s+(\w+)", rcode)
if not mbeginend:
return "Error: no begin/end block here"
if mbeginend.group(1) != mbeginend.group(2):
return "Error: mismatching beginend"
fout = open(fname, "w")
res = fout.write(rcode.encode("latin1"))
return "SAVED"
def Process(self):
print "....\n\n\n....Processing\n\n\n"
cwd = os.getcwd()
os.chdir(os.path.split(settings.SURVEX_DATA + self.data['filename'])[0])
os.system(settings.CAVERN + " --log " + settings.SURVEX_DATA + self.data['filename'] + ".svx")
fin = open(settings.SURVEX_DATA + self.data['filename'] + ".log", "rb")
log = fin.read()
log = re.sub("(?s).*?(Survey contains)", "\\1", log)
return log
def svx(request, survex_file):
# get the basic data from the file given in the URL
dirname = os.path.split(survex_file)[0]
dirname += "/"
nowtime = datetime.datetime.now().strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')
outputtype = "normal"
form = SvxForm({'filename':survex_file, 'dirname':dirname, 'datetime':nowtime, 'outputtype':outputtype})
# if the form has been returned
difflist = [ ]
logmessage = ""
message = ""
if request.method == 'POST': # If the form has been submitted...
rform = SvxForm(request.POST) #
if rform.is_valid(): # All validation rules pass (how do we check it against the filename and users?)
rcode = rform.cleaned_data['code']
outputtype = rform.cleaned_data['outputtype']
difflist = form.DiffCode(rcode)
#print "ssss", rform.data
if "revert" in rform.data:
if "process" in rform.data:
if not difflist:
logmessage = form.Process()
print logmessage
message = "SAVE FILE FIRST"
form.data['code'] = rcode
if "save" in rform.data:
if request.user.is_authenticated():
#print "sssavvving"
message = form.SaveCode(rcode)
message = "You do not have authority to save this file"
if message != "SAVED":
form.data['code'] = rcode
if "diff" in rform.data:
form.data['code'] = rcode
if 'code' not in form.data:
form.data['code'] = form.GetDiscCode()
if not difflist:
if message:
difflist.insert(0, message)
#print [ form.data['code'] ]
svxincludes = re.findall('\*include\s+(\S+)(?i)', form.data['code'] or "")
vmap = {'settings': settings,
'has_3d': os.path.isfile(settings.SURVEX_DATA + survex_file + ".3d"),
'title': survex_file,
'svxincludes': svxincludes,
'difflist': difflist,
if outputtype == "ajax":
return render_to_response('svxfiledifflistonly.html', vmap)
return render_to_response('svxfile.html', vmap)
def svxraw(request, survex_file):
svx = open(os.path.join(settings.SURVEX_DATA, survex_file+".svx"), "rb")
return HttpResponse(svx, mimetype="text")
# The cavern running function
def process(survex_file):
cwd = os.getcwd()
os.chdir(os.path.split(settings.SURVEX_DATA + survex_file)[0])
os.system(settings.CAVERN + " --log " + settings.SURVEX_DATA + survex_file + ".svx")
def threed(request, survex_file):
threed = open(settings.SURVEX_DATA + survex_file + ".3d", "rb")
return HttpResponse(threed, mimetype="model/3d")
log = open(settings.SURVEX_DATA + survex_file + ".log", "rb")
return HttpResponse(log, mimetype="text")
def log(request, survex_file):
log = open(settings.SURVEX_DATA + survex_file + ".log", "rb")
return HttpResponse(log, mimetype="text")
def err(request, survex_file):
err = open(settings.SURVEX_DATA + survex_file + ".err", "rb")
return HttpResponse(err, mimetype="text")
def identifycavedircontents(gcavedir):
# find the primary survex file in each cave directory
# name is the directory, nf is the base name of the file we are currently trying
# primesvx is the 'controlling' .svx for this dir. This code currently wrongly assumes that every dir has one
# The in-scan exceptions are a bad idea.
# subsvx is all the svx files in this dir, with 'primesvx' listed first
# subdirs is sibdirs of the current dir.
name = os.path.split(gcavedir)[1]
subdirs = [ ]
subsvx = [ ]
primesvx = None
for f in os.listdir(gcavedir):
if name == "204" and (f in ["skel.svx", "template.svx", "204withents.svx"]):
elif name == "136" and (f in ["136-noents.svx"]):
elif name == "115" and (f in ["115cufix.svx", "115fix.svx"]):
elif os.path.isdir(os.path.join(gcavedir, f)):
if f[0] != ".":
elif f[-4:] == ".svx":
nf = f[:-4]
if nf.lower() == name.lower() or nf[:3] == "all" or (name, nf) in [("resurvey2005", "145-2005"),("cucc","142"),("cucc","cu115")]:
if primesvx:
if nf[:3] == "all":
assert primesvx[:3] != "all", (name, nf, primesvx, gcavedir, subsvx)
primesvx = nf
assert primesvx[:3] == "all", (name, nf, primesvx, gcavedir, subsvx)
primesvx = nf
# This assert means that having a .ods file in the dir is fatal - that's not a good thing
# so commented out [W]
#assert re.match(".*?(?:.3d|.log|.err|.txt|.tmp|.diff|.e?spec|~)$", f), (gcavedir, f)
#If this code fails then _no_ survey files are vieable.
#This assert means that any wierd file someone checks in to the dataset can make _everything_ unveiwable.
#If we don't grok it then just skip it.?
#assert primesvx, (gcavedir, subsvx)
if primesvx:
subsvx.insert(0, primesvx)
return subdirs, subsvx
# direct local non-database browsing through the svx file repositories
# perhaps should use the database and have a reload button for it
def survexcaveslist(request):
cavesdir = os.path.join(settings.SURVEX_DATA, "caves")
cavesdircontents = { }
onefilecaves = [ ]
multifilecaves = [ ]
subdircaves = [ ]
# first sort the file list
fnumlist = [ (-int(re.match("\d*", f).group(0) or "0"), f) for f in os.listdir(cavesdir) ]
# go through the list and identify the contents of each cave directory
for num, cavedir in fnumlist:
if cavedir in ["144", "40"]:
gcavedir = os.path.join(cavesdir, cavedir)
if os.path.isdir(gcavedir) and cavedir[0] != ".":
subdirs, subsvx = identifycavedircontents(gcavedir)
survdirobj = [ ]
for lsubsvx in subsvx:
survdirobj.append(("caves/"+cavedir+"/"+lsubsvx, lsubsvx))
# caves with subdirectories
if subdirs:
subsurvdirs = [ ]
for subdir in subdirs:
dsubdirs, dsubsvx = identifycavedircontents(os.path.join(gcavedir, subdir))
assert not dsubdirs
lsurvdirobj = [ ]
for lsubsvx in dsubsvx:
lsurvdirobj.append(("caves/"+cavedir+"/"+subdir+"/"+lsubsvx, lsubsvx))
subsurvdirs.append((lsurvdirobj[0], lsurvdirobj[1:]))
subdircaves.append((cavedir, (survdirobj[0], survdirobj[1:]), subsurvdirs))
# multifile caves
elif len(survdirobj) > 1:
multifilecaves.append((survdirobj[0], survdirobj[1:]))
# single file caves
return render_to_response('svxfilecavelist.html', {'settings': settings, "onefilecaves":onefilecaves, "multifilecaves":multifilecaves, "subdircaves":subdircaves })
# parsing all the survex files of a single cave and showing that it's consistent and can find all the files and people
# doesn't use recursion. just writes it twice
def survexcavesingle(request, survex_cave):
breload = False
cave = Cave.objects.get(kataster_number=survex_cave)
if breload:
return render_to_response('svxcavesingle.html', {'settings': settings, "cave":cave })